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Inosin (Riboxin): Your body is charged with energy, and your heart will work like a clock

06 Jun 2016

I suffer from disruptions in heart rhythm. After the examination, the cardiologist prescribed me medication, but Inosin did not enter into this list. Disinfected been assigned courses autumn / spring, but I had to wait a long time for effect. The course includes Asparkam, vitamin E, Mildronate.

About Inosin I read in the Internet, I interested, studied the instructions and bought Inosin (Riboxin). In general, I consider a self-treatment as a bad thing, but about many positive words were said about Inosin (Riboxin).

The instructions recommended intake Inosin for arrhythmia, including myocardium distrafiyu after infarct and for athletes. The first 2 days one should be taken with caution Table 1 / 3p, if all is well, increase the dose to 2 tablets / 3p, the course of 4 weeks. Part of the Inosin is a part of the body cells. Therefore, entering the body, it quickly gets into cells and activates metabolic processes. Riboxin positively affects not only the heart muscle, and liver and gastrointestinal tract.

I felt immediately improvement in the self-state, shortness of breath passed and the rhythm was restored. I plan to complete a full course of Inosin, together with other drugs prescribed by the cardiologist.

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