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Jintropin against Aging

02 Apr 2017

Ginotropin is a high-quality growth hormone, which today is the only remedy able to inhibit aging, as a process. And it's not just advertising headlines from covers of glossy magazines, somatotropin really allows you to look much younger than your years.

Both creams and lotions that contain antioxidants, for example, vitamins A, C, E, or fruit acids are able to smooth wrinkles, but they can not prevent their occurrence. A certain diet affects the healthy skin color, anaerobic and cardio workouts will help to keep the body normal, and antioxidants will free the body from the toxins that affect the occurrence of diseases.

The treatment with hormone estrogen or testosterone helps to restore many of the body's lost functions, but only therapy with Jintropin helps the body to rejuvenate itself without external influence.

Causes of skin aging.

In the process of aging, the body becomes unable to generate proteins under the skin, the proteins change, the skin becomes old in appearance. The main proteins of the skin - collagen and elastin, they form a cutaneous three-dimensional matrix structure, which for the skin - as an armature for sculpture from gypsum.

Over the years, as already mentioned, the generation of elastin and estrogen decreases. The structure of the proteins also changes. That is why the structure of the entire skin changes, deteriorating, in the irreversible process of aging and, in the end, dehydration occurs. Here when there are unpleasant wrinkles, and the structure of a skin obviously becomes any more that earlier.

People who use Gintropin for rejuvenation begin to look younger in the shortest possible time. Is this not an obvious reason to think about how quickly the body can start the regeneration process. Not only the composition of the skin changes (the synthesis of proteins increases, the subcutaneous matrix structure is restored), with the treatment of Jintropin, the regeneration process affects the entire body. This is not so strange, because every cell of the body tends to be renewed, including renewing bone, nervous and muscle tissue, so that they are strengthened by regeneration.

Among other things, the body begins to accelerate the metabolism, resulting in the burning of excess fatty tissue. Fatty tissue is reduced quantitatively throughout the body, and it is very important for curing obesity of internal organs - which is much more dangerous than ordinary obesity of people. As a result, treatment with Jintropin affects positively the whole body. All tissues are rejuvenated and regenerated, and this gives the effect of a person's recovery.

At the California Research Center, John Kentwell, MD, began using Gintropin in medical practice, adding Jintropine's positive influence to the already existing hormone replacement therapy for fifty-year-old gentlemen. Already in a short time - three months - men reduced the number of wrinkles, and the skin itself became more elastic and tightened to look. They looked so good and felt so much better that they simply refused further checks.
Tom Brocco, the host of the program on NBC dedicated to Jintropin, noted that the participants in his program look much higher than average and look very young. William B. William, a man of 80 years of age who participated in the program, played very polo in polo, and looked, according to the presenter, for all 55 years. Pauline McNair, 52 years old at that time, looked only forty. And really, if you look at these people, it was impossible at first glance to believe that they really are as old as they are in their passports. Younger than they looked not only because of the smoothed face skin, but also due to radiated energy and enthusiasm.
McNair, talking to twice the younger ladies on the air, looked no worse than them, although by her own admission, envied their youth. And the bodies of these elderly people also did not seem old. McNair's body in a bathing suit and the lower part of William's hip, obviously looked not old, covered with young and healthy skin.

