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Meldonium Doping Improving Mental Health and Productivity of Mental Work

04 May 2017

Many are used to train your body, but only a few - mind. Today we'll show you how to increase the productivity of mental labor.

meldonium doping Improving mental health and productivity of mental work

Teach yourself to mental stress
The best way to do this - to find a brand new hobby. You studied at the Faculty of Humanities? Start the program. Are you a technician? Write poetry or implements social projects. When we learn something new, our brains are activated.

Arrange the "charging" for the brain
You stand in line, drive to work - multiply, and divide big numbers in mind. Search the internet tasks of a series of "Misha had five apples ..." and solve them. Gradually move on to more complex tasks. The main thing, take it a rule - to arrange a daily "five-minute for the mind."

Simplify and visualize information
Present complex information in a simple form. Write a plan or mapping thoughts (mind map). mind map allows you to visualize ideas and tasks, and therefore easier to remember them.

Try to diversify tasks
If you every day doing only routine tasks, you accustom your brain to passivity. Tasks are carried out purely on the machine, without requiring you to an active mental work. As a result, at a time when you need to find creative solutions, understand the new problem, etc. -.. You will not be able to quickly and efficiently handle it. You are already used to working in a predetermined pattern, and any deviation from it will be for you to stress.

How to avoid it? Quit all forces to ensure that the variety of tasks. If you can not do so in a professional activity, are actively looking for options in everyday life. Come up with the concept of a family holiday. Help your children or friends with their studies. There are many options.

Effect of Zeigarnik
This is a psychological effect, according to which a person remembers unfinished business better than the ones he brought to the end. This effect clearly shows the failure of multitasking: switching from one job to another, you can not concentrate on a new task, as you can not stop thinking about the previous one. Hence the conclusion: always concentrate on one job and only then proceed to the next.

Food for brain
Spinach is rich in iron. The oatmeal contains vitamin E. Nuts have long been considered a nutritious product that activates the brain. You can also choose the appropriate medication, for example, the drug "Meldonium doping" improves memory, accelerates thinking processes and has a beneficial effect on your health. You can buy Mildronate.

Always leave time for rest
It is important to arrange a short break during the day. So you go back to business with renewed vigor. Do not forget about a longer vacation (20-30 minutes), which is recommended to organize after the completion of important tasks.

Someone helps relax the walk, someone - meditation, while others prefer to take a little nap. Only you know what you prefer.

We wish you a productive work!

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