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Language in terms of its origin

12 Dec 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about the unique properties of language, speech recognition, and actual division. Why babies can breathe and eat at the same time? Can a monkey to make sounds on purpose? How many sounds in the second analyzes the person?

It is believed that the language - a tool for thinking, and he was not formed for someone to say something, and to how to think. In principle, the language is really very good at helping us to do that. We can think of some things without looking at them, not hearing, not feeling the nose, but just with words causing the desired images in his brain and connecting one image with another. This allows us to not reach immediately to where we involve the emotions, and the first thought - and eventually give a more informed decision.

Human language is one of the main components of the adaptation of the order of primates - to adapt to the "cognitive niche" that is, to ensure that to know the world, to understand the relationship existing in it, and on this basis to develop the best program behavior. To improve language ability – buy Cogitum, Piracetam, Semax, Picamilon and Cortexin.

Language has the property that I call adjustability: knowing some of its elements and their combination rules, a person can build a new language of expression. For example, even if the first time you hear a particular word, it's not difficult to form from it the form of a instrumental case. You can say this form, not because they had heard it once before, but because you have an idea on how this form should be generated - and you never for a moment difficult, finish building it.

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