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Memoria oral drops - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

09 Mar 2017

Active substance: St. John’s wort, Ginkgo Biloba, Spotted hemlock, Ginseng, Arnica.

ATC - N07XX (Other drugs for treatment of diseases of the nervous system)

Pharmacological group - Homeopathic remedies.

Hypericum perforatum, known as perforate St John's-wort, common Saint John's wort and St John's wort, is a flowering plant in the family Hypericaceae. The common name "St John's wort" may be used to refer to any species of the genus Hypericum. Therefore, Hypericum perforatum is sometimes called "common St John's wort" or "perforate St John's wort" in order to differentiate it. It is a medicinal herb with antidepressant activity and potent anti-inflammatory properties as an arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor and COX-1 inhibitor.

An extract of Ginkgo biloba leaf (GBE) is marketed in dietary supplement form with claims it can enhance cognitive function in people without known cognitive problems. Studies have failed to find such effects on memory or attention in healthy people.

Spotted hemlock, Conium is a genus of flowering plants in the carrot family Apiaceae which consists of four species accepted by The Plant List. One species, C. maculatum, also called hemlock, which is highly poisonous, is native to temperate regions of Europe, North Africa and Western Asia, while the other three are from southern Africa.

Although ginseng has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, there is only preliminary evidence to date from high-quality human research that it has any biological effects. Among potential effects are improved memory, reduced fatigue, reduced symptoms of menopause and reduced insulin response in people with mild diabetes, but the design and quality of these studies were questionable. Higher quality clinical trials were recommended before conclusions about any effect of using ginseng are possible.

Perhaps the most famous in the world of homeopathic remedies is widely advertised balm Bittner. Homeopathic Drops Memoria - less famous, but is also an effective remedy, speaking the language of advertising, "from the creators of Bittner Balsam." This complex homeopathic drug has neuroprotective, anti-hypoxic, anxiolytic, vasoregulating, timolepticheskoe, improve microcirculation effect. This therapeutic versatility due to carefully selected quantitative and qualitative composition of the Memoria, including: hypericum, gingko biloba, konium makulatum, Panax Ginseng, arnica montana. Memoria is effective in asthenic conditions and adaptive disorders, diseases of the central nervous system, cerebral arteriosclerosis, weakening of memory and impaired concentration. The drug reduces pathologically increased tone of cerebral vessels, increases the elasticity and strength of vessel walls, and normalizes cerebral circulation, nutrition and metabolism in the brain cells, inhibits the biological process of neuronal aging. Among the advantages listed Memoria performance improvement of mental activity, improved memory, eliminating distractions and anxiety, increased responsiveness, stimulation of the process of thinking, improving adaptation to stress, mental and physical stress, a sharp change in weather.

Memory is recommended to take half an hour before or 1 hour after meals for 10 drops three times a day. Allowed breeding drops in a little water. Drops before swallowing some time to hold in the mouth. The duration of treatment is on average 2-3 months. If necessary, in consultation with the doctor can be a repeated medical course. At the first sign of the disease, as well as in situations where the fore the speed of action (eg, headaches and vertigo) may increase the multiplicity of reception: 10 drops every 30-60 minutes until the condition improves, then move on to the familiar three-time reception .

Maximum number of the drug in acute conditions - 8 times a day. Cases Memoria negative interaction with other drugs have been noted. However, when planning drug policy should take into account that part of the preparation St. John's wort (Hypericum) may influence the effectiveness of a number of other medicines. For example, it potentiates the effect of antidepressant drugs of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, increasing the risk of hypertensive crisis (in this connection reception memorial origin and MAO inhibitors should be diluted at least 14 days during the period of time). The combination of St. John's wort with selective inhibitors of reverse neuronal serotonin reuptake (sertraline, paroxetine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine or citalopram) may lead to aggravation of the flow of so-called "serotonin syndrome," manifested headaches and epigastric pain, dizziness, vomiting, restlessness, state of confusion, and increased irritability. St. John's wort has the ability to increase the photosensitizing effect of tetracyclines, thiazide diuretics, sulfonamides, piroxicam, quinolones. Given the plant "essence" Memoria, should not be surprised slight turbidity of the solution, the weakening of its smell and taste during prolonged storage: it does not affect the efficacy of the drug.

Memoria study involved not only foreign, but also domestic experts. So, at the Department of Nervous Diseases, Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov was investigated the efficacy, safety and tolerability of this drug by patients suffering from brain dysfunction, developed on the background of vascular encephalopathy. The duration of drug therapy was 3 months. The study demonstrated a positive impact on the Memoria memory, attention and cognitive processes, safety and tolerability of the drug.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis;

R41.8.0 * Disorders Intellectual mnestic;

R41.3.0 * Reduced memory.

