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Mechanism of action of growth hormone

13 Oct 2017

Many beginning bodybuilders, who want to quickly build muscle mass and acquire relief muscles with the help of special sports supplements, are interested in the mechanism of action of somatotropin, and how soon its anabolic effect is manifested.

The action of somatotropin, obtained by genetic engineering, is due to its ability to bind to receptors that have catalytic tyrosine kinase activity. Growth hormones are sensitive to bone, muscle, cartilage and adipose tissue, as well as hepatocytes (liver parenchymal cells). This product activates all the stages of protein synthesis without exception, speeds up the transport of amino acids, reduces dissimilation and creates a positive nitrogen balance, which positively affects the collection of muscle mass.

It should be noted that many of the effects of somatotropin are caused by somatomedins (growth factors of the liver), having insulin-like action and increasing somatic growth. It is these polypeptide hormones that determine the intensity of carbohydrate metabolism, activate assimilation processes, promote the mobilization and decay of fats and glucose in tissues.

The effect of growth hormone

The effect of taking Somatotropin, used in sports practice as a monopreparation and in conjunction with other pharmacological products:

  • Fast set of dry muscle mass;
  • Burning of surplus subcutaneous fat and reducing the size of the fat layer;
  • Increased growth hormone secretion, reduced for natural reasons;
  • Rapid healing of injured joints;
  • Stimulation of growth of linear bones (up to 26 years of age);
  • Anti-catabolic action (delay in the process of destruction of muscle tissue);
  • Increased blood glucose;
  • Strengthening of bone, muscle and connective tissue;
  • Rejuvenation of the body;
  • Stimulation of growth of internal organs atrophied with age;
  • Optimization of protein, fat and carbohydrate intake;
  • Increasing the body's immune forces.

It is interesting that only a small part of the above pharmacological effects are caused directly by Somatotropin itself, and the majority of them is controlled by IGF-1 (an insulin-like growth factor), which is synthesized by the action of STH in the liver and has a complex positive effect on the athlete's body

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