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Methyluracil in bodybuilding

23 Nov 2016

Methyluracil - synthetic derivative a pyrimidine which is a part of cellular RNA and DNA (genetic material of cages). Methyluracil is present at all living beings as a part of a kernel of cages. Tablets of methyluracil are available in each drugstore on a moderate cost.

Release form: Powder, tablets on 0,5 g, in packaging - 50 pieces; suppositories on 0,5 g, in packaging - 10 pieces; ointment of 10%, in packaging - 25 g.

Methyluracil - synthetic derivative a pyrimidine

Pharmacological properties

Methyluracil accelerates cell fission mainly of skin and mucous a digestive tract, raises regenerative and recovery capabilities of an organism. In medicine this medicine is applied as the healing means, in case of ulcers, burns, wounds, etc. Also it was revealed that methyluracil has anti-inflammatory effect, and also is capable to strengthen immune function of an organism.

Sometimes methyluracil in tablets is applied in bodybuilding as anabolic means, to acceleration of growth of muscles, however its effect on muscle growth is absent as practice shows. Practically all athletes applying tablets of methyluracil in the practice report on lack of positive result. Medicine gained fame in bodybuilding as a result of issue of article of Yu. B. Bulanov "Digestive enzymes" where the author describes methyluracil as anabolic means. There is no official research or the scientific article which would confirm anabolic effect of medicine. Do not forget take Cortexin for better results.

Methyluracil course is often conducted in combination with such medicines as ATP, potassium orotat by inosine, adaptogens, methionine, etc. Duration of a rate averages one month.

How to take Methyluracilum pill

Inside in time or after food on 1 g 3-4 times a day; in some cases the daily dose is enlarged to 5-6 g. Establish to children of a dose according to age. Outwardly drug is used in the form of 5% or 10% of ointment and in the form of suppositories it is rectal.

Side effects

At the use of drug emergence of allergic reactions, the aching headache, giddiness is in rare instances possible. Methyluracilum is contraindicative at leukosis as it promotes division of cancer cells, and also at emergence of an individual intolerance.


Leukemic forms of leukosis, malignant diseases of marrow.

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