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Melanotan 2 for weight loss

13 Dec 2016

Melanotan 2 is not only excellent suntan. If to look at receptors with which Melanotan 2 interacts then we will see that this synthetic proteinaceous and peptide hormone can influence decrease in body weight of the user. And this decrease in weight happens due to fat content reduction. Of course, you shall have quite reasonable question: How it is possible? I will try to explain influence on metabolism of fats.

Mechanisms of combustion of fat

At present the mankind knows two methods of decrease in fatty weight. The first method is lipolysis, the second is liposuction. If "Melanotan 2" can't influence liposuction, then on ëèïîëèç as it appeared, can. But lipolysis is a multi-stage process, and this or that hormone / protein / enzyme takes part in each of stages. Therefore before designating a role "Melanotana 2" in this process, we should remember that we know about fat and its metabolism. Practically any fat which gets to us to an organism is "mix" from fatty acids and glycerin. Uniting among themselves, fatty acids and glycerin form triglycerides. Triglycerides, in turn, can't be soaked up by intestines walls, but an organism, namely a pancreas, on this case the special mechanism of impact is provided. The pancreas digestive enzyme under the name a pancreatic lipase (or a pancreas lipase) which dissolves triglyceride on free fatty acids and on mono glycosides. After dissolution these products pass through intestines walls then again triglycerides are formed, and these triglycerides through lymphatic system get to blood. Through blood they (triglycerides) are transported to adipocytes, hepatocytes and muscle fibers where they are stored or oxidized for energy demands of an organism. But between storage and oxidation the huge abyss which some hormones and enzymes allow to pass exists time.

We know that main "storage" of triglycerides are fatty cages adipocytes. In adiposities fat, namely free fatty acids and glycerin, are concluded behind a special membrane which passes fat on freedom only by means of specific enzyme hormone lipase. This enzyme, strangely enough, Sekretirutsya by the same fatty cages, and the known and hotly loved by us hormones is somatropn (growth hormone) and adrenaline start secretion. If to simplify a little the cascade of processes, then the role of hormone of growth and adrenaline consists in the following. At intensive physical activities glikogen depots are exhausted, and at further consumption of energy starts hormone lipase somatropin, and further adrenaline which are designed to compensate falling of level of our power substrata. We go further (you haven't forgotten that we try to define a role "Melanotana 2" in the course of decrease in fatty weight?). So, the lipase is started (we will assume that it was promoted by application of an exogenous somatotropin), the adipocyte has released free fatty acids and glycerin. Glycerin, being hydrophilic substance, at hit and blood is dissolved, and here with free fatty acids the situation is slightly more difficult. Free fatty acids in blood can be transported only thanks to albumine which creates with them (free fatty acids) a complex, and this complex reaches cages targets in which there will be an oxidation (utilization) of free fatty acids to obtaining energy. Here, with your permission, I will a little distract again. Our organism pretty interesting "complex" is which first of all always seeks for maintenance of balance and continuous, steady functioning in any situation and under any conditions. It is provided with various processes and mechanisms. And so as for fat, if free fatty acids aren't oxidized, they will be back transferred to adiposities where will be stored. For this reason each of stages of influence on fatty weight (of course, by means of sport and sports pharmacology) is essentially important, we need to oxidize fat.

Generally, we pass to oxidation of free fatty acids. You I won't weary expectation, and I will tell that "Melanotan 2" will help us with this process. Those from you who aimed to understand such sports additive as a L-carnitine, most likely, paid attention to such enzyme as a carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (of course, this extremely airtight name therefore for convenience let's call this KPF-1 enzyme). I will remind, KPF-1 transfers free fatty acids through a membrane of mitochondrions in a cage where there is a beta oxidation of free fatty acids accompanied with solid allocation of energy. And so "Melanotan 2" is the analog alpha hormone (and-MSH), increases activity of KPF-1. Also increases not simply, and is about 140% more. What does it give? KPF-1 can "take" and transfer to 140% more than free fatty acids in mitochondrion’s of cages now (for example, in mitochondrion of muscle cells) that in turn will lead to bigger oxidation of free fatty acids, bigger release of energy and decrease in fatty weight. Whether use of hormone of growth, carnitine or even adrenaline is obligatory at the same time? I won't be able unambiguously to answer the matter as the use of this or that product (sports additives or exogenous hormones) in many respects depends on the purposes which before himself are set by the athlete therefore I will "diplomatically" notice only that the combination "Melanotana 2" with other pharmacology or sport pity isn't obligatory, but can increase its efficiency. In more detail we will talk about this combination a little later.

