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Metformin hydrochloride

24 Oct 2016

Metformin hydrochloride is the tableted medicine for treatment of diabetes of a class of biguanides which has ability to lose the weight therefore it is often used for weight loss. It is available in the market under trademarks: Metformin, Glucophage, Siofor, Bagomet, Metfogamma, Glikon, Metospanin, Gliformin, Gliminfor, Sofamet, Formetin, Lanzherin, Metadiyen, Formin Pliva, Novoformin, Diaformin. Metformin has practically no side effects at the correct application and isn't hazardous to health, in difference from the majority of other fat burner. Metformin reduces the level of harmful cholesterol and glucose which are often raised at the excess weight.

The New research Cardiff University, UK, 2014 in which 180 000 people participated has shown that Metformin increases life expectancy not only at the patients with diabetes, but also at persons who don't have this disease. Also data on delay of processes of aging against the background of treatment have been obtained.

Metformin hydrochloride

The action mechanism at weight loss

Glucophage it is applied to weight loss in connection with his ability to accelerate oxidation of fatty acids and to slow down synthesis of fats though in various fabrics influences several points of application at once that is expressed in versatile changes of cellular metabolism. It is also proved that digestion of carbohydrates from a digestive tract decreases.

Glucophage activates the AMF-kinase at the expense of what reduces glucose level as a result of suppression of her synthesis in a liver (gluconeogenesis suppression). Also, metformin increases sensitivity of insulin receptors to insulin, improves glucose consumption by muscles. Decrease in insulin at weight loss is necessary because this hormone promotes adjournment of the consumed nutrients in fat, especially if the main problem zone - a stomach. Right after meal glucose level in blood sharply rises what the pancreas reacts to and produces insulin which in turn forces fabrics to consume glucose, postponing it in fats. For this reason, practically in all diets for weight loss it is recommended to consume less products which cause raising of sugar in blood.

And at last, insulin causes feeling of hunger therefore metformin at weight loss helps to quash feeling of hunger.

Efficiency of metformin decreases at increase in acidity of blood therefore some authors recommend to exclude exercises during a course of a glucophage as physical activity leads to formation of lactic acid. However the last researches have shown that exercises don't influence the general acidity of blood therefore during metformin reception you can be engaged without restrictions, thereby only increasing efficiency of a course. Add some Dexamethazone and Meldonium to your daily training.

Application in bodybuilding

In the mechanism of effect of metformin it is installed: oppression of a mitochondrial respiratory chain, activation AMF- depended protein kinase, suppression a glucagon - the induced formation of cAMF, activation of a protein kinase And, and suppression of the key anabolic mTOR mechanism through protein RPS6.

The anabolic mTOR mechanism is very important for growth of muscles, and it can be started by growth hormone, insulin, glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, etc. As a result in muscles protein is synthesized and cages begin to share.

Thus, metformin and its analogs (glukophage) cause in a condition organism close to hunger or the exhausting training, at the same time the hypertrophy of muscles is almost impossible. Therefore these medicines can be applied only to weight loss when muscular volume is of secondary importance. Besides, trainings take place much heavier and slightly affect results therefore quite often these means are accepted without background physical activities.


Glucophage (metformin) is safe medicine, and it is approved by official medicine to application by healthy people for weight loss.

  • Keep to a diet for weight loss
  • Exclude bystry carbohydrates
  • Metformin for weight loss is accepted to food or during food at once, the dose is selected individually. Most often appoint on 500-850 mg, 2-3 times a day (the maximum dose no more than 3000 mg/days).
  • If you had had a diarrhea, means you abuse carbohydrates
  • If you have a nausea after metformin reception - reduce a dose. Slow increase in a dose can improve gastrointestinal shipping.
  • Carry out systematically aerobic trainings for maximum efficiency of a course

If after decrease in a dosage, symptoms of side effects weren't gone, to stop reception of medicine and will urgently see a doctor as the risk of development of a lactacidosis is possible that it is fraught with a lethal outcome!!! In case of signs of a lactacidosissick it is urgent to hospitalize and, having defined concentration of a lactate, to confirm the diagnosis. The most effective action but to removal from an organism of a lactate and metformin is the hemodialysis. Carry out also symptomatic treatment.

Duration of use of medicine shouldn't exceed 18-22 days then the break for 1-2 months is required. Shorter break leads to adaptation of an organism, and metformin is not capable to show properties of a fat burner fully. The course has to be coordinated with the medical expert.


Don't accept glucophage for weight loss if is available for you:

  • The diseases of kidneys which are followed by insufficiency
  • Heart failure
  • Other disease at which acidity of blood is increased
  • Don't accept glucophage with other antihyperglycemic means and other medicines, without consultation of the doctor

Possible side effects of a glucophage (meet seldom):

  • Diarrhea (it is necessary to reduce amount of the consumed carbohydrates)
  • Headache (usually quickly passes)
  • Spasms in a stomach
  • Nausea (it is necessary to lower a metformin dose)
  • The increased gas generation (it is necessary to reduce amount of the consumed carbohydrates)
  • Lactoacidosis (in the presence of the contributing diseases), (not to combine with alcohol!!! danger of development of a lactacidosis)

Usually side effects of metformin arise at the beginning of a course, and then quickly pass

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