Testing with a pinch

The most visually elastic skin demonstrates the so-called "pincher test." This happens when pulling the skin from the back of the palm and you can see how long it takes the skin to return to the opposite position. This is the easiest method to see how much your skin has grown old over the years, because the ability of the skin to take a starting position - this is the index of elasticity, or the marker of aging. Cheyn often stops people on the street and asks them to test with a pinch-pull the skin on the back of the hand and see how quickly she will return to her seat.
Prior to the application of Gintropin, says Chane, his skin returned to its place at the speed of an ordinary forty-year-old man. A year after Jintropine's treatment, he could already rival in this regard with 35-year-old people. Now, Cheyne can get around those who have not even reached the age of thirty.
In preparing this material, we talked with one 73-year-old man. He works as a carpenter and often his hands are in danger of injury. However, the treatment with Jintropin so condensed and allowed his skin to become rough, that now he does not experience that it is easy to touch to the blood. This is called a rebound of a young man. The most beautiful thing in this conversation was just to observe these young hands - elastic skin, lack of pigmentation and wrinkles. No one would have believed that those hands were over seventy.
Dr. Elmer Crenton, MD, head of the Mount Rayner Clinic in Yelme, Washington, has been treating people for more than five years with Jintropin. He himself has an unlimited amount of experience in the field of restoring the structure of the skin. He reports that thanks to the synthesis of protein, the skin becomes more elastic, getting collagen and elastin. And dehydration and dryness, which arise due to aging, disappear almost immediately during the treatment.
Thanks to the application of Jintropin, tissue repair is also taking place, although the effect does not manifest itself so quickly - sometimes this process takes up to several months. One of the patients who took Jintropin for two years, said that the scars that have arisen because of life under the hot sun of the tropical climate, disappeared. He felt that the texture of the skin just got better, not even counting the recovery.
Younger begin to look even brushes and soles. Pigmentary senile spots lose color, and sometimes even just disappear. The veins cease to be so obvious and convex, and the entire skin seems to accumulate moisture and acquire unprecedented elasticity. This means that the hands and feet, and all the skin on the body, undergo the process of rejuvenation, which will never give you even surgical intervention - lifting, and chemically enriched creams and ointments also will not help.

The body returns to moisture.The skin of the baby is most pleasant to the touch, ask anyone. It is soft, smooth, and you always want to touch it. This is due to the fact that most of the child's body is water, that's about ninety percent. After reaching adulthood, water loses its percentage in the body, it reaches sixty, and in old age we consist of only forty percent water. Aging is essentially dehydration and reduction of the processes of cell structure repair. The juicy young body slowly but surely turns into the old and wrinkled. Often this can be observed in young patients - usually this is due to a deficiency of growth hormones. These young people have problems with growth hormones, they have thin and dry skin, because of this they look much older than they really are.
Jintropin, being a growth hormone, obtained by the body from the external environment, makes the return of dried fruit to the stage of a ripe apple. This is due to a special effect, antinatriuretic effects, thanks to the kidneys, they keep sodium and water inside themselves. It is because of this effect and there are side effects of Gentropine - swelling, pain in the joint areas and carpal tunnel syndrome. It's all easy to eliminate if you reduce the dose of the drug or distribute it within 24 hours. Medicine is increasingly using growth hormone, and scientists are already finding the ideal dosage for each age, sex and effect, so that without side effects, restore youth and health of people.
And the hair grows.

Hair growth after taking growth hormones, Jinotropin also increases hair growth on the globe. Although scientists do not yet confirm this fact, there are remarks that hair improves its quality in the process of applying the drug. Of the 202 people who filled out the questionnaire offered by Terry and Cheyne, 38 percent said they had new hair. Elmer Crenton, for example, says that his hair began to grow faster and thicker, they start to shine and darken. He also claims that his grayed hair was now returning color. The fact that the hair is getting dark, reports a lot of other patients.
James Felts, for example, even said that new hair grows on the bald patches of his head. This is what he did not expect at all in his forties. One of those undergoing treatment with Dr. Baxas, who is called Jeffrey Clarkson, also says that the growth of hair on his head is increasing. Lord DiBenner also confirms the fact of hair growth, and also nails on the hands and feet. In addition, he notes that look nails and hair have become much better than before. This is confirmed by McNair, Pauline, who says that even her eyelashes are more dense. Jintropin has truly amazing effects on people!

Factors causing necrosis of skin cells.The growth, nutrition and recovery of cells directly depends on proteins and peptides, which are also growth factors. Gentropine allows these factors to be developed, and they, in turn, act restoratively on injured tissues, diseases and aging skin. Eric Dupont, Ph.D., head of the Eterna Laboratory in Quebec, says that growth hormone is like a marshal who leads growth factors that, in turn, do their business on individual parts of the tissues. Already often mentioned was an insulin-like growth factor-1, but it is not one that is an important factor. Many of these factors are concerned with restoring and maintaining the structure of the skin, one of them is the epidermal growth factor or EGF.

