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Meldonium Nootropic. Mildronat and carnitine: a new stage in the prevention of atherosclerosis

03 Mar 2017

Atherosclerosis can rightly be called one of the most common diseases of our time. The reasons for its development is very multifaceted: unbalanced diet to sedentary lifestyles. Numerous studies the causes of atherosclerosis secrete a number of possible catalysts for the formation in the blood vessels so-called "cholesterol" plaques, including increased intake of carnitine - an amino acid of B vitamins contained in a number of foods, including red meat, and is often used as a dietary food supplements.

In particular, the role of carnitine in the development of atherosclerosis was examined in detail in a group of scientists led by Professor Stanley Hazen, published in the influential medical journals "Nature Medicine». According to the observations of scientists, often caused by atherosclerosis becomes carnitine contained in red meat. Carnitine entering the intestines is converted into trimethylamine, which is oxidized to the liver trimethylamine-oxide (TMAO), which plays an important role in facilitating the formation of the human atherosclerotic plaque in blood vessels.

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Nevertheless, given that the carnitine is found in many foods required modern man (including, and dairy products) and plays an important role in fat metabolism as a coenzyme, contributing to oxidation and transport of fatty acids for use as an energy source, to exclude it from the diet seems irrational. However, it should take into account the potential negative impact of elevated concentrations of carnitine in the atherosclerosis process.

According to medical research, one of the ways of "neutralizing" the consequences of excessive consumption of carnitine and atherosclerosis risk is the use of the original drug Mildronate company "Grindeks".

"During the 4 Georgia Cardiology Congress, we touched on a very important issue. It is important not only how to treat cardiovascular disease, but Kach avoid them. At the heart of the development of coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke and diabetes are metabolic disorders in the body on the background of the presence of various atherosclerosis risk factors.

And why this process is so dangerous? Because the formation and growth of atherosclerotic plaque in the lumen of the vessel and its occlusion. The vessels can not, as before, to ensure adequate blood supply, which leads to the various clinical manifestations depending on the organ in which the problem. Repeated studies have shown that the fight against metabolic disorders is possible. A drug that affects the energy metabolism in the plant - the Mildronate – Meldonium Nootropic. It is similar to an existing substance in the body, it is harmless to the body. During cellular oxygen starvation, or ischemia Mildronate saving oxygen.

When there is a blockage of the blood vessels supplying the heart or other organ necessary or reborn vascular permeability or reduce the consumption of oxygen in the body. And it Mildronate to optimize the consumption of oxygen throughout the body. Mildronate – Meldonium nootropic the only drug that reduces the level of carnitine in the blood plasma.

American scientists have found that the development of atherosclerosis and its associated incidents of myocardial infarction, stroke and mortality directly correlated with the concentration of carnitine in the plasma of patients and increase trimethylamine oxide layer (TMAO), which is the final metabolite of carnitine lead to degradation of its intestinal microorganisms to trimethylamine and subsequent oxidation in the liver to TMAO. This are explained by the fact that the resulting blocks of carnitine trimetilamine-oxide macrophages capture excess amounts of cholesterol when its peak concentration in the blood. As a result, the formation of cholesterol deposits can occur even at low levels of average values in plasma cholesterol concentration. This sheds some light on the mechanism by which Mildronate significantly reduces plaque formation in the aorta in animals predisponce to atherosclerosis.

Note also that in the clinic and patients with diabetes type second severity of disease is directly correlated with the concentration of carnitine in the blood plasma of these patients. This indicates the need to review the use of carnitine or carnitine-containing products (for example - red meat), as conditions to degradation trimetilamine-oxide carnitine significantly increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

The only remedy in the world, which reduces the level of carnitine in humans is Mildronate. A pilot study on healthy people who take dietary trimethylamine, or its predecessors, has shown that Mildronate not only reduces the level of carnitine, but reduces the level of education and pro-atherogenic factor – trimetilamine-oxide. Thus, the use of Mildronate in order to reduce to safe levels of carnitine and trimetilamine-oxide pathogenetically justified and purposeful way of preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and possibly the second type of diabetes.

Consequently, Mildronate not only has unique cytoprotective properties in ischemic lesions of diverse etiology and localization, but also acts on the molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis formation.
Therefore, I can say with pride that Mildronate – Meldonium Nootropic is the only drug that regulates the level of carnitine in humans and thus can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, so you can safely say that the future of medicine Mildronate Nootropic.

Also, from personal experience I can say that the treatment is very effective in Mildronate coronary heart disease and heart failure. This is proven in double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled studies. Also, it is well known that diabetes - a terrible disease, which destroys the entire body. Mildronate has a positive effect on insulin resistance, which greatly improves the general condition and quality of life of the patient. "

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