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Kabergolin (Dostineks, Agalates, Bergolak)

01 Nov 2016

Kabergolin (active ingredient) - suppresses Prolactinum secretion, in addition strengthens a libido and an erection, significantly reduces recovery time between sexual intercourses, and also lowers arterial pressure. Kabergolin treats derivatives of alkaloids of an ergot, on the action mechanism - agonist of dopamine (D2) receptors. Is more modern and safe analog of bromokriptin.

Medicine allows to eliminate almost completely the main side effects of such steroids as the Sound board (a sound board - it is wild) and Trenbolone. One of the effects caused by decrease in contsetration of Prolactinum - reduction of a delay of liquid in fabrics that gives a surplus of drier muscle bulk.

Kabergolin is available in drugstores under trade names:

  • Bergolak (in 2014 the producer didn't extend the license, as of January, 2016 production isn't resumed, the management reported that production will be resumed in the summer 2016, is already available for sale). 


  • Agalates
  • Dostineks (Dostinex) - original medicine which appeared in the market in 1985.

Dostineks (Dostinex)

It is worth buying the cheapest Bergolak, shopping mall active ingredient from drugs identical.

Mechanism of action

The main mechanism of action of a kabergolin consists in activation of D2 of receptors which settle down on the laktotrofnykh pituitary body cells. Exaltation of dopamine receptors in this area leads to depression of secretory function of the cells producing Prolactinum.

Interaction with other receptors was in addition established: D3, D4, 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, 5-HT2C, α2B. Antagonism with α2B receptors in addition explains positive influence on erectile function (there is an expansion of cavernous bodies). One of the Best Nooropic drug is Cerebrolysin.

Use in bodybuilding

Experience of use on the Iron factor and showed that the optimum scheme of use of a kabergolin for dropping of Prolactinum is under construction as follows:

During a course progestinon of anabolic steroids (Nandrolonum, trenbolone): on 0,25 mg (whole or 1/2 òàá.) every 7-21 days, since third or fourth week of a course when concentration of ASS approaches a maximum. The optimum dose and frequency of reception is selected under control of analyses of level of Prolactinum as the effect of drug differs depending on specific features of an organism.

When rising level of Prolactinum above admissible the frequency of reception is enlarged: on 0,25 mg, each 4 day. It is desirable to make a check analysis of Prolactinum after two receptions with the subsequent correction of the scheme.

Drug is accepted, as with food, and on an empty stomach.

Side effects

  • The research on 200 patients sick with a parkinsonism with use of high dosages of kabergolin (0,5 mg every day) reports about the following side effects:
  • Alimentary system (most often): nausea, constipations, dryness in a mouth, a dyspepsia
  • Nervous system: sleeplessness, giddiness, depression, consciousness distortion
  • Cardiovascular system: falling of arterial pressure, peripheric edemas, disturbance of a rhythm, damage of valves, pericardis
  • From immune system: infrequently - hypersensitivity reaction, a dermal eruption.
  • From system of a hemopoiesis: infrequently - an eritromelalgiya.
  • From respiratory system: often - a dyspnea, infrequently - a pleural exudate, a lung fibrosis, nasal bleeding.

When using low dosages side effects meet quite seldom or completely are absent. At forums it is most often reported about the suppressed mood and loss of appetite.

It isn't recommended to take more often one pill a week (an exception - strongly increased Prolactinum level).

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