Simply put, the skin is both a mortal and immortal matter. Its upper layer, the epidermis, as it were, is immortal. Retinyl acid and other retinyls, as well as alpha hydrides, stimulate the epidermis to be immortal and on a daily basis help many people get rid of peeling on the skin. The dermis, which is located under the epidermal layer, is mortal. Dermis cells are divided only about a hundred times after conception. And the dermis is the main layer of the skin, which is affected by growth hormone.

Aging, the dermis thinens, loses elasticity and less growth factors, as well as cytokines (cell messengers), which usually give a signal to the skin cells, that they need to share. It is at such moments that Gintropin and the corresponding growth factors can stimulate the old cells to action, make them function on a par with young ones. A recent study has shown that fibroblast growth factor can stimulate even obsolete fibroblasts to produce elastin and collagen, which make up matrix proteins.

And therefore, fibroblasts stimulate the delivery of these proteins to the amount peculiar to many younger groups of ages. Thanks to these studies, it is obvious that very soon IGF1 and Gintropin will become the most popular means for tightening the skin of the face and will revolutionize the cosmetic world. The era of biochemical engineering is moving towards us.

Cosmetics and factors affecting the restoration of skin cells.
The best cosmetic products, such as creams and lotions, contain a combined amount of retinoic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, as well as antioxidants, like vitamin C and growth factors. Recently in the laboratory of the company Biosin was developed cosmetics, created by a new formula that uses peptides, as well as an extremely stable formula of vitamin C, to treat the skin that has suffered in the course of aging and from pigmented spots.
Vincent Giampapa, MD, is engaged in the study of many growth factors and other drugs. He does this at the National Skin Institute in Montclair, New Jersey. He explains his concept by the fact that during the research he and his team endow fibroblasts - skin cells with what is really necessary for their growth, reproduction and increase in the elasticity of the skin. The fibroblast DNA structure is restored, the amount of elastin and collagen increases.

To accelerate the process of cell division, they use, for example, RNA, which can help to restore the elasticity of the skin, hyaluronic acid that retains moisture and regenerates collagen, yeast cell extract or retinyl palmitate, which is very similar to vitamin C together with vitamin A. For use, RNA is taken from supplements that contain amino acids and nucleic acids, for example, Spiralin or AFA, which you can always purchase at a health food store. These are blue-green algae, some of which are marine, while the latter are freshwater algae. These sources are so rich in nucleic acids and also amino acids that are very important, that if swallowed, their concentration in the blood will increase immediately. Also, Jampap uses growth hormone releasers, for example, ornithine, lysine, arginine and glutamine.
In this type of treatment, Gintropin, being an analog of growth hormone, is the main ingredient because it speeds up the entry of amino acid and nucleic acid to where they can be used to renew and restore the cellular structure. In this mode of improvement, according to Dzhampapa, occur in a month and a half. The skin is smoothed, wrinkles go away.

This has a positive effect on the skin, microcapillary systems, which provides a better flow to the face of the blood. In addition, there is a restoration of the harm that over the years has been skinned by the sun, harmful nutrition and smoking. Because of all this, our skin is able to stop aging, even more - to look younger. Suppose the skin becomes old at a speed of 97 kilometers per hour, and now - every month - its aging will slow to 80, 65, 48, 31 kilometers per hour and at this level it will remain.

Also, dietary supplements and growth factor release agents are used by Jampapa for those who use cosmetic surgery for at least a couple of weeks. This greatly increases the ability of the skin to self-healing, according to the doctor.

In addition to cosmetic effects, there are also psychological effects. For example, Dzhintropin raises the level of energy in the body, resulting in better health. You just do not feel the load of the past years. For those who have received growth hormone stimulation, it is unthinkable to imagine that they may look miserable and clogged as before, like all aging people, they are simply filled with enthusiasm and energy. And given that Gintropin and sex hormones can stimulate, you literally feel the past sexuality, which, it seemed to you, you lost for a long time and irretrievably.

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