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Modafinil: Supremacy of Reason

20 Dec 2016

It’s time to see a very unusual drug that can safely make a list of the most vigorous cognitive activators that exist in the still young world of nootropics. In some countries it is on the list of banned substances to spread, in other not what sells "prescription", but is on a par with conventional biological supplements, such as Gingko biloba or green tea extract.

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It's about Modafinil(Adrafinil)! It can be said, the most popular smart-drag among students and scholars in the West, Western Phenotropil.

Today will be another interesting study, thus, an important amendment, the power is not safe, as it would not be in any. In Russia it is forbidden, we will not say how and how much to drink, and google will find all. In Western countries, it is used in military and medical purposes, by appointment (combating sleepiness).

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How does Modafinil act

Most of all modafinil is sold in tablet form. So a desperate subject, in the hope of achieving their selfish ends lowland consumes 300 mg of material, which is then inflated with a book and a film series about a pill for the brain. In the stomach / intestine is a magical substance is absorbed into the blood stream. Blood from this desperate subject circulates through the body. Modafinil passes brain protection and, once it begins its dark action which lasts about 12 hours. There are several isomers of modafinil, and the duration of changes

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The action itself is not fully understood. And some of the effects of this drug remains unclear. Like the butterfly effect, for Research, we see the action here and here, but why more and then something works.

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What is well known by almost 100%:

  • 1.Partially blocked the reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and glutamate, increasing their production. Who does not know these substances, we read the corresponding article. Action-style drugs such as cocaine / amphetamine. In the short term, the combination of production and blocking the reuptake of catecholamines suggests a furious drive, stimulation, Tunnel vision, when you easily focus on any one thing, even when everything is moving / jumping / flashes. Simply put, such a person is difficult to draw, it is collected and concentrated. However, because you can become paranoid and concentrate, at least believe in Pokemon.
  • 2.It increases the level of histamine. No sleep. Perhaps few people know that the majority of drug allergies, rashes - antihistamines. Histamine develops, strengthens the body's response to a stimulus, he seems to be saying: "You are nothing is eaten or sniffed - here's a rash on the hands and a couple of spots on the back. Your great-grandfather of this garbage almost died, this information has been encoded in a particular gene, so that you - fool not to repeat the mistakes. Nothing personal!". Antihistamines, as the name implies, suppress it. And Modafinil, on the contrary, increases its production, making the body more sensitive and irritable. But elevated levels of histamine completely destroys all sleepy. Because it is believed that modafinil primarily for narcoleptics who constantly want to sleep.
  • 3.Increase IQ. This is one of those effects that are underexplored. IQ associated with acetylcholine, acetylcholine modafinil but no effect or no effect. Perhaps there is a substance that changes under the current drug, causing an indirect improvement of the functioning of the brain and its cognitive functions. It is difficult to say what it might come back to haunt in 30-40 years. Particularly strong increases in IQ of people with a low coefficient of brain development.
  • 4.Improve short-term memory. At this point, most likely, the truth lies in the influence of the dopaminergic system. After all, the dopamine and its receptors are responsible for the so-called "focus", concentration, attentiveness.
  • 5.Inhibition of GABA secretion. This feature is designed to completely kill all the tranquility, serenity and peace

Harm of modafinil, its danger

  • Side effects of Modafinil. Do you remember the old axiom: "The stronger the effects - the more side effects". In modafinil side effects show themselves relatively more often than most other nootropics, however, he is stronger on the action of the majority. The most common side effect - headache, approximately 34% of all the side effects of modafinil.
  • Depletion of the body. Regular sleep deprivation and relief modafinil can not only lead to an imbalance of the body, but also to a variety of depression and psychosis. We know that everything is relative, and so, research was carried out, I would have called it "the addict's dream." The essence of the 3 groups of people, the 1st received placebo, group 2 - modafinil in a dosage of 300 mg 3-I - amphetamine (d-isomer) at a dosage of 20 mg.
  • Under our present substance with amphetamine and noticeably improved short-term memory, logical thinking and reaction as compared to placebo. Frequency of side effects same was the highest among amphetamine (so it does not smell that stuff), much more often than that of modafinil. But modafinil tolerated more painful than placebo. And an important note! All the components for this study were created in normal laboratories, normal pharmacology.

Bottom line:

  • Modafinil - a controversial drug. Strong nootropics with frequent side effects.
  • The basis of its action, its effects - an increase in dopamine, norepinephrine, histamine + strange effects are understudied.The most frequent side effects headache and decreased resistance to allergies. It is much safer narcotic stimulant, but is not "glycine".

In matters of nootropics difficult to be "not romantic", I want to try everything, but maybe sometimes you should choose "blue" pill and quietly move on. If the "red", the responsibility for yourself at your own!

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