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Can I take fat burners?

24 Aug 2017

Excess weight is one of the most significant problems of our time. Today, in view of the strongest trend of leanness, even athletic girls and guys sometimes feel that they are not slim and must certainly lose weight. Well, in this article, we'll look at how it can be done most effectively, namely by combining physical activities and taking fat burners. Knowledge of the principles of burning fat deposits will allow you to constantly control the weight and gain quality muscle mass without "sagging sides."

Do not harm the intake of fat burner health?

For a better understanding of the possible consequences of taking fat burners, we give their main mechanisms of action:

Stimulation of metabolism. Preparations of this category significantly accelerate the metabolism of the athlete, that is, the athlete, subjected to physical exertion, burns fat more intensively.

Suppressing appetite. The reduced amount of food consumed is less calories and, consequently, no fat deposits.

Removal of excess fluid from the body.

Blocking the synthesis of fat cells.

Reducing the absorption of carbohydrates and fats from the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often, liposkeleting drugs combine several of the above mechanisms of action, thereby achieving a synergistic effect.

In general, the answer to this question is unambiguous: you can take fat burners! For all the time, not a single case of a significant violation of health has been registered, while following the recommendations and instructions. As for the change in state of health when taking medications, it is possible:

Feeling of a light euphoria. As a rule, the composition of fat burners includes stimulating elements, such as caffeine and ephedrine. They excite the central nervous system, making you predisposed to physical and mental activity.

Minor increase in body temperature and pressure. The first is possible with the presence of an extract of ephedra, the second - caffeine.

However, in modern fat burners, the above-described deficiencies are almost not met, because their composition is perfectly balanced and contains elements that eliminate possible negative reactions.

Can I drink fat burners while not exercising?

It is necessary to understand that constant training is a necessary condition: without physical exertion, the impact will not be so pronounced. To maximize the effect of drinking fat burners is 20-30 minutes before physical exertion. This is due to the fact that for penetration of the active substance into the blood it takes some time (in addition, the capsule itself, into which the mixture is to be dissolved, must be dissolved).

Should I take fat burners in combination with each other?

If you were seriously interested in fat-burning drugs, then surely you had an idea about sharing several funds. Indeed, combining fat burners is possible, however, provided that their principle of effect and composition will be different.

It is not recommended to use two or more drugs containing, for example, ephedrine, since this can lead to overload of the central nervous system and excessive exhaustion of the body. It should also be remembered that with the "untwisted" metabolism, the loss of useful trace elements also increases, which means that an additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes is necessary.

ECA intake of fat burners

To date, the most effective fat burner is ECA - a combination of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. It is widely used in power sports, bodybuilding and other types for burning excess fat, gaining relief muscles and additional energy.


Recombinant somatotropin

24 Aug 2017

Recombinant Growth Hormone Somatotropin is an effective, high-quality drug obtained by genetic engineering. This product, which stimulates the synthesis of protein in the muscle cell, increases efficiency and increases the adaptive reserves of the body, is successfully used in sports pharmacology, in frequency, in modern power sports. It does not contain in its composition substances prohibited during the competition period, and does not lead to a violation of the Anti-Doping Code.

Sale of drugs of somatotropin

In our country, recombinant Somatotropin, which provides an increase in dry muscle mass and a reduction in the amount of subcutaneous fat, is in free sale. It can be purchased completely legally in pharmacies, or specialized stores that sell sports nutrition products. Buying products from trusted suppliers practically reduces the chance to run into counterfeit and spend money for nothing.

The price of SORMATROPIN, because of the complicated technology of its production, is quite high. However, it is fully justified by quality, numerous positive effects and advantages in comparison with anabolic steroids. Of course, in this situation, the popularity of the manufacturer is very important. At the same time, if the cost of the drug is significantly underestimated, this can only be explained by non-compliance with the technology of its release.

Buy recombinant somatotropin which supplies and sells sports nutrition products directly from manufacturing plants, offers its customers an extensive selection of first-class products containing recombinant growth hormone as its active ingredient. In our online store you can buy Somatotropin for injection in the cleanest crystalline form for quite reasonable prices.

For your convenience, the company's website presents a catalog of products with an accessible description, which includes the following analogs of Somatotropin.


Usage of somatotropin

24 Aug 2017

To date, biosynthetic GH is considered one of the most powerful anabolic drugs used in sports pharmacology. In the practice of bodybuilding, the use of Somatropin is aimed at stimulating the synthesis of growth factors, creating an optimal level of biological substrates, as well as direct selective effects on tissues that have STH receptors.

