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Mexidol: how this drug works and for what it is needed? Instructions for use, side effects

22 Oct 2016

The home medicine cabinet is sometimes not possible to find the most popular medications. Without instructions do not understand whether or not to apply in your state. If tablets or ointment found in personal holdings of a loved one, the situation becomes even more interesting. Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin - these names are familiar to everyone. But Mexidol from what helps and for how long is appointed?

Myths about the nervous system

Why most do not know the names of some drugs? Because these funds are not of general validity, they have a narrow profile. For example, act on the nervous system. Not as a stimulus, no. at least a few "truths" Regarding nerves everyone knows, only they are not always true.

Some statements:

  • Nerve cells do not regenerate. The most frequent application. It is true only in part. Data that nerve cells can recover completely - no. But it is quite certain structures can be regenerated.
  • We are always nervous problems with nerves. Increased excitability may cause fatigue or mental disorders. Not necessarily must be based on damage to the nervous tissue.
  • Any paralysis can be overcome if there is will power. Too loud statement will not restore the nerve no persistence is no substitute.
  • Patient Neurology "not friendly" with his head. In most cases, consciousness and thinking are completely preserved, no problems with the perception of reality in patients not.

Mexidol - means for struggle against alcoholism

A certain bias towards patients such structure causes people to hide their last violation. That is why most of the references to the period of exacerbation, rather than during the observation of the first symptoms. Differs and treatment, doctors are forced to expose the patient's body more stress.

Among other things, persons suffering from chronic alcoholism, understand this and seek help immediately, as soon as will feel the first signs of the impending withdrawal. And their treatment is used, in particular, and Mexidol.

The drug should not discourage alcoholics craving for alcohol, but it helps to cope with the consequences.

Mexidol in chronic alcoholism:

  • Emoxypine normalizes blood flow in the brain.
  • Mexidol acts as an antioxidant.
  • Emoxypine protects pancreas from necrotic changes.
  • Mexidol promotes rapid recovery of the liver.

After a full course of Mexidol treatment the patient can ever fully recover and start a normal life, or start drinking again. This is his choice and defect-narcologist.

Mexidol - mechanism of action

Most often this drug prescribed to patients after stroke. The pathogenesis of this condition is stroke, the same one that Mexidol helps restore. The dosage and treatment depend on the overall severity of the condition, but usually take medication for one week. We introduce it intravenously, under the supervision of nurses.

The Mexidol medicinal effect is connected:

  • Since the influence on the cell membrane.
  • There phospholipids recovery of which is the outer membrane cells.
  • Due to this relationship between the normalized internal and external environment, recovering substances flow into the cell and back.
  • This has an effect on the process of lipid peroxidation.

All written, too technical and confusing, it can be explained much easier. The structure of our cells, including nerve and include fats. In various forms and shapes, in different proportions, and it is not so important. By optimizing the exchange of these same fats outer membrane cells start to function normally.

As a bonus, there is activation of the mitochondria, this microstructure is responsible, including for energy synthesis.

Mexidol - impact on the body

All the effect of the Mexidol drug can be divided into two major groups:

1.Effects on nerve tissue

  • Mexidol restores the power of the brain tissue.
  • Mexidol relieves the symptoms of withdrawal.
  • Mexidol has impact on the main neurotransmitter of the central nervous system - GABA.
  • Emoxypine slows down the aging process.
  • Emoxypine influences on cognitive function, improves memory.

2.Impact on all other organs:

  • Emoxypine actively uses for patients with diabetes, especially in insulin resistance.
  • Mexidant restores epithelium hepatocytes.
  • Mexifin protects against the toxic effects of the pancreas.
  • Mexidol slows down the formation of blood clots.
  • Emoxypine accelerates the synthesis of energy within cells.

So do not be surprised if you find a drug in a sheet in a human appointment, which does not suffer from disorders associated with the nervous system. If alcoholism is very important to the rapid recovery of the liver and pancreas, as the two bodies are damaged in the first place. It is difficult to underestimate their importance:

  • The pancreas regulates the synthesis of numerous enzymes.
  • The enzymes are involved in the digestion of food, accelerates the biochemical processes in the body.
  • The liver is a kind of barrier to toxic substances.
  • Hepatocytes filter the blood, trying to neutralize all harmful to the body connection.

Why is it important to help the patient in time?

Constantly talking about alcoholism, you can lose sight of the far more serious disorder. At the stroke forms a portion that lacked in blood supply. Usually, this thing ends with the formation of the zone of softening and the loss of the tissue.

At the time appointed therapy will enhance brain blood vessels and normalize the blood flow to the damaged them departments. If hypoxia is not too long, perhaps a partial recovery.

As we know, the brain controls all the functions of our body. Any defeat can lead to disability or partial loss of socially important skills.

When Mexidol is used?

Summing up we can say that Mexidol appoint:

  • To treat the effects of stroke.
  • Emoxypine -when withdrawal syndrome in alcoholics.
  • In the event of damage to the liver or pancreas.
  • Patients with diabetes, when insulin resistance.
  • After identifying pathologies of the psyche.
  • To relieve stress.

The active drug substance provides easy toning and firming effect overall. Mexidol is not used as a single drug, but in the complex therapy. Changes of vascular tone and restore energy metabolism is not always enough for a complete cure of the patient, this is usually only enough to remove the part of the symptoms.

Some drugs are best taken under the supervision of medical staff. These include the Mexidol from what makes this drug, you know.

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