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Mechanisms of regulation of emotions

27 Oct 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping talks about phobias, suppression of emotions and cognitive re-evaluation of the situation. What are the strategies we use to influence their own state? Which of these strategies are most effective? What can cause avoidance of negative emotions?

Regulation of emotions is a set of mental processes that strengthen, weaken or kept at the same level intensity and quality of the emotional reactions and states rights. Modern researcher emotion regulation Stanford scientist James Gross proposes to consider the regulation of emotions as a process, that is, the deployment of regulatory efforts in time, and as a property, that is, the individual characteristics that are inherent in a given individual in the regulation of emotional states.

People controlled by selecting and to some extent to control those situations that allow you to achieve any positive emotions or avoid the negative. In this sense, we manage to some extent our lives. What is the problem seen? Avoiding negative emotions to which we aspire all individuals leads to the fact that the start to avoid a large number of situations, and this is the way to abuses, which in clinical psychology and psychiatry are called phobias. That is to avoid the situations that cause fear, to the detriment of some purposeful behavior aimed at achieving some long-term goals.

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There is a large part of the people who are experiencing negative emotions, trying to pretend that nothing happens. And they do it in relation to themselves and to other individuals. As far as functional for the person this strategy? On the one hand, indeed, sometimes negative emotions destroy or disrupt some targeted processes that do not disrupt important. On the other hand, suppressed emotions, as studies show, remain in the body. That is, people who do not express their emotions, experiencing them at the same time show high physiological reactivity. Suppression of emotion does not eliminate the physiological response, it remains at the same level, and thus, the physiological reaction that can not be expressed externally, is a factor of psychosomatic disorders.

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