The effect of using Somatropin

Natural Somatropin is the hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, consisting of 191 amino acids. It is synthesized by the body in small quantities throughout human life. The course application of Somatropin allows to achieve the following results:

  • Quickly and successfully build muscle mass;
  • Lower the level of subcutaneous fat;
  • To increase the growth of articular cartilage;
  • Increase power indicators;
  • Stimulate the body's ability to quickly recover from injuries.

At the same time, the long uncontrolled use of Somatropin leads to fluid retention in the body, it can provoke a rise in blood pressure, cause joint and muscle pains, increase the level of lipoproteins in the blood, inhibit the production of thyroid hormones. Also, with a gross violation of the dosage of the drug, the risk of type II diabetes is increased.

The mechanism of hormonal interaction is a rather complicated multistage process, and therefore the use of somatropin for non-medical purposes requires careful selection of dosage, adherence to the regimen and constant monitoring by the sports doctor. This will help to completely avoid the development of side effects and minimize the risk to health.


Effect of oxytocin on men

24 Aug 2017

Recombinant Oxytocin is an analogue of the hormone adenohypophysis with the same name. It has found its application in sports practice as a high-potential means of promoting the restoration of muscle tissue. This section describes the pharmacological effects of oxytocin on men, indications, contraindications, the way of application and possible side effects.

The effect of oxytocin on men

Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that exacerbates susceptibility to any positive stimuli. At the same time, this substance, which has a pronounced effect on the psychoemotional state of a person, takes part in the regulation of the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Thanks to these properties, it has found its application in gerontology, struggling with the processes of aging, and in sports medicine.

In the practice of bodybuilding, the following effect of oxytocin on men is valued:

  • Increased proliferation of stem cells;
  • Acceleration of muscle recovery after training;
  • Decrease in secretion of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone, causing destruction of muscle tissue;
  • Reduction in the level of cytokines, regulation of inflammation, accelerated healing of sports injuries;

Maintaining a positive emotional background.

Normally, in the male body, oxytocin is synthesized in small amounts. With its lack, there is persistent irritability and frequent depressions. At the same time, the excess production of this hormone can cause a decrease in testosterone and sexual desire.

How to take oxytocin for men

How to take oxytocin in men in bodybuilding? To reduce the production of cortisol, which activates the process of muscle destruction, two forms of the drug are used: as a solution for injections and as a nasal spray. Dosage and periodicity of administration are prescribed by a sports medicine doctor after a preliminary examination of a weightlifter.

Uncontrolled use of high doses of the polypeptide can provoke nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate, lowering of blood pressure, arrhythmia and even anaphylactic reaction.

Since taking Oxytocin for men is recommended for a certain period of time in conjunction with exogenous vitamin C (ascorbate), it is first necessary to test the remedy for the presence of an allergy by conducting a special skin test.


How to inject peptides?

24 Aug 2017

How correctly to inject peptides? This issue is of interest to many novice athletes who decided to experience the effect of biological regulators obtained by chemical synthesis. This section presents the basic rules for the use of sports nutrition products that can activate or dull various physiological processes.

How correctly to shot peptides?

Peptide drugs used in sports pharmacology are available in the form of a lyophilized powder for injection, restoring its original properties during dilution. Since it is necessary to place peptides with the obligatory observance of the dosage corresponding to the level of saturation of receptors, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instruction, which specifies the features of its application, when using this or that agent.

Virtually all injectable protein complexes are injected subcutaneously, into the fat fold. For this procedure, you will need:

  • A vial or flask with a preparation;
  • Special sterile water for injections (ampoules of 2 and 5 ml);
  • An intramuscular syringe with a long needle (for diluting the powder);
  • An insulin syringe (V = 100 U).

Before placing the peptides, a solvent is slowly introduced into the bottle with powder, along the wall. To the drug does not lose its pharmacological properties, it is not recommended to shake it vigorously. After the powder is completely dissolved, the required amount of solution is taken into the insulin syringe. When using peptide products in ligaments, they must be mixed not beforehand, but immediately before administration.

Professionals advise putting peptides in the abdominal region, retreating 6-8 cm from the navel, at an angle of 45. It is very important to observe the distance between injections (it should be at least 3 cm). It is recommended to do injections on an empty stomach, after which to refrain from eating for another 40 minutes. To prevent night catabolism, which prevents the gaining of muscle mass, the first injection is best set immediately after waking up, and then - with an interval of 4 hours.

