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Immune activation and human disease

02 Dec 2016

Biologist Dr. Doping tells about the general theory of medicine, the immune system and HIV infection. How does the immune activation? What parameters characterize the process? As immune activation contributes to the emergence of viral diseases?

All modern natural science came out of the history of natural philosophy - medieval science, which is not divided on the nature of the different departments and studied it as a whole. Over time, science divided into physics, chemistry, medicine, and biomedicine, as they say. And for some reason they have gone very different ways. Physics has sought to unite his theories and the idea of physics - try within a unified theory to explain all the phenomena of our world.

Medicine has gone a completely different way: she began to concentrate around certain diseases, which led to a very large specialty medicine. For example, ophthalmologists know little about the heart diseases, people who deal with heart disease, atherosclerosis, little is known about infectious diseases, people who deal with infectious diseases, little is known about the various pathologies of pregnancy and so on.

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Last general theory of biology - is the cell theory, which was developed over 150 years ago, and since then, particularly the general theory was not. And now we are seeing the development, the development of the theory, which is the first in many years, the general theory of medicine - it is a theory of how different diseases occur and what unites them.

Different diseases in different areas accompanied by the phenomenon of immune activation. In the days of Pasteur and many years later, the immune system is considered as a system that protects us from flying around the bacteria, viruses, and if, God forbid, a virus or a bacterium entered the body, the immune system is activated and destroys them. Then everything goes back to the previous level before the next infection, unless the infection is not lethal. It turned out that this is not the case.

The immune system often does not come back, and, moreover, in our body there are many viruses and bacteria that live permanently, without threatening our health, but from time to time are activated. Thus, the immune system how to maneuver in the army: it happens all the time training. When a person becomes infected with what some viruses, bacteria - becomes inflamed. We all know that such inflammation when, for example, it appears on the skin. Inflammation is associated with lymphocyte activation, reproduction, leukocyte traffic to areas of infection occurs redness, increased vascular permeability - we are faced with the same life. Then it all goes. Sometimes it becomes chronic. The so-called chronic inflammation is characterized by the production of a number of soluble substances and activation of certain cells.

There is a phenomenon that is now clear - easier activation of the immune system. This inflammation is not without chronic inflammation, but something less than that, the weaker. It turned out that it is accompanied by various diseases, and in different areas have experts understand that this immune activation strongly contributes to the development of the disease. It's like a second key to the safe. One key - is directly etiological agent that causes, say, HIV - HIV is.

The second key - immune activation, which is the engine of infection and possibly without this disease and would not develop.

This is not new idea. New is that experts in different areas do not know how widely this view, which captures different areas. In various areas, this idea appeared at different times. For example, with heart disease, atherosclerosis can be traced to the Rudolf Virchow, the classics of science of the last century, in other areas, she appeared in the 90s, or more recently.

We are engaged in the study of immune activation. It has a number of very specific measured parameters: appearance molecules called immune activation markers on lymphocytes, occurrence of vesicles, cells which produce other cells and transmit the information signal (in which the RNA and protein), and several other parameters. This immune activation was common to many illnesses. We examined the immune activation with different peers. In particular, immune activation in atherosclerosis we explore Moscow with prominent experts in the field of heart disease, cardiologists Alexander V. Shpektorov Jurevna and Elena Vasilyeva. We will explore this in different disorders of pregnancy - there is a violation of pregnancy called preeclampsia, is very common, often leading to the death of the fetus - an outstanding American expert Roberto Romero and several other diseases.

The clearest example that shows why the immune activation is the driving force of infection - HIV infection. Immunodeficiency virus, by definition, causes immunodeficiency. Long thought that this immune deficiency, because the virus kills some important cells. Really. But it turned out that the driving force of HIV immune activation is because the virus infects mainly immuno-activated cells continue to activate immune-cells that are not infected, and thus the infection develops.

Why this immune activation is such an important show experiments on monkeys. There is a similar virus in monkeys, called simian immunodeficiency virus. There are monkeys, macaques, which are infected with the virus laboratory, and they have a disease similar to the little disease that causes HIV in humans. And there are monkeys that are infected but not ill with the disease. At first thought, that they do not become infected - it turned out to be infected. I think that they have an immune system that prevents the spread of the virus. It turned out that it is not. The only difference in monkeys that did not suffer in spite of being infected with the virus - the fact that their system ignores the virus, it is not immuno-activate live quietly, without paying attention to the virus. This is an important proof in mathematics, almost absolute proof that immune activation is the driving force of this infection.

Even in the field of cancer it was found that immune activation plays a major role. Long thought - and it is true - that cancer cells appear in our body all the time, but for the time being the immune system of their catches, destroys, and most of us do not get sick with cancer, especially at a young age. And then she at some point as it passes the cell, and then there is cancer. But even then, in solid tumors a lot of activated lymphocytes, which are thought to be struggling with this tumor.

It's all true, but it turned out that this immune activation have the opposite part: it contributes to the development of cancer. Specifically, cancer cells proliferate under the influence of factors that produce immuno-activate cells. Cancer cells that broke away from the main tumor, can not find a place for metastasis should be attached somewhere other tissues, and this contributes to immune activation. It prepares such soil to a cell in the village and began to invade the tissue. In addition, within a large tumor substances enough to feed it, and tumors produce factors inducing the growth of blood vessels that grow into the tumor and thus it is fed.

The vascular ingrowth is also a consequence of the immune activation of the local system.

Thus, immune activation contributes to some of its frequent occurrence of tumors. The same can be said about the eye disease - related macular degeneration - the destruction of the retina when the retina tissue sprout n undeformed vessels, of which the fluid flows and destroys the retina. This is a very common disease, especially among the elderly, when the stain occurs.

All these factors together, all of the research in different areas suggest that immune activation is one of the main aspects of various diseases. This relates to diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, to various other diseases. As any new discovery of factors that cause the disease, it may be a target for therapy, and in some areas are already making attempts to suppress the immune activation in the hope that it suppresses the disease. Of course, to suppress the need to very carefully to develop this very neat drug, because, if not suppress the immune system, we get sick, die from diseases that are now our system is struggling. However, such attempts have already been, and in some areas they are quite promising.

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