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26 Jan 2017

Does the flu is dangerous during pregnancy?

During the influenza epidemic, pregnant women are among the most vulnerable: they are easier to catch, they have complicated influenza occurs, the consequences of the disease may be unfavorable. The immune system is suppressed virtually the entire pregnancy, it is a necessary condition for successful childbearing. But this exposes the mother and child risk during seasonal epidemics.

Why the immune system of pregnant women are often unable to cope with viral load?

The embryo is genetically half heterogenous woman's body. In order for him to attach to the uterine wall and was not attacked by the immune cells, the immune system of women after fertilization reduces their activity. This evolutionary adaptation helps continue the family line, but makes the body vulnerable to infections pregnant. Therefore, the flu during pregnancy may occur more complex, with negative consequences for both mother and fetus.

The risk of pregnancy complications in influenza is associated with impaired blood circulation in the placenta and in the first trimester - the risk of miscarriage. Hypoxia can cause fetal malformations, the predisposition of the child in the future to chronic diseases, congenital deficiency of immunity. To understand whether the harm to the fetus has been dealt with influenza mother, doctors generally recommend a "triple test" and an additional ultrasound.

How is flu in pregnant

Flu during pregnancy - it is always a lottery. A child will not necessarily damage even at high temperature and complications. But conversely, if the mother suffered a disease easily, it does not rule out harm to the fetus. Therefore, when planning pregnancy is recommended to be vaccinated against influenza. You can also like Semax.

If you are already ill, do not panic and take medicine against influenza at its discretion. In any case, a pregnant influenza physician should treat, and it can only designate a safe and effective drugs. In severe influenza hospitalized woman: it will help to monitor its condition, and the condition of the fetus, and help on time.

To reduce the negative consequences of SARS or influenza during pregnancy will receive citric and succinic acids. This organic acid that activate cellular respiration, and helps prevent fetal hypoxia. For the prevention of pregnancy complications, and as adjunctive therapy, citric and succinic acid is prescribed as a drug Limontar. This medicine reduces the negative impact on the body of the woman and the fetus. Limontar recommend taking along with baking soda or drinking alkaline mineral water. The drug is available without prescription, but during pregnancy any medication can be taken only on prescription.

Thus, the full answer to the question "how much you can drink without harm" is not, as a toxic effect of alcohol in each case depends on heredity, sharing features, the original state of health. In order not to hurt yourself, we recommend you stick to the lower threshold of acceptable standards.

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