The solution remaining in the vial is stored in the refrigerator, in a plastic bag, separately from foodstuffs, no more than 7-10 days. When using peptides, it is necessary to limit the intake of simple carbohydrates to the maximum, while increasing the daily norm of animal proteins to 2-3 grams per 1 kg of weight.


Peptides for tanning

24 Aug 2017

What are peptides for sunburn? These are genetically modified biologically active substances, allowing in the shortest possible time to obtain a beautiful, uniform, swarthy skin color. These compounds, which can regulate the processes of melanogenesis, have found wide application in cosmetology, medicine and sports pharmacology.

Peptides-stimulants of melanogenesis

Peptides for tanning, which enhance the production of melanin (an amorphous pigment produced by melanocytes), by binding to the MC1-R receptors, have a direct effect on melanogenesis. To date, several synthetic analogues of peptide melanostimulating hormone have been created, which triggers the production of pigment, which gives the skin a beautiful golden tone even without prolonged exposure to the sun. This group includes such biostimulants as peptide for tanning Melanotan-2 (Melanotan-2), Melatime, Melitane.

Peptides-stimulants of melanogenesis, in addition to tanning, have a number of other positive effects:

  • Protect from harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Reduce the risk of sunburn;
  • Prevent the development of skin cancer;
  • Strengthen the libido (sexual function);
  • Suppress appetite.

As evidenced by reviews of peptides for sunburn, the visual effect appears about a week after the first injection. To maintain a stable even skin tone, the drug is advised to be administered 2 times in 7 days, for 2-4 weeks. With the right dosage, which is calculated individually, taking into account the body weight, it provides a therapeutic tan even for people at risk.


How to take thistle

23 Aug 2017

Drinking milk thistle for the liver is recommended for persons with a predisposition to cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis. Similar pathologies can be caused by:

Hereditary factors;

Abuse of alcoholic beverages;

Venous congestion;

Prolonged intoxication of the body;

Transmission of an infectious agent.

The use of Hepanorm with thistle

The drug Hepanorm, one of the active ingredients of which is milk thistle, is a highly effective biologically active additive, which contributes to the treatment of liver pathologies at the latest stages of development. The agent protects the cells of internal organs and normalizes the outflow of bile.

The healing effect of milk thistle is to provide the effect of hepatoprotector. Silymarin, which is contained in a medicinal plant, stabilizes the state of membranes, prevents the onset and development of fibrotic changes. In addition, the natural remedy has an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect.

Silymarin slows the oxidation of lipids, acting as a preventive measure against the destruction of hepatocyte membranes. Components of the medicinal plant neutralize the free radicals that arise in the cells, and accelerate the healing of damaged areas.

Thus, Hepanorm supplements help preserve the necessary components of cells and stabilize membranes, increase the rate of protein and phospholipid production for healing damaged areas of the liver.

How to drink BAA with milk thistle for liver

If the patient is required to take regular meals of milk thistle for liver treatment, he should clarify the features of using the medication in the annotation and get advice from the attending physician. The doctor will help determine the most effective treatment tactics and will select ancillary funds.

Answering the question how to take milk thistle for the liver, doctors indicate that:

Hepanorm should be washed down with warm water or tea, as high temperatures destroy silymarin;

Treatment should not last more than 40 days;

The break between the individual courses lasts up to 2 weeks.

In case of diagnosis of certain cardiac disorders and vascular lesions, Hepanorm is recommended to be used under medical supervision. In the instruction, describing how to take milk thistle for cleaning the liver, it is indicated that the drug is prohibited in the presence of an acute allergic reaction.

Persons with cirrhosis of the liver can buy a vitamin supplement in our store. In a convenient catalog, the client will be able to select the medicines of interest and study in detail their composition and the characteristics of the pharmaceutical effect.


Supplements with a red root

23 Aug 2017

In folk medicine, a huge number of plants are used. The red root is very popular. This is a perennial plant with a long herbaceous root. To find it in a dried and, even more so, fresh form is quite difficult. Exit can be a dietary supplement with a red root.

Useful properties of the red root

The first thing that makes red root useful, is the large content of tannins. In addition, it includes saponins, xanthones, coumarins, amino acids and flavonoids. Only in the bark of the plant are oligomeric Kakhetins possessing a unique property.

Most often red root is used for diseases of the vascular system. Thanks to the content of kakhetins, infusion and dietary supplements with a red root increase the amount of vitamin P in the body. It is he who strengthens the vascular wall, promotes the elimination of toxins, including heavy metals.

But not only does the root have useful properties. In the leaves and shoots of the plant there is a large number of microelements, alkaloids, coumarins and polysaccharides. Thanks to this content, there is a stimulating effect on the hormonal system of a man.

