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Mildronate and Chronic Brain Ischemia, burdened by diabetes mellitus

10 Oct 2016

The defeat of the brain as a target organ for hypertension and diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious medical and social problem. In the assessment of cognitive functions and features of the autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm in patients with hypertension orthostatic disturbances on the background of diabetes type 1 the feasibility of a comprehensive drug correction has been proven.

It is shown that combination therapy with Enalapril and Mildronate improves cognitive function, promotes the regression of clinical symptoms, normalize the emotional status. Mildronate has no effect on hemodynamic parameters, it is not conducive to a reduction of orthostatic insufficiency and does not change the heart rate variability). Mildronate effect evaluated on the dynamics of clinical status, parameters of lipid peroxidation and psychometric parameters in patients with chronic brain ischemia patients (HIM) in the presence of concomitant type 2 diabetes for more than 5 years.

The treatment regimen consisted of:

- Mildronate 500 mg / day intravenously for 21 days (as background therapy, all patients received hypoglycemic agents from the group of the sulfonylureas or biguanides, administered antihypertensives and other cardiovascular drugs if necessary).

As a result of the work, according to the assessment of the severity of the clinical syndrome, showed a significant improvement in the form of easing symptoms such as headache, dizziness, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and emotional lability. Dynamics of LPO processes: a significant decrease in the maximum intensity of lipid peroxidation, which indicates a decrease in the ability of lipoprotein oxidation structures; decrease in blood glucose levels more than 1.2 times. Thus, the addition of Mildronate (500 mg / day) to the basal glucose lowering therapy resulted in an increase of serum lipoprotein peroxidation resistance. Hypoglycemic ability of Mildronate possible to reduce the dose of antidiabetic drugs in patients with HIM, aggravated diabetes.

Other work on the use of Mildronate (Meldnium) to patients with diabetes was held in Perm State Medical Academy, which evaluated the effect of the drug in patients with diabetes type 1 in hypertension, for a chronic cerebrovascular accident combined with orthostatic disorders.

The treatment regimen consisted of:

- Mildronate 500 mg / day intravenously for 10 days, then orally for 2 weeks (as background therapy, all patients were treated with insulin and intensify antihypertensive therapy (Enalapril / Indapamide + Enalapril)).

The study showed good tolerability Mildronate (Meldonium) and its high efficacy in the treatment of this pathology. The drug has a mild stimulating effect on the cognitive functions, reduces anxiety, and emotional lability, promotes regression of clinical symptoms.

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