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Ladasten (Bromantane) tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects

16 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: General tonic and adaptogens.

Synonyms: Bromantane.

Active substance: Adamanthylbromphenylamine.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

F06.6 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder;

F48.0 Neurasthenia;

Z54 recovery period.

Each tablet contains:
Active substance: bromantane (adamantilfenilamin) - 0.05 g and 0.10 g.

Ladasten is adamantane derivatives, a positive impact on the performance of physical and mental performance. The spectrum of action of the drug combination of activating, anxiolytic, immunostimulant actions and elements actoprotective activity. Ladasten has no hypnotic-sedative and muscle relaxant properties, the drug has no addictive potential. In its application, unlike a typical action of psychostimulants, almost no effects develop hyperstimulation and aftereffect of depletion functionality of the organism.

Therapeutic action of Ladasten
Ladasten in patients with asthenia and anxiety-asthenic disorders manifested from the first day of its application in the form of a distinct reduction asthenic symptoms, indicators of emotional stress, somatovegetativnyh manifestations; medication helps to restore the activity and increase endurance.

Ladastena mechanism of action associated with increased release of dopamine from presynaptic terminals, blockade of its re-uptake and biosynthesis enhancement caused gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, as well as its modulatory effect on the GABA-benzodiazepine-hlorionoformny retseptor complex, eliminating decrease benzodiazepine reception, growing under stress . Ladasten enhances GABA-ergic mediation, reducing the expression of the gene controlling the synthesis of GABA transporter, carrying the reuptake of the neurotransmitter.
Ladasten toxic (LD50 in rats is greater than 10,000 mg / kg, and more than 100 times greater than the effective dose).

Ladasten Dosage

Ladasten taken orally with or without food.

Single dose - 50–100 mg daily dose is 100–200 mg in 2 divided doses.

The drug should not be used after 16 hours duration of a course of the drug is 2–4 weeks.

Ladasten Side effects

CNS: manifestations may occur excessive activation and sleep disorders.

Other: allergic reactions (when individual hypersensitivity to the drug).

Indications for Ladasten

Asthenic conditions of various origins, including somatic diseases and after infectious diseases;



Pregnancy ;


Children up to age 18;

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Ladasten Reviews

A particularly interesting point is the impact on gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase. The well-known fact that long-term use of MAOIs or IOZNoradrenalina leads to a compensatory reduction of the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase. The clinical significance of apparently do not really know, but we can assume that it leads to a decrease in the level of catecholamines may in part defining and therapeutic resistance, relapse, or something else not quite desirable. Now we have the opportunity to even be barrier this process.
From this perspective, it is interesting to look at ladasten effect in combination with SNRIs, particularly in Ixelles, the most selective inhibitor of norepinephrine.
For the remaining ladasten effects (effects on emissions and the capture of dopamine), I set very skeptical, because it is not addictive, therefore does not affect the release and reuptake of dopamine. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) selective IOZD has addictive potential (despite the fact that the release of dopamine is not affected).

I think it is necessary to quickly jump to a dose of Ladasten 200mg / day. At the lower dose, it really is rather weak. Do not wait for effect immediately. It develops slowly, the end of 2-3 weeks. Something similar to Fenotropil but not noben. Unlike phenotropil have ladasten effect persists after a month of reception, and is held. Apparently this is due to the fact that it operates on is the lowest (baseline) link tolerance mechanisms - as an inducer of gene expression rather than the neurochemical processes are severely affected by the negative feedback. One of the mechanisms of the latter, by the way, is the reduction of the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase gene.

I tried to drink 100mg of Ladasten.
Invigorates. The effect resembles the classic stimulants - especially at the beginning of the day, it's nice, elation, but with increased distractibility.
Not a bad drug, but for emergencies.

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