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Kardarin (GW-501516)

09 Dec 2016

Kardarin - (synonyms: Cardarine, Endurobol, Peroximod, Hennos, the laboratory code of GW-501516, GW1516, Pharmahen 50) is the agonist of receptors of PPARδ developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline in the 1990s for treatment of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. It is necessary to notice what kardarin doesn't belong to SARMs (selective modulators of androgenic receptors).

Despite the high potential of GW1516, its studying as medicine it was stopped by the GlaxoSmithKline company developer. However unlicensed drugs on the basis of GW1516, for example PHARMAHEN 50 from Pharmacom became already available. You can try Hepatamin.

Use in sport

Kardarin received popularity in sport as he is capable to enlarge significantly endurance and to accelerate lipolysis in this connection it was applied by some athletes at the Olympic Games in 2008. In a consequence of WADA entered kardarin in the list of the forbidden bonds.

Legal status

Kardarin is entered in the list of strong substances for Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The ban is initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in August, 2016. Legally kardarin equated to anabolic steroids.

Side effects

Development was suspended when in 2007 researches taped cancerogenic effects of bond on rats and cellular cultures. However in the research Holly E.Hollingshead for 2007, it is reported that GW1516 didn't stimulate a proliferation of cancer cells of the person, nevertheless many believe that data of this research aren't a reliable denial of cancerogenic action at the person.

Detection at athletes

On February 25, 2014 GW-501516 has been found in the Russian sportswoman Elena Lashmanova at run competitions on 20 km in blood.



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