Loss of appetite

Except improvement of metabolism of fats, there is at "Melanotan 2" one more property which, certainly, helps with process of decrease in fatty weight. I speak about appetite suppression. To understand how it occurs, we should pay again attention to receptors which Melanotan 2" contacts ". As you, perhaps, remember, "Melanotan 2" as the analog alpha hormone (and-MSH), has a capability to contact four of five and - MSH-receptors, and personalized MC1R, MC3R, MC4R and MC5R. From all provided receptors for the relation to food, that is for appetite and for preference in food, the MC4R-receptor answers. Scientists, in the beginning based on tests with use of mice (deleting or, on the contrary, stimulating activity of MC4R) came to such conclusion, and then it was noticed that the mutation of MC4R is one of the obesity reasons at people. It is important to note that behind influence on appetite and on preference in food more global purpose, namely regulation of energy balance is covered. You can try Tiramin.

Let's consider now what occurs without entering of exogenous hormones. The main (and still unique) the external natural factor starting "sharp loss of appetite" is the acute emotional stress. Reacting to a stress, neurons of the arc-shaped kernel of a thalamus from synthesize alpha hormone (which "selective" analog Melanotan 2" is "). Further this hormone contacts the MC4R-receptor which has very wide circulation on all central nervous system (in each part of a brain, including a hypothalamus, a thalamus, a cerebral cortex, in a brain trunk, in a spinal cord). Linkng with a receptor causes feeling of alarm and temporary decrease in need for consumption of food. At the same time the level of kortikosteron low-active hormone of bark of adrenal glands which is a predecessor of aldosteron the hormone responsible for balance of sodium and potassium in a human body increases.But this influence of natural factors and what there is in case of application "Melanotan 2"? There is the same, except emergence of feeling of alarm. That is there is a binding "Melanotan 2" to the MC4R-receptor that is followed by temporary loss of appetite. And here I would like to explain to you in more detail as it occurs, but, to my deepest regret, so far science it is authentically not known what processes and factors are involved in decrease "desires to eat" after binding "Melanotan 2" with the MC4R-receptor. However you shouldn't doubt reliability of this property "Melanotan 2", moreover, in 2012 the group of the American scientists has already taken the first experimental steps on the way to application of stimulators of MC4R-receptors for a loss of appetite at the patients who have undergone an operation of shunting of a stomach. During these experiments (of course, on animal models) it has been shown that "Melanotan 2" not bad copes with appetite suppression that favorably affects a condition of post-operating rooms experimental. As for dosages and the modes of application "Melanotan 2" for decrease "desire to eat", here too doesn't exist yet scientifically established dependence therefore, considering dosages, I can rely only on the experience and experience of other users "Melanotan 2", well and on some scientific sources with the hypotheses confirmed with researches with use of animal models.

Scheme of use and dose

The first that needs to be understood, so is that when using "Melanotan 2" doesn't mean to a loss of appetite better any more. You shouldn't force events. It is enough to apply 50-150 mkg once a day, it is preferable in the morning in order that hours five-six not to think of food. At the same time no feelings of alarm, nausea and other "troubles" arise. However it is worth to remember about takhifilaksia. A terrible word, but it only designates decrease in effect of use of medicine. That is applying "Melanotan 2" as a supressant of appetite, every day in small dosages, we risk to reduce efficiency of such impact as the organism simply will get used and will adapt to stimulation. This effect was noted not only in case of household use "Melanotan 2" "national experimenters", but also the Chinese scientists in 2010. As it was offered to do option of avoidance of a similar situation, not daily injections, but an injection once in one-two days. Such mode, of course, extends a rate, but allows not to cause accustomings. If you had a question of food during weight loss on "Melanotana 2", then here too there is no unambiguous recipe. It is necessary to cut down fats, of course, as, however, and with carbohydrates too you shouldn't play. I would like that you understood that "Melanotan 2" and its property to oxidize fat also won't suppress appetite to have any effect without diet and trainings. It not a "magic pill" and nevertheless it is necessary to work that even by means of Melanotan to reduce hated sides and a stomach. So, let's sum up a peculiar result in this section. As you see, "Melanotan 2" really possesses a capability to influence fatty metabolism, and this capability not bad (I would even tell, very opportunely) is supplemented with property to reduce appetite. However it is necessary to remember that improvement of oxidation of fats and a loss of appetite is a merit not of big dosages, but the gradual and systematic mode of application of this product of the modern pharmacological market. You shouldn't hurry, thereby causing accustoming and undesirable by-effects (about which we will talk later), it is better to choose "homeopathic" tactics of application "Melanotana 2". If to tell more specifically, then the following modes and dosages can become optimum:

  • For appetite suppression: 50-150 mkg two days running, one day of rest. Duration of such application depends only on your desire and on your health.
  • For improvement of metabolism of fats: 100-300 mkg every day for one-two weeks. At the same time it is necessary to remember that the diet and change of training process very much will help with achievement of the planned purpose. And also don't forget that "Melanotan 2" is after all a stimulator of production of melanin and if during this period your skin is exposed to ultra-violet radiation, then the probability is very high also to sunbathe. To repeat or not this two-week course "Melanotana 2" — it depends on you, but if there is insuperable desire to continue, then it is better to make it after week rest from this medicine.

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