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Insulin in bodybuilding

21 Oct 2016

Insulin (Latin of insula — the island) — hormone of the peptide nature, is formed in beta cells of islets of Langerhans of a pancreas. Exerts many-sided impact on exchange practically in all tissues. The main effect of insulin consists in depression of concentration of a glucose in a blood. In bodybuilding insulin is applied thanks to its expressed anabolic effect. As an alternative serve peroral sugar-lowering agents, such as Diabeton.

Insulin enlarges permeability of plasmatic membranes for a glucose, activates key enzymes of a glycolysis, stimulates education in a liver and muscles from a glycogen glucose, strengthens synthesis of fats and proteins. Besides, insulin suppresses activity of the enzymes splitting a glycogen and fats. That is, besides anabolic action, insulin has as well anticatabolic effect. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Most glucose transport in two types of tissues depends on insulin: muscular tissue and fatty tissue is so-called achrestic tissues.

Effects of insulin

Metabolic effects of insulin

  • absorption intensifying by cells of a glucose and other substances;
  • activation of key enzymes of a glycolysis;
  • the augmentation of intensity of synthesis of a glycogen — insulin forces storage of a glucose cells of a liver and muscles by its polymerization in a glycogen;
  • decrease of intensity of a gluconeogenesis — decreases education in a glucose liver from various substances of not carbohydrate nature (proteins and fats).

Anabolic effect of insulin

  • strengthens absorption by cells of amino acids (especially Leucinum and valine);
  • strengthens transport in a cell of potassium ions, and also a magnesium and Natrii phosphas;
  • strengthens replication of DNA and a biosynthesis of protein;
  • strengthens synthesis of fatty acids and the subsequent their etherification — in fatty tissue and in a liver insulin promotes transformation of a glucose into triglycerides; at a disadvantage of insulin there is the return — mobilization of fats.

Anticatabolic effect of insulin

  • suppresses hydrolysis of proteins — reduces degradation of proteins;
  • reduces a lipolysis — reduces entering of fatty acids in a blood.

Danger of use of insulin - a lethal dose

Perhaps, the main factor in bad reputation of insulin - risk of development of a hypoglycemia. At any forum it is possible to meet reports of the warning character, as if even insignificant excess of a dose of insulin can be lethal. However scientific and practical data speak about another: the doctor of G Kernbach-Wighton and the colleague defined that "Attention" the smallest lethal dose of insulin - 100 PIECES, that is the full insulinic syringe. Many people survive even after doses in 3000 PIECES! Even in case of a serious overdosage time to cause emergency medical service in clear consciousness remains insulin. Before development of a coma there pass several hours therefore even lethal doses of insulin don't cause a lethal outcome if well-timed entering of a glucose in a blood begins.

Which insulin shall be used in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding it is necessary to use insulin of short and ultrashort action:

Insulin of short action

Short insulin begins to work at hypodermic introduction in 30 minutes (therefore enter in 30-40 minutes prior to food), the peak of action comes in 2 hours, disappears from an organism in 5-6 hours.

The best choice:

  • Humulin Regulyar
  • Aktrapid HM

Insulin of ultrashort action

Ultrashort insulin begins to work in 15 minutes, peak in 2 hours, disappear from an organism in 3-4 hours. It more physiologic and it can be entered just before meal (in 5-10 minutes) or right after food.

The best choice:

  • Insulin aspart (Novorapid Penfill, Novorapid Flekspen).
  • Insulin lizpro (Khumalog) — a semi-synthetic analog of human insulin.
  • Insulin glulizin (Khumalog)
  • "Attention" the Average cost of a two-month course - 2000-3000 rubles.

Benefits and shortcomings of insulin


  • Small cost of a rate
  • Availability - medicine can be purchased freely in a drugstore
  • High quality - counterfeits are almost excluded, unlike steroids
  • Lack of toxicity, low frequency of side effects, almost total absence of consequences of a rate
  • Insignificant phenomenon of kickback
  • The expressed anabolic action
  • Possibility of a combination to anabolic steroids and other means
  • Lack of androgenic impact
  • Attention insulin DOESN'T EXERT toxic impact on a liver or kidneys, and also DOESN'T CAUSE violations of sexual function (potentiality).


  • Difficult scheme of acceptance
  • Considerable increase of fat
  • Hypoglycemia

Side effects

Hypoglycemia or depression of concentration of a glucose in a blood that involves all other implications. The hypoglycemia can be prevented easily, read about it in the main article - a hypoglycemia.

Itch in the field of a nyxis

The allergy - meets extremely seldom

Depression of endogenic secretion of insulin - meets only at very long courses use of high doses of insulin

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