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Mechanisms of Sexual Selection

09 Dec 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about the hypotheses to explain the choice of a sexual partner, the difference natural and sexual selection, and the reasons for the attractiveness of some males.

The sexual selection is different from the natural? What are the hypotheses to explain the choice of female sexual partner? And how sensory preferences affect the mechanism of sexual selection?

The term "sexual selection" was proposed by Darwin. He contrasted in a sense, natural selection sexual selection because, as he said, sexual selection occurs not as a result of the struggle for existence, as in the case of natural selection and the struggle for the possession of individuals of the same sex. And, as a rule, the struggle between the males for possession of the females. Since then, continuing fierce debate about this phenomenon - sexual selection, and still many researchers, for example, believe that sexual selection does not need to be isolated and does not need to be separated from the natural selection, it's just part of the process.

The biggest problems arise in cases when discussing specific examples of sexual selection on males extravagant features, such as long tails, very, very bright colors, very loud song. And at the same time the male has nothing to offer female, but their genes. That is, suppose we can observe some extravagant courtship dances, while the female chooses one or the other sign of the male, and the male no contribution to the cultivation of future offspring does not make. And indeed sometimes difficult to explain why the female chooses a male with such features that it can mean for her if she takes all the burden of rearing. There are today several models, several hypotheses that explain these processes. But the hypothesis can be, and wonderful, but the empirical evidence is not so much.

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There is a hypothesis that has a different name - the hypothesis of "handicap" or "good genes". According to this hypothesis, females prefer some extravagant, eye-catching signs, because they are an indicator of male quality, its strength, or health, or any other, so to speak, of useful properties. Only in this case the offspring, sons and daughters, to be more adaptable. What is fitness? It can take many forms: it is either increased viability or increased fertility or resistance to infection, and high immunity so on.

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