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Leuzea: Ancient Doping

22 Dec 2016

Our patient today - a good old adaptogen. The plant, which is native to the mysterious, wild mountainous areas of Siberia. Apparently, once people decide to eat the grass and got a variety of effects, and the rumor leaked thousands of kilometers away from the potential epicenters. Leuzea - a fast adaptogen. Its effects are felt immediately.

Leuzea buy

About this grass, I learned from his classmate at the university a few years ago, he exploits it until now. One day he introduced me to somehow agent that reduces sleep, increases energy, vitality and simply suppresses almost all available ordinary person sedatives. But everything is always in order.

Leuzea is began to produce and use as a food additive in the 50-ies in the USSR. Maybe someone heard about the soft drinks "Sayan", which contains levzei. This was the beginning of mass improve immunity Union citizens, our response to the western caffeinated cola. Since the substance is firmly stuck among domestic mineral grass.

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How does Leuzea act:

  • 1.The muscles, stamina, libido.

Our current material includes a plurality of antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements.

Leuzea is rich of ecdysteroids, for this reason forbidding used by athletes. If you are far from the sports pharmacology, then believe in the word that ecdysteroids do not have steroids in the mass consciousness, and there are no corresponding side effects.

The basic ecdysteroid in Leuzea - is ecdysterone. Most likely, this component is the link with Leuzea such effects as increased libido, increase muscular endurance and increase muscle mass by improving protein metabolism. However, no precise unambiguous data that ecdysterone is useful, so do not rely that take Leuzea and shake. But fatigue is indeed less!

Leuzea, adaptogen

Possibly, there is an action on norepinephrine. The precursor of adrenaline. If the system is circulating adrenaline, you can be sure that it is there and norepinephrine. To physically understand and feel how it works, you can imagine yourself a predator while hunting. Tu strange nervousness, quick look, suddenly able to stand still and concentrate on the victim. Tu smooth movement and, at the same time, the power to explode up and make a crazy exercise.

  • 2.Leuzea improves memory and learning.

In the 70s of the last century Leuzea conducted a study on the 52 healthy volunteers aged 19-25 years. Conducts proof-test, the test on hold attention. A total of 10 drops of extract of Rhaponticum improved performance by 4 times compared with the control group.

Leuzea acts on the energy processes in the nerve cell, to strengthen the synthesis of energy-rich proteins, eg connecting, nucleic acids. Simply put, Leuzea creates energy reserves in the cells, the best energy efficient and writes in a notebook a new standard energy production through nucleic acid.

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Another entertaining study was conducted on rats. Maze was used to test their intellectual abilities. There were three groups where Leuzea used in different doses for 10 days, it turned out that the group, which was the average dose showed the best performance. Unfortunately, it is not known what it means to the average dosage for humans.

  • 3.Leuzea improves the immune system, fights stress.

Mechanisms are many, one of them - it is the inhibition of the activation of a protein complex NF-kB. It is present in all animal cells and regulates the response to stimuli as stress, viral infection, inflammation, etc. The better the complex is a protein family in our cells, the more we are exposed to stress and viruses. In general, it is normal practice. Man is not a robot. We are made of organic materials and may conditionally "hurt", but Leuzea makes us a little more healthy.

In mice were amply demonstrated above indicated effects. Overall performance has increased by 88%, and in some indicators in 2 times.

In experiments on humans no precise percentage data. But there is a good sample, 902 people took Leuzea. In the experimental decreased depression, improved neuro-psychological tone and decreased craving for alcohol, probably because so tincture contains 70% alcohol :-) After 15 days of improved overall health. You can also like Cerebrolysin.

Course Leuzea

Contraindications adaptogen Leuzea can be acute heart failure, antidepressants - MAO inhibitors, high blood pressure.

Here it is necessary to say what benefits it Leuzea, compared with other adaptogens. Ginseng, Eleutherococcus and Radiola likely to cause in overdose side effects. In the case of today's difficult to achieve substance overdose. In small and medium doses it will be useful and almost harmless for both men and women and children over 12 years.

Side effects inherent not everyone and not always. Most often they occur in those who have an excessive amount of material. There may be this: distraction, rapid breathing, sweating.
Leuzea sold in a variety of different forms of production. Personally, we classmate took alcohol tincture (extract Leuzea). Not because alcoholics, but because the first available under the arm. I drank 1/4 bottle (13 ml), diluted in 300 ml of water in the morning a couple of times a week. My friend take on the bottle, but it seems to me that it is too straining the heart and the body as a whole. Remember, alcoholate, all of a sudden! It is containing alcohol 70 degrees. Little did drive the car ...

Officially, extract Leuzea course is as follows: 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day for 3 weeks. It is about a teaspoon at a time.

Bottom Line:

- Leuzea undervalued and unacknowledged, for unknown reasons.

- This herb has a wide spectrum of action. Especially worth noting Properties of nootropic, adaptogenic, immunostimulating. Also, there are specific effects: reduction of alcohol dependence, improving muscular endurance, an antidepressant effect.

- To understand its effects, take a teaspoon 3 times a day, if the tincture. It can be even more. For sale in pharmacies.

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