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Love affects the brain like strong drugs

07 Jul 2017

In the course of scientific work, scientists managed to prove that the feeling of love affects the human brain like strong narcotic substances. Experts have established that the connections that stand out when they are in love affect the neurons, activating their work.

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Scientists explain that love almost does not differ from drug addiction. A person experiencing certain emotions during intimacy with a lover also feels his lack at a temporary or final parting, which is very similar to breaking off addicts.

Experts said that love has a high level of addiction, similar to drug addiction. If lovers for any reason part, they suffer from depression or other psychological disorders. Often this condition requires the help of a specialist.

Researchers add that the hormones that are released when in love, have a positive effect on the general condition of a person.

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Previous research has shown that when a person breaks up, depression often appears, and this condition needs to be treated. It is very important to turn to doctors in time, because this ailment has a biological aspect. Attempts to cope with stress independently can lead to serious problems.

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