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Mildronate: Give Wings!

02 Jun 2016

I must say that I was prescribed by the cardiologist Mildronate 500 mg at that time, not Mildronate 250mg, since that time I drink this dose of 500mg every six months.

It started 2 years ago with the fact that for weeks began to fall and stay low pressure, or as straight, 95 to 70 and 115 to 80 in different hands, checking on different tonometers - the same result, but the weakness was just incredible and ear heart noise. Against the background of the weakness from high pulse, as it turned out on the cardiogram, above 100.

In general, The doctor diagnosed a sinus tachycardia, I have prescribed Mildronate 500 capsules Pantogam, Actovegin, Cardionorm that I did not drink, and after the course I really felt the force, it became easier to breathe, and the shortness of breath was in my 33 something in the absence of extra weight. The noise in the ear was gone, and the pressure returned to normal, and of the treatment fell on vacation, I rested and relaxed.

As a cardiologist said, with stress and nervous stress, these symptoms will now always appear, so try not to be nervous, eat tablets, so that was the support for the heart, and that potassium and magnesium, and every six months guzzle Mildronate what I'm doing , just now I take course of Meldonium.

The drug is cheap, but it works. One pack of Mildronate 500mg is Ok for a course, I try not to use to Mildronate, I drink it when I really need a recharge, and it never let me down.

In general, Mildronate 500 works, it is necessary to spend money for it or not, everyone decides for himself.

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