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Meldonium Uses. Meldonium against cardiovascular disease

24 Feb 2017

Undoubtedly, health is a value for each person, and everyone faced with the need to use drugs, it is important that the drug was safe and effective.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) today cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide - more than 30% annually. "Can I help these people, and how? - Asks MD, Professor, Head. the Department of outpatient therapy, Russian State Medical University Medical Faculty them. Doctor took part in the press conference, "The creators Mildronate against rumors and speculation." - Imagine loaded motorway. To unload it, you can build a detour or we can widen the road - that is, if we're talking about the heart, to resort to surgical intervention - stenting or coronary bypass surgery. However, you can solve the problem in a different way - non-surgically. For example, to make the road toll or remove a traffic light. Similarly, when we talk about vessels - there are effective measures now to help cope with the situation without surgery. " Share on these measures professor II Chukaeva invited his colleague, MD, Professor Arkady L. Vertkin.

Mainly in out-patient clinics Russia treated the elderly. The most common reason for treatment of such patients to the doctor - different manifestations of cardiovascular disease. In the first place, they complain of forgetfulness and decreased attention, dizziness and unsteadiness of gait, frequent falls, headaches and insomnia. This manifestation of chronic cerebral ischemia. Pronounced vestibular disorders often lead to the restriction of the patient's mobility, which reduces to household activity within the apartment, and sometimes the room. Upon accession, cognitive impairment and depression, such patients often become immobilized.

"Every day we are faced with an enormous army of patients who need assistance in maintaining in good condition the cardiovascular system, - says head of practical experience. Department of Therapy, clinic pharmacology and ambulance Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, MD, professor AL Vertkin. - These include patients after a heart attack or stroke, patients after injuries and fractures, cancer patients, elderly people belonging to the so-called low-mobile population group and immobilized for a long time. Heart kept these people on a daily basis the most simple load, but need help. After all, these people are most at risk, they are more likely to get sick and suffer from obostreniy. One of the problems in the work of general practitioners and primary care physicians is the rational management of these patient groups. "
According to the professor, visual problems, covering a huge number of people in Russia and around the world, suggests the importance of an effective treatment to prevent life-threatening complications. Today, the arsenal of doctors there is a huge range of medicines that target the various links in the GCC development mechanisms.
Increasingly drugs recently used in clinical practice, have cardioprotective properties. One of the best products in this group, according to experts, is Mildronats (meldonium).
"From what people have either died, in fact, death always comes as a result of cardiac arrest. At the same time in the heart affects a huge number of factors - heart attacks, arrhythmias, heart failure, hemoglobin, respiratory viral infection and other, - says Professor AL Vertkin. - The task of medicine today is to give people with not very healthy heart instrument that will serve as a proof-reader, "assistant." Mildronate took on this role. "

Professor AL Vertkin stresses that the effectiveness of Mildronate drug has a unique mechanism of action, proven in practice and in clinical trials: "We live in an age of so-called evidence-based medicine - medicine based on the concept that decisions on the patient's treatment, including, and medicines should be based on clear evidence of efficacy and safety from clinical studies. Mildronate, better than others, it corresponds to this concept: in relation to the drug accumulated huge evidence base, many studies, published over 150 scientific papers. What is important - the study of the drug carried out and are carried out not only in Russia, but all over the world. So large-scale clinical placebo-controlled studies in recent years have been held in different countries of the CIS, EU and Japan. It may seem incredible, but these studies meldonium really showed the efficacy and safety of the drug when it is used as part of combination therapy. In patients treated with the drug, not only improves health, but also the quality of life in general. It is also very important is proven as a result of the research fact Mildronate security product - showing that it has minimal side effects. "

Mildronate occupies a special place among the group of medications cardiovascular drugs. This drug provides protection and energy supply bodies of different cells of the cardiovascular system. The therapeutic effect of the drug Mildronate due to its unique mechanism of action.
"I want to stress today Mildronate is in fact the only way that can protect a large group of sick people, not subjecting them to surgery. Studies show that the use of meldonium in the complex treatment of elderly and immobile immobilized patients with cerebrovascular disease significantly improves cognitive function that allows you to recommend the drug to treat their chronic cerebral ischemia and for secondary prevention of stroke and hypertension, "- he concluded.

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