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Inosine (Riboxin) in sport

23 Nov 2016

Inosine (Riboxin) is a metabolic agent, a stimulator of biochemical processes, the precursor of ATP. Increases power balance, improves a coronary circulation and metabolic processes in a myocardium. Possesses anti-hypoxemic action. It is applied at an ischemic heart disease (a myocardial infarction, stenocardia), cardiomyopathy, disturbances of a rhythm of heart, myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty dystrophy of a liver), a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a duodenum, an open-angle form of glaucoma.

Synonyms: Inosine; Inozine-F; Riboxin; Riboksin-Vero; Riboksin-Darnitsa; Riboksin-Lekt; Riboksin-PNITIA; Riboksin-UVI; Ribonosin.

Inosine (Riboxin) is a metabolic agent

Dosage forms: Tablets and solution for injections.

Effects of Riboxin

  • Inosine - derivative a purina, the precursor of an adenozintrifostfat (ATP) - the major energy source in bodybuilding.
  • Inosine stimulates synthesis of nucleotides, increases activity of some enzymes of a cycle of Krebs.
  • Being a nucleoside, Inosine can get into cells and increase power balance of a myocardium.
  • Improves a coronary circulation and metabolic processes in a myocardium. Possesses anti-hypoxemic action.

Use of Riboxin in sport

Riboxin was widely applied in the 70th years in sport to improvement of productivity and physical indicators. "Attention" Nevertheless later clinical tests showed that use of Riboxin in sport doesn't lead to improvement of indicators and augmentation of muscle bulk.

References to use in sport

  • Prophylaxis of metabolic damages (KMP) of a myocardium at extreme exercise stresses.
  • Myocardium dystrophy against the background of serious exercise stresses.
  • Disturbances of a cordial rhythm.
  • Stressor cardiomyopathies.
  • Medicinal injuries of a liver.
  • Liver diseases, acute and chronic hepatitis’s.
  • Peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum.

Sports delivery

  • Premium Inosine from Ultimate Nutrition
  • Inosine from Mega-Pro
  • Inosine from Life Extension
  • Cell-Tech Hardcore from MuscleTech

Route of administration and doses:

Inosinum is prescribed inside to food. The daily dose at intake in bodybuilding makes 1,5 - 2,5. In the first days of reception the daily dose of Inosine is peer 0,6 - 0,8 - on 0,2 g 3 - 4 times a day. In case of good tolerance of drug this dose is raised to 2,5 g. Course duration - from 4 weeks to 1,5 - 3 months.


Hypersensitivity to Inosine, gout, a serious renal failure.

Side effect:

Inosine is usually well transferred; itch, dermahemia are in some cases possible; in cases of allergic reaction drug is cancelled. In rare instances rising of concentration of uric acid in a blood becomes perceptible. At prolonged use in high doses the gout exacerbation is possible.

Additional information

Is directly involved in exchange of glucose and promotes activization of exchange at a hypoxia and in the absence of ATP. Stimulates oxidation-reduction processes. Inosine intensifies metabolism of pyrogrape acid, normalizes process of tissue respiration, promotes increase activity. Improves coronary blood circulation. Inosine increases force of reductions of heart and promotes fuller relaxation of a myocardium in the diastol (connects the calcium ions which have got to cytoplasm at the time of excitement of a cage) therefore shock volume increases and blood supply of fabrics improves.

Reduces aggregation of platelets, activates regeneration of fabrics (especially mucous membrane of a GIT and a myocardium), prevents consequences of intraoperative ischemia of kidneys.

At intake inosine is well absorbed in a GIT. It is metabolized in a liver with formation of glyukuron acid and the subsequent her oxidation. In insignificant quantity it is removed by kidneys.

It is contraindicated at hypersensitivity to derivatives of purin, giperuricemia, gout.

Inosine is applied inside, 3 — 4 times a day, an initial dose — 0,6 — 0,8 g a day, in case of good tolerance in 2 — 3 days the dose is increased to 1,2 — 1,6 — 2,4 g a day. Duration of course application — 4 — 12 weeks.

Medicine inosine pranobek (inosine pranobex, gropinosin, isoprinosin) — compound of inosine with 1-(dimetilamino)-2 — propanol-4-(atsetilamino) — benzoate (salt) in the ratio 1:3. He, except anabolic, possesses the immune stimulating and antiviral action. Medicine increases total number of T-lymphocytes and development by them interleykina-2, normal cages — killers and T-helperov, improves a ratio a helper/supressor; stimulates activity of monocytes, macrophages (synthesis in them interleykina-1) and cages; strengthens synthesis of RNA and ribosomal protein. At the same time suppresses replication of DNA and RNA of viruses by means of linkng with ribosomes of a cage and change of their stereochemical structure.

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