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Hydrolyzed collagen

12 Dec 2016

Collagen is one of the most widespread proteins in a human body, its mass fraction makes 6% of body weight. A collagen is present practically at all body tissues, it is the main structural protein which forms our body and provides durability of tissues, and actually it holds or binds cells together.

Most of all collagen contains in connecting tissues which carry out mechanical function: bones, cartilage and ligaments. Allocate three types of a collagen, each of which is present mainly at this or that tissue. So, the cartilage of joints generally contains the II type, this type of a collagen is issued in tablets for intake. I and III types contain in ligaments and bones.

Additives in capsules or edible gelatin?

Many don't even guess that gelatin is the hydrolyzed collagen. Gelatin is received by partial destruction of animal collagen by means of heat treatment (long cooking), and on the biological properties they practically differ in nothing as the last in the same way collapses to oligopeptid in digestive tract. Gelatin is used in the food industry as a thickener, this nutritional supplement was tried even to be sold as a protein for athletes earlier, however collagen is of little use for creation of muscular tissue as it has defective amino-acid structure. Despite it, gelatin can be applied as means to strengthening of joints and sheaves. Thus, instead of a rate of collagen in tablets or capsules for one thousand and more rubles, it is possible to accept usual edible gelatin in equivalent doses, and you gain just the same medical effect, having reasonably saved the means.

Amino-acid composition of gelatin:

  • 22-35% glycine
  • 12-21% proline
  • 12-15% hydroxyproline
  • 10% glutamin
  • 9% alanine
  • 8% arginine
  • 10-27% other amino acids

Action on organism

Hydrolyzed collagen, or gelatin is well acquired from a digestive tube. Investigating digestion of this substance, scientists found the interesting fact: a part of a collagen is acquired in the form of oligopeptid (chains of amino acids) which can come to a blood. Do not forget take Hondramin for better results.

Other researchers showed that the collagen accepted inside is capable to restore integrity of a cartilage, to strengthen ligaments and to relieve pains at a lesion of joints. The augmentation of density of collagenic fibers and fibroblasts in a skin, a cartilage and ligaments was taped (fibroblasts are cells which produce a collagen in an organism). Scientists find an explanation of these effects that a collagen is capable to be acquired partially in the form of oligopeptid as it was already stated above. These oligopeptida have the stimulating influence on fibroblasts of connecting tissues, actually forcing them to work more intensively and also to share activly.

Gelatin in a dose of 5 g a day within 6 weeks allows to improve properties of a skin considerably: elasticity and smoothness.

The last tests taped one more positive effect: strengthening of bones due to activating influence on osteoblasts.

Proved positive effects of collagen:

  • Strengthening of a cartilage
  • Strengthening of ligaments
  • Strengthening of bones
  • Improvement of a delivery of muscles (amino acids go for construction of muscular tissue, and rather high content of arginine (8%) promotes improvement of a blood flow in muscles).
  • Improvement of properties of a skin

Doses and references on use

In bodybuilding and powerlifting for strengthening of bones, ligaments and joints a collagen in tablets or gelatin is recommended to accept in a dose 10 g a day, for 1 or 2 receptions in a dry form, washing down with water, dissolving in water or doing jelly. Additive is absolutely safe and has completely natural parentage (it is made of bones and a cartilage of animals by long cooking and the subsequent destruction by enzymes or acids).

For rising of efficiency of a course it is recommended to combine about chondroitin sulfate and a glucosamine sulfate. Or to apply together with other additives to ligaments and joints. And large amount of vitamin C.

Edible gelatin not at all is equally well acquired. Excess of gelatin can provoke many troubles among which the most harmless is a rising of coagulability of blood.

It isn't necessary to abuse products with gelatin content to the people predisposed to thromboses and thrombophlebitises, and also those who has an acrolithic disease as they can provoke an exacerbation of a disease.

It is also important to remember that gelatinous tinctures which are used for treatment of diseases of joints can lead to emergence of locks, an inflammation the gemorroidal of nodes, and also to problems with digestive tract.

Also the people having cardiovascular diseases and oksaluric diathesis need to eat gelatin only after consultation with the doctor as the increased content of oksalogen in this product can cause an exacerbation of these diseases.

Besides, cases of emergence of an allergy after the use of products with gelatin in food are known.

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