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Leveton (Leveton-P, Leveton-forte)

22 Nov 2016

Leveton (Leveton-P, Leveton-forte) is actively advertized by dietary supplement from the Longevity Secrets company (LLC Parafarm, Penza). According to statements of representatives, Leveton is "world-best medicine by efficiency and the price". The persuasive promotion company of additive which is carried out on the Internet on sports and bodybuilding forums where marketing agents under the guise of regular visitors leave numerous messages on unprecedented efficiency of medicine in a set of muscle bulk, power indicators and endurance is familiar to much. Actually, most of independent specialists believe that Leveton-P and Leveton-forte don't possess even the tenth share of the declared effects, and proofs to it will be stated below. Leveton doesn't strengthen a libido and doesn't influence erectile function.

Leveton (Leveton-P, Leveton-forte)

"Attention" In 2015 leveton began to advertizes additive using names of sporsmen without their permission. The 17-year sportswoman Natalya Afremova became one of victims. On one of the websites it was declared: "Progress in Natalya Afremova's success in the last two years in All-Russian competitions, and, especially, on international considerably increased after she became the sports preparation studying the Penza regional TsSP/of the Center/. Here she according to the recommendation of the trainer receives medicines of specialized sports food of the entity Parafarm - Digidrokvertsitin and the Dandelion - P." whereas Natalya never used these means. On this fact the complaint in Roskomnadzor was made.

Description of the producer

Leveton-P is framed by the Moscow scientific and practical center of sports medicine and went researches to laboratories of clinical pharmacology and doping control of the STATE COMMITTEE ON PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORTS of RUSSIA in 2000-2003 on athletes of high qualification, world class masters of sports.

Attention! We don't make extracts, infusions and broths which blast many properties of herbs. Our technology "Longevity Secrets" uses a herb entirely, and informs you of all medicinal properties given us by the Nature. Upon purchase in a drugstore, pay attention to that you were given not extract, but the drug containing a herb.

Leveton-P is recommended for the athletes doing strength sports – bodybuilding, athleticism, powerlifting.

Leveton-P possesses potent anabolic action (body height of muscle bulk, force and endurance), however has no those side effects which are characteristic of anabolic steroids (an impotency, serious changes of the central nervous system).

Leveton-P eliminates erectile dysfunction at athletes as a result of restrains and overtrainings according to researches of unit of a sexual pathology of Scientific Research Institute Psikhiatrii Ministry of Health RF.

Leveton-P isn't harmful, isn't a medicinal and doping agent and contains in biologically acquired form all complex of trace substances, amino acids and vitamins necessary for athletes during the precompetitive and competitive period.

Leveton-P is useful also to the persons who are going in for mass recreational physical culture and the persons having neurocircular dystonia as optimizes the blood circulatory system due to rising of reserve opportunities of the central hemodynamics at the most rational ratio of cordial emission and heart rate.

Action Leveton-P

Normalizes function of endocrine system of an organism (anabolic and catabolic functions);

Tones up the central nervous system, improves process of training, memory activity, improves synoptic transfer in sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of nervous system;

Controls process of education and power consumption in executive cells (muscles, a liver, kidneys, a brain and other organs);

It has an anabolic effects which need to be supported at hard physical activity (training) in avoidance of falling of body weight and a destruction of proteins at athletes of catabolic processes;

Restores immune sensitive effect in a consequence of training and competitive processes, influencing humoral and cellular immunity;

Improves microcirculation of vessels of a brain and the working muscles due to improvement of rheological properties of a blood (existence in structure of vitamins E and With, derivatives, ekdisten and other ingredients).

Promotes antioxidatic action in an organism, preventing toxic effects of free radical oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids which are activated at the exhausting exercise stress;

Prevents a hypoxia which is almost always the satellite of hard work;

The combined adaptogen Leveton-P possesses fortifying action during the postoperative period, it is expedient to apply it to prophylaxis of prostatitis.

