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Ladasten – improves memory, physical

03 Dec 2016

Advantages: restores the activity and endurance; improves physical and mental performance;

Disadvantages: effect while taking

Neurologist prescribed me Ladasten at a dose of 1 tablet twice a day for 4 weeks. Its use is just coincided with the fact that I changed jobs and to learn a new profession. This drug improved memory, all memory just to cheer. There was weakness, but rather was an active, increased efficiency, both mental and physical. I generally quickly accustomed to my new profession, I did not feel any fatigue. But after a month of receipt of the drug are returned again and fatigue and lethargy, memory has deteriorated again. And I realized that his action gives only a temporary effect.

Ladasten is an antiasthenic drug. It is used in asthenic and physical conditions of different genesis, after infectious diseases and neurasthenia. Ladasten promotes restoration of activity, increases stamina, improves physical and mental performance. It can not be taken by pregnant women, during lactation, children under 18 years of age and are hypersensitive to the drug. When side effects may sleep disorder, symptoms of excessive activation, but it does not require withdrawal of the drug, it is necessary to reduce the dosage. Allergic reactions are possible. I had no side effects.

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