Memoria oral drops Composition, structure and packing

Drops for oral homeopathic as a clear, light-yellow to reddish-yellow liquid, no peculiar smell.

Active substances 100 ml

St. John’s wort (Hypericum) D1 15 ml

bilobate ginkgo (Ginkgo) D6 10 ml

spotted hemlock (Conium) D6 10 ml

Ginseng (Ginseng) D6 10 ml

arnica (Arnica) D12 10 ml

Excipients: Ethanol 43% by weight of purified water.

Memoria oral dropsPharmacological action

Complex homeopathic medication improves cerebral metabolism. Has an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, exhibit membrane-stabilizing properties, contributes to maintaining the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, improve cerebral and peripheral circulation and microcirculation.Pharmacokinetics

Effect of the drug Memoria result of the combined effects of its components, is a kinetic observation is not possible, all components can be traced using markers or research. For the same reason it is impossible to detect and drug metabolites.

Memoria oral drops Dosage

Adults and adolescents drug is prescribed, 10 drops 3 times/day.

The course of treatment is 2–3 months. If necessary, you can assign the re-treatment.

At the beginning of the disease, as well as in cases requiring rapid relief of symptoms can receive the drug every 0.5–1 h 8 drops, but not more than 8 times/day. After improvement - 3 times/day.

The drug is taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after meals in pure form or diluted in 1 tablespoon of water by holding some time in the mouth before swallowing.

Memoria oral drops Overdose

Overdose cases to date have not been registered.

Memoria oral drops Drug Interactions

Clinically significant drug interaction Memoria with other drugs is not established.

Memoria oral drops at Pregnancy and lactation

The question of using the drug during pregnancy Memoria and lactation (breastfeeding) is solved by the doctor individually.

Memoria oral drops Side effects

Rare: photosensitivity (because the product contains St. John’s Wort).

Patients should be informed that if you notice any side effects should consult a doctor.

Memoria oral drops Indications

Impaired memory and concentration;

In the complex therapy of cerebral atherosclerosis and its accompanying headaches and dizziness. Memoria oral drops Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Memoria oral drops Cautions

With the development of photosensitivity it is necessary to reduce the dose.

Since Memoria contains herbal natural ingredients during storage may be slightly blurred solution, as well as weakening the smell and taste that does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Memoria oral drops Reviews

Anastasia B.
I support vascular dystonia with about fifteen years. Previously, I was almost constantly tormented by terrible headaches, spasm vessels, dizzy. Sometimes, I even fainted. The doctor attributed to me periodically drink "Memory", so I can now say that I'm really much better. No more of those horrible symptoms of poisoning my life greatly.

Darya Z.
Memoria drink away every six months. The doctors prescribed it in combination with other drugs as a means of reducing spasms of cerebral vessels. For a while helps, headache ceases to be so strong, but still have to guzzle this drug intermittently. Also during the reception Memoria improves memory and concentration, it is not checked again.

Olga G.
When choosing a medication of brain activity, I was based on the fact that the homeopathic remedy was, as is well known in the formulation of this drug include not only medicinal plants, and raw materials of animal and mineral origin. More often it took "Memoria", while studying at the institute, especially when it is session. Tasks are many, time is limited and you need to concentrate.

Kate G.
And I once saw memorabilia before the sessions. It may, of course, someone will say: "How stupid!", But as a former student of the University of Pharmacy, I can say that spent on drink a course twice a year without fear. Indeed, the brain activity is improved several times, focuses on hurray. I was able to learn in 2 weeks lecture for six months. Although there was one problem - frequent headaches during treatment. But perhaps it was from a large volume absorbs information. Generally, drugs inspire confidence in me (saw Nott, Remens, Aflubin). How to assure manufacturers, Memoria has no contraindications, does not cause side effects, does not lead to addiction, so you can take the drug without a doctor's prescription.

Andrew R.
This drug is administered to my grandfather when he was undergoing treatment at the hospital. After a stroke, it was observed a disorder of memory and absent-mindedness. Upon receipt of memorial origin, in conjunction with the course of treatment, a doctor's appointment, there was a very positive trend. He also took this drug separately, after the hospital has discharged home. He himself also noticed that taking Memoria, feels much better, at least began to forget, and significantly increased the concentration of attention.

Elena K.
I know that the medication should be prescribed by a doctor, but I decided to drink Memoria itself as suffering vascular spasms, drink all the time Spazmalgon for pain relief. Usually I do prophylactic course in the fall and spring, when the weather is strongly influenced by differences on health. After a month of use are symptoms - tinnitus, lethargy and sleepiness after headaches. Markedly improved brain activity at work, focus easier. I think that this drug needs to be used as a prophylactic to all people over 40 years, Memoria homeopathic remedy and will only benefit.

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