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Local irritative effects

26 Oct 2016

Warm paste is medicines for external application most of which often use for anesthesia. They increase a blood-groove in fabrics, eliminate hypostasis and reduce pain. For this reason these means are effective in case of various inflammatory diseases to which miozita, radiculitises, neuritis, problems with sheaves, sinews and joints belong.

The warming ointments are used also in case of injuries. However there is one nuance. The matter is that at once after damage of fabric it is necessary to cool. It becomes by means of cold compresses or ordinary water. Then the zone of possible damage decreases. And only in several days after an injury it is possible to apply the warming funds on a sore point. Read in more detail: treatment of sports injuries.

Many apply the warming ointments to treatment of cellulitis and weight loss, however efficiency of this approach doesn't find confirmation in researches and medical literature.


The warming ointments aren't recommended to be rubbed because it can lead to additional damage. Just it is necessary to put an agent for a skin and to wait until it is absorbed. Only in this case ointment will accelerate convalescence. If to use similar drugs right after a trauma, then they won't bring any benefit. It is more than that – various complications are probable.

On the contrary, for prophylaxis of injuries before a training ointment needs to be rubbed. It best of all helps at an appreciable exercise stress when continuous and complex duty is necessary to a musculoskeletal system. For example, competitions or just occupations in the gym. Many athletes perfectly know how muscles after the training strongly hurt. To prevent it, it is necessary not only to warm up well, but also to rub the warming ointments in muscles. Considering subtleties of use of these agents, before their use it is necessary to study the summary. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.


Earlier as the warming agents Sinapismuses and turpentine widely were used. Turpentine still is a part of some ointments. But recently Linimentums on the basis of a capsaicine began to be applied widely. This burning substance which is a part of siliculose pepper. Also quite often the structure contains beekeeping products, anti-inflammatory drugs, menthol, formic alcohol, etc.


Analgos is the warming ointment for external application. Has anesthetic effect. Active agent - propilnikotinat.


Apizartron - ointment with the characteristic memorable smell. Contains bee sting. Under the influence of drug the metabolism is activated, an elastance of a connecting tissue and muscles increases, the tonus of muscles goes down, the local blood stream improves and pain decreases. The effect develops in a few minutes after drawing.


Drug is shown at a bursitis, a miositis, a radiculitis, bruises, neuralgia, etc. To apply on a healthy place and 2-3 g of ointment are rubbed. Then massage which it is necessary to repeat 1-3 times a day becomes. For check of sensitivity to drug begin with 1 g. If you well transfer this dose, then can enlarge it to 2-3 g.

Ben-gay is applied as anesthetic at muscular pains, and also to removal of fatigue after the sports training.


Bystrumgel is effective at an inflammation or traumatic lesions of joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles (arthritis, a periarthritis, a bursitis, bruises, damages of ligaments, dislocations, injuries of a meniscus of a knee, a lumbago).


Venoruton-gel is appointed at sharp injuries, bruises, thrombophlebitis, hypostases. Has the anesthetizing effect, removes stress in muscles, cools.


Gel 2 times a day (as a rule, inflict on area defeats in the morning and in the evening), softly rubbing before full absorption. In need of Venoruton gel can be applied under bandage or elastic stockings. The supporting dose - 1 time a day for the night. It isn't necessary to carry out thermal procedures!

Voltarenum Emulgel with diclofenac active ingredient is shown at arthroses, lesions the sinovialnykh of covers and tendons, illnesses of the soft tissues bound to a load, an overload and pressure. It is applied at a rheumatic disease, dislocations, stretching and damage of device of joints.

Voltarenum Emulgel

Diclofenac (analogs — Ortofen, Diklak, Voltaren) is produced in the form of ointment and 1% of gel. It is used at a lumbago, inflammatory diseases of joints, has febrifugal effect.


Kapsikam is the popular warming and antiinflammatory ointment which antiagregantny agent, camphor, turpentine, and a dimethylsulfoxide (Dimexidum). Differs in long local irritative action till 12 o'clock.


Menovazin represents liquid for grinding. Contains menthol, novocaine, benzocaine and ethyl alcohol. These components reduce pain.


Nicoflex — sports cream which contains such active agents as etilgenlikol-salycylate, lavender oil. It is applied at bruises, muscle pains, spasms, etc. He can be used at massage. White color and specific (insignificant) smell.


Comfrey (Okopnik) - gel with extract of a plant of a comfrey renders the anesthetizing and distracting effects. Active components of drug softly stimulate the nervous terminations, improve a circulation. The warming effect provides decrease of a pain syndrome in the affected joints and muscles, improves restoration and promotes relaxation of a musculation.

It is quickly absorbed, without leaving fat marks. Is suitable for any type of a skin. Also the Comfrey is issued in the form of cream.

Comfrey (Okopnik)

Structure. The allantoin – has antiinflammatory effect, softens a pain syndrome, stimulates neogenesis. Tannina, being a part of drug, accelerate processes of an adhesion of ulcerative and wound lesions. A tocopherol the acetate (vitamin E) is characterized by antioxidatic property. Olerezin has the warming effect.

Troxevasinum gel includes active agents, possesses the antiinflammatory and anesthetizing action. It is applied at the edemas, pains caused by a venous failure, a posttraumatic syndrome. It is effective at treatment of stretchings and bruises.

Troxevasinum gel

Fastum gel is applied at morbid, inflammatory or traumatic lesions of joints, tendons, ligaments or muscles, and also at inflammations of tendons, a bursitis, bruises, injuries of joints with stretching or a rupture of ligaments, dislocations.

Fastum gel

Finalgon contains nivinamed and nikoboksit which have the vasodilating properties supplementing each other, cause a dermahemia, enlarge rate of enzymatic reactions, activate a metabolism.


Nonivamid is a synthetic analog of a capsaicine and has analgeziruyushchy properties which are shown as a result of gradual penetration of active agent into peripheric notsitseptivny C-fibers and the A-delta nervous fibers at repeated putting drug on a skin. Nonivamid has vasodilating effect which is followed by an intensive, long caumesthesia, due to stimulation of the afferent nervous terminations in a skin.

Nikoboksil is derivative the nicotinic acid having vasodilating properties with the participation of Prostaglandinums of I2 and E2. The hyperemic effect of a nikoboksil (a butoksietilovy Aether of nicotinic acid) develops quicker and has larger intensity, than hyperemic effect of a nonivamid.

Espol possesses the expressed anesthetizing action. Renders the distracting effect: after putting gel skin is warmed, there is a feeling of heat and heat that automatically distracts from pain. Espol it is possible to use in case of treatment of bruises and dislocations, consequences of changes and even gaps of muscles. This warming ointment is issued by several producers and has different registrations of packagings.


Efkamon includes camphor, oil clove and eucalyptus, menthol, methyl salicylate and other components. Ointment has analgesic effect. It is applied in case of a miozita, radiculitis, bruises, ëþìáàãî, etc. It is used together with massage.


Emspoma is applied as anesthetic at muscular pains, and also to putting off of fatigue after the sports training. It is used for preparation of muscles before an exercise stress, for prophylaxis of injuries, and also during the rehabilitational period.


Further we will pass to such agents of restoration as massage, self-massage, a sauna. They not only help to recover from injuries, but also maintain the general working capacity, strengthen immunity.

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