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L-cystine, L-glutamine for Heart protection

12 Feb 2017

Winter for weather-sensitive people - always a test. After quite a long hot summer and exhausting its instability autumn weather shift to icy winds and frost, are replaced by the thaw, heavy toll on health. Even healthy easy. But it is especially difficult for those who suffer from coronary heart disease (CHD). Weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, edema - typical signs of heart failure, concomitant disease.

To help the body in such a difficult situation is a drug Eltacin. At the molecular level, "soft" and physiologically he is able to correct these unpleasant symptoms. Due to the formation of the myocardium necessary energy (ATP), the drug can improve the activity of the heart muscle, increase its motility - reduced shortness of breath, heart palpitations normalized, it becomes possible to perform physical work.

Eltacin has not only cardio but also meteo-protective effect. Reduced meteo-sensitive, which means that the risk of cardiovascular complications. You can also like Chitomur.

Patients with coronary artery disease to take Eltacin recommended 1 tablet 3 times a day for three weeks. If necessary, in consultation with your doctor, you can repeat the course.

Eltacin Treatment should start as far as possible in the early stages of disease development. Receiving the drug on the basis of conventional therapy, provides an opportunity to strengthen the heart. At the same time there is a chance not only to significantly alleviate the condition of the patient man, but also gradually reduce the dose of the heart by means of traditional therapies adopted in treatment of coronary heart disease. This is especially important for those who are sensitive to changes in weather conditions, or in a state of stress. And then, and another (secret) deals a serious blow to the cardiovascular system.

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