Positively the red root acts on the heart muscle. It will be useful in pathologies of the lungs and bronchi, disorders of the genitourinary system. Excellent BAD with a red root affects the picture of blood. In addition, the pain syndrome decreases, and a slight diuretic effect is observed.

It is important to distinguish the pronounced immunomodulatory property of the plant. Since ancient times, the powder from the root has been used in such a serious illness as epilepsy due to a soothing effect.

How to take dietary supplements with a red root

In order to achieve positive qualities from the red root, it is enough to buy a dry product and boil the powder with boiled water. It takes time and is not very suitable for those who have it limited. It is much easier to purchase an additive, which includes this active component. Excellent effect has a dietary supplement for potency Potencer from the company Empyreal Dragon.

Feedback on supplement with a red root often indicates exactly this additive. It has a positive effect on the circulatory system. Due to this, there is an improvement in the work of all organs without exception. As a result, increased potency, improved libido, normalization of spermogram. The additive has many advantages:

  • 100% natural composition;
  • Complete absence of side effects;
  • Absence of contraindications;
  • Influence on all organs and systems.

In addition to the red root, Potencer contains an extract of the root of ginseng, Manchu aralia. Due to this composition, the additive increases the protective reaction from negative factors, inhibits the aging process, strengthens the wall of the vessels. Take the drug can be a long time, since it has no side effects and does not cause complications.


GHRP 2 Side Effects

23 Aug 2017

GHRP 2 (Somatocrinin), today the most potent booster of endogenous growth hormone, as well as any other pharmacological preparation, is capable of provoking the development of adverse reactions, both negative and positive.

Negative side effects of GHRP 2

  • Increased secretion of the stress hormone (cortisol);
  • Increased prolactin production;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • hunger;
  • Slight trembling of limbs;
  • Pain in the wrist area;
  • Fluid retention in the body;
  • Loss of sensitivity of somatotropic cells (in the case of prolonged use of high doses of the drug).

Positive side effects of GHRP 2

  • Rapid recovery from strength training;
  • Improvement of muscle strength;
  • Increased endurance of the body;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • Increased appetite (an important condition in the recruitment of muscle mass);
  • Skin tightening, rejuvenation of the body;
  • Lowering cholesterol.

If the peptide drug does not work, or GHRP 2 causes "unconventional" side effects, this indicates a poor quality of the purchased product. To avoid such situations, buy peptides only from trusted suppliers working directly with manufacturers.


Functional peptides

23 Aug 2017

Functional peptides are compounds of protein nature, assimilated by the body in its original form. In the practice of bodybuilding, they are used to gain muscle mass and get rid of subcutaneous fat deposits. At the same time, some amino acid preparations of this group contribute to the increase of muscle tone, improve sleep, stimulate the healing of injuries, provide a quick and intense tan, enhance libido, stimulate the secretion of testosterone.

The principle of action and the main effects of functional peptides

Synthetic functional peptides, used in the practice of bodybuilding for muscle mass gain, enhance the work of endocrine glands producing growth hormone, testosterone and insulin-like factor (IGF-1). They have a pronounced anabolic effect, increasing in 7-15 times the secretion of somatropin, accelerate metabolic processes, strengthen ligaments and stimulate the body's immune forces.

Peptides for weight loss in 2-4 times accelerate the metabolism and production of STH, suppress appetite, increase the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits.

Some peptide drugs used in bodybuilding, simultaneously promote the collection of muscle mass and stimulate the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

All functional peptides without exception are hormonal support preparations, however, unlike synthetic hormones, they do not lead to a malfunction in the endocrine system.

Representatives of functional peptides

For muscle mass gain: Hexarelin (GHRP-6), GHRP-2, Ipamorelin, Somatocrinin, CJC1295 DAC;

For burning fat: HGH frag 176-191, Glucagon, Leptin;

To stimulate tan and enhance libido: Melanotan II;

To increase the production of testosterone: Gonadorelin;

For the treatment of injuries and rapid recovery: TV 500.

Advantages of Functional Peptides

The main advantage of synthetic functional peptides is their cost: they are several times cheaper than artificial growth hormone. However, these drugs have a different mechanism of action and different half-lives, due to which they can independently control the anabolic effect. They are very quickly destroyed in the body and are not determined when checking for the detection of the fact of doping. And, finally, the production and sale of peptides is absolutely legal. However, in order to acquire truly high-quality products, it should only be purchased from trusted suppliers working directly with official manufacturers.

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