Leveton's list

  • Contains in 1 tablet (500 mg) of leveton:
  • Levzea root - 50 mg
  • Ascorbic acid - 30 mg
  • Vitamin E - 3 mg
  • Bee pollen pellet - 100 mg
  • Other components (20 amino acids, 28 trace substances, beta carotene, vitamins of the B, D, P, PP, K groups, flavonoids, phytoncides, enzymes) - 317 mg

Auxiliary components: titanium dioxide, lactose, calcium stearate, twin-80, methyl cellulose.

How to accept Leveton?

The schedule of reception to athletes during the precompetitive period:

1st week: 2 tab. Levetona-P + 1 tab. Elton-P 3 times a day. 2nd week: 2 tab. Elton-P + 1 tab. Levetona-P 3 times a day. 3rd week: 2 tab. Levetona-P + 2 òàá. Elton-P 2 times a day. 4th week: 2 tab. Levetona-P + 1 tab. Elton-P 3 times a day.

General order of reception: the adult on the 1st tablet 2 times a day during food in the first half of day. Reception duration: 3-4 weeks.

Contraindications: individual intolerance of components.

Feedbacks of specialists

The first personal impression is an illiterate description of Leveton. Such feeling that you hold badly translated Chinese instruction in hand. The abundance of ridiculous turns of speech which are never applied in medicine makes an impression that the manufacturer wants to make an impression on the potential buyer smart phrases, however the person close to medicine will notice directly that it is uniform nonsense and ignorance of elementary Russian.

"We don't make extracts, infusions and broths which destroy many properties of herbs."

First, extracts, infusions and broths can't destroy, handling or impact can destroy. Secondly, how in general it is possible "to destroy property"?

"Our technology "Longevity Secrets" uses a herb entirely, and informs you of all richness of medicinal properties this to us by the Nature."

Involuntarily there is a question why for preparation Leveton-p herbs are used, however the output product medicine isn't? Secondly, the technology can't use something, application of passive voice is necessary here.

"Upon purchase in a drugstore, pay attention to that you were given not extract, but the medicine containing a herb."

Availability of a whole plant in medicine means that the amount of active agent is minimum. In this case one tablet Leveton-p contains only 2,5 mg of ekdisteron though in researches it is proved that the effective dose constitutes approximately "Attention" of 400 mg a day. In medicine broths, infusions and extracts not a sprosta are applied, it allows to increase concentration of active agent and to achieve considerably the best effect in treatment. And proceeding from logic of the producer Leveton-p arises a conclusion: "eat people hay - you will be healthy".

Leveton-P possesses powerful anabolic action (growth of muscle bulk, force and endurance), however has no those side effects which are characteristic of anabolic steroids (impotence, heavy changes of the central nervous system).

From what directly it becomes visible that the author of the text isn't familiar with action of anabolic steroids at all, calling almost improbable consequences which can be met only in yellow press.

Leveton-P eliminates erectile dysfunction at athletes as a result of retension and overtrainings according to researches of department of sexual pathology of Scientific Research Institute Psikhiatrii Ministry of Health RF.

First, the term "overtraining" is not absolutely correct, it was more correct to write - an overtraining. Secondly, the research it us was revealed anywhere not. The request to issue the text of a research was ignored.

Leveton-P isn't harmful, isn't medicinal and doping means and contains in biologically acquired form all complex of minerals, amino acids and vitamins necessary for athletes during the precompetitive and competitive period.

As it was already told above, for production herbs, however medicine medicinal are used isn't. All medicines and additives for people are issued in "biologically acquired form". Nevertheless, is held back the fact that 1 dose Leveton-p contains so many active agents that they will last only for 1 hour for an organism.

Leveton-P is useful also to the persons which are going in for mass improving physical culture and the persons having neurocircular dystonia as optimizes the blood circulatory system due to increase in reserve opportunities of the central haemo dynamics in case of the most rational ratio of warm emission and heart rate.

