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L-glutamine, L-cystine for Heart Protection

11 Feb 2017

Well, when this question arises in anticipation of love - happiness no one has died! But if suddenly during exercise occurs weakness, shortness of breath increases, a person gets tired quickly, if only recently has such a reliable "motor", became frequent, often pounding, as if intending to "jump" from the chest, this is an alarm.

Similar symptoms - a serious occasion to reflect and take action without delay. In our life with its hypodinamics, unhealthy diet, smoking, stress at work, at home, in transport ... with the heart not to be trifled. The next bell can just hear. Statistics relentless. More and more people are diagnosed, associated with cardiovascular disease. Almost half a million people die each year from heart disease.

Do not fall into a risk group, prevent heart problems, without substituting a "drug hit" other bodies to correct the symptoms of cardiovascular disease allows Eltacin. It includes inherent in every organism amino acids - glycine, L-Glutamine, L-cystine. Due to the formation of the myocardium necessary energy (ATP) allows the drug on the molecular level, gently, in accordance with the laws of nature to improve the activity of the cardiac muscle and improve its contractile ability. As a result, conditions are created to reduce shortness of breath, palpitations normalization, perform physical work. You can also like Vladonix.

Eltacin Treatment should start as far as possible in the early stages of development, in particular of coronary heart disease (CHD) disease. Receiving the drug on the basis of conventional therapy (see. Instruction) makes it possible to strengthen the heart. There is a chance not only to significantly alleviate the condition of the patient, but also gradually reduce the dose of the funds received in the treatment of coronary artery disease.

Eltacin has not only cardio but also meteo-protective effect. This is very important in our climate is not stable, because the reduction meteo-dependance temperature surges and atmospheric pressure can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications. Remarkable is the fact that the drug can help children over 11 years of bad transporting physical exercise, and especially those whose life is connected with the sport.

Do not wait until your "engine" begins to falter. Do not delay, provide assistance to your heart!

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