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Mildronate Doping. Stress and overload - causes of accidents in the workplace

26 Feb 2017

April 28 is World Day for Safety and Protection. Experts point out that every year an increasing number of accidents in the workplace, which are the cause of stress and overload.

Note that the number of accidents at work caused by stress and congestion is increasing rapidly. "The state of health of workers indirectly affect the socio-economic conditions that occur on the job, the larger the amount of work is too rapid pace of work, long working hours without rest. This causes congestion and stress that negatively affect the health of the worker ", - experts say.

To file a complaint of pain in the heart of more young people seek medical attention. Up to 40 years, people do not think about their health - they are too much work, unhealthy eating, drinking alcohol, leading a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, the physical resources are exhausted. After 40 they begin acute health problems, manifested precisely when increasing the load - the heart needs more oxygen, but in vessels of atherosclerotic changes have occurred, so oxygen delivery difficult.

Unfortunately, we can not give up the unhealthy lifestyles and the rapid pace of life, and to give up the endless changes. Hence, stress is inevitable at the same time, stress can be controlled. The drug, which helps to cope with stress and congestion known - it Mildronate doping(Mildonium Doping). This drug helps to regulate the body's response to stress and to adapt to adverse conditions. Also, in terms of stress and physical and mental overload Mildronate gives the body an opportunity to make better use of resources and energy. " Eating Mildronate, a person actually trains the body and prepares it for survival in an extreme situation.

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