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Meldonium Medication. Meldonium - a new weapon of the Cold War

24 Feb 2017

Why Russian sportsmen ignored the ban meldonium and why this drug is detected in the blood even of those athletes who took this Meldonium Medication or even years ago?

One small American organization, living on grants for anti-doping research, and high prices seriously took up a large-scale work, the main aim of which was to find those stimulants, which are widely used by Russian athletes, but not used in America.

The cost of "intelligence" and were astronomical cost of 7 million dollars! For reference: the average cost of research, which is still engaged in the company that is 80-100 thousand dollars.

As a result, we got Meldonium scandal, which is actually our Russian officials may be regarded as a boomerang that they have launched some time ago also yourself.

Why Russian sportsmen ignored the ban meldonium?

Meldonium - a great tool that provides such quality as human endurance, experience more physical activity. Meldonium provides recovery after suffering heavy loads.

This is - unknown aspects Meldonium scandal. "Legs" in the scandal with Russian athletes grow from here! Meldonium able to be synthesized by the body if the person has ever taken this stuff!

If alcohol, nicotine, opiates and morphine meldonium not be administered artificially, they will still be in it!

Back in the 70s of the last century was discovered the formula that is obtained in the form of Russian athletes imprint - meldonium. This "supplement" corresponds to natural substances synthesized in the body. As a result of receiving the body thanks for the tip, and it learns to generate meldonium.

Here is the answer to the question why the Russian sportsmen ignored the ban meldonium!

Americans can be "put the blame" other substances with a similar action, and perform the same functions as the meldonium.

Now it is clear to you, where did Meldonium scandal with Russian athletes?

Availability meldonium body just simply says that an athlete trains intensively, it is hardy and corresponds to the classical parameters of class specialist, and not addict who was caught red-handed.

If the athlete stops training, the amount of synthesized his body meldonium reduced. And if a specialist is trained properly and well, then synthesized meldonium in his blood objective can be detected much more!

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