"Neurocircular dystonia" - the incorrect formulation of nosological unit. And further in the text it is possible to reveal logical deception. Perhaps, it will seem to the inhabitant normal because he doesn't penetrate into an essence, however the attempt to realize the offer is obviously impracticable. Let's provide that it is about new model of the furnace, and in advertizing to you it would be declared: "the new furnace does bread better, due to improvement of the baking capabilities in case of the most rational ratio of heat and cold". Or it is even simpler: "the new furnace is better because it bakes better".

"Leveton-P" is created by the Moscow scientific and practical center of sports medicine and went researches to laboratories of clinical pharmacology and doping control of the STATE COMMITTEE ON PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORTS of RUSSIA in 2000-2003 on athletes of high qualification, world class masters of sports."

First, a research obviously commercial that considerably reduces to it trust. Let's remind what according to commercial researches crealcalin is the best type of creatine, however in a year independent researches which showed were conducted that this form is absolute it is inefficient. Secondly, it doesn't conform to modern international standards therefore conclusions can't be considered highly reliable. Thirdly, the analysis of structure below makes against the Leveton-item at all. Please pay attention to Cerebrolysin.

Obviously, the company forgot to add the word at the end of the slogan: Leveton - a way to success of the producer!

Analysis of list of Leveton

Leveton root - active agent ekdisteron contains in extremely low dose (2,5 mg) which doesn't possess anabolic action and doesn't influence sexual function.

Ascorbic acid and vitamin E - contain in all vitamin and mineral complexes which have fuller and balanced structure.

Bee obnozhka - authentic data on efficiency are absent, doesn't possess anabolic action, doesn't contain biologically active components in a sufficient dose, doesn't influence a libido and an erection.

Other components (20 amino acids, 28 trace substances, beta carotene, vitamins of the B, D, P, PP, K groups, flavonoids, phytoncides, enzymes) - extremely small doses (317 mg) which have no notable biological effect. For example, the standard dose of amino acids makes "Attention" of 4000-6000 mg, vitamins and minerals can be bought separately in fuller and balanced structure.


Leveton-forte contains an additional component is found any application in the western medicine, however cockroaches tincture, seemingly, can gain recognition in our country even. The majority of data are based on personal opinion of authors, and researches don't conform to modern standards and can't be applicable for the person. There are no data on anabolic activity. The manufacturer couldn't even think up the suitable name for new Leveton as the word "forte" means strengthened what we don't find in a case with Leveton-forte.


"Attention" In our opinion, proceeding from the above, Leveton-p and Leveton-forte are ineffective medicines in sport and absolutely inefficient in bodybuilding as don't possess a capability to increase power indicators and muscle bulk. Leveton doesn't influence a potentiality and an erection. Direct to that the proof - numerous feedbacks of the disappointed buyers which can be found on any bodybuilding forum. And at last, try to leave a negative comment on the official site - undoubtedly, it won't be passed.

Now actively promotion agents work, leaving same and positive comments about the Leveton-item. They are registered at forums under the guise of unlucky athletes who had problems with steroids or the training plateau, and suddenly they tried Leveton, having received 7 kg of muscle bulk in a month and improbable increase in power indicators. At these users, as a rule, the number of messages doesn't exceed 10.

And at last, if Leveton-p or Leveton-forte were really effective, many producers of sports food right there would begin to copy this combination of active components, so occurred always and will occur. However in this case it doesn't occur that isn't surprising at all.

Please note that our purpose you shouldn't overpersuade you or to slander the producer, our purpose - to provide information from the point of view of evidential medicine and a scientific issue.

Reply letter of the producer

Lately the this article caused a considerable public response as it is the unique treatise which completely reveals the weak pharmacological party of medicine. Promotion agents at forums continue to try to justify the product with the fact that this article is written "to order", and sport has from it some economic benefit. Article was repeatedly edited the producer, however changes had especially subjective character and had no informative value therefore were removed moderators, in a consequence she was blocked from free editing.

Unsuccessfulness of measures from the company led to the fact that in January, 2011 on our mail the desperate request arrived, to place comments of the producer. Proceeding from the principle of objectivity and impartiality we decided to arrive fairly and to place comments on the page of discussion, and the reader will already independently solve for himself whose arguments more powerful.

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