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Huperzine - When the time to replace RAM in the Brain

29 Dec 2016

Today you will learn about a little-known supplement that can significantly enhance virtually any nootropic course, especially consisting of piracetam or Pramiracetam. Huperzine - this is a supplement derived from plants Huperzia Serrata, which is native to eastern Asia.

acetylcholine metabolism

Thus, the effect of piracetam appears to enhance the synthesis and release of acetylcholine and choline reuptake in the brain. This means that piracetam is physically able to make more acetylcholine and thus it is better to bind to receptors.
Acetylcholine we have in the brain associated with memory, attention and neuromuscular transmission. It turns out that piracetam has an excellent assistant for memory and attention.
And there is one amendment! Logically, for the construction of acetylcholine need some starting material and that choline or vitamin B4. That is why so often Piracetamum recommend eating with lecithin, which contains a lot of choline. Please pay attention to Cerebramin.

Imagine yourself behind the wheel of a car in front of an empty road with excellent coverage and you have decided to go a little faster. You do take into account that the fast and fuel runs out. Something similar makes and piracetam with acetylcholine. He it creates better and more, so need more choline.

Huperzine  NMDA-receptor

Generally, in order not to bother with counting vitamin, many of them small or you just easier to just eat right, as if beaten and stupid phrase sounded. Eggs, fish, oatmeal, milk, well, so you probably all know.

How does Huperzine act?

  • 1. Hupirzine’s trick reversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase.

While acetylcholine flies anywhere from one neuron to another, it has its own period of life, which is controlled by acetylcholinesterase. More specifically, the enzyme takes conditionally excess acetylcholine, breaks it, and how to create a reserve. Huperzine allows you to temporarily switch off the acetylcholinesterase. Although the word "off" poorly suited for an accurate understanding of the mechanism of action is likely "reduced activity".
Again! Acetylcholine is not eternal is between neurons because the running acetylcholinesterase. Huperzine bit block its action, thus - acetylcholine becomes larger.

It remains an open question how much more? Therefore, there are different data item in the first place there is a dependence on the dose. The higher it is - the stronger and the more the inhibition of acetylcholine. Immediately there is a danger - the nerve gas is the coolest acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. Read about Zarin and you will realize that too much acetylcholine is not good.

huperzine effects

  • 2.Huperzine as NMDA-receptor antagonist. Recall, NMDA receptors are found on the surface of the nerve cell and configured by glutamate job exciting neurotransmitter in the brain. In the normal state - this is a good phenomenon, if you think fast. If stress, anxiety, or if you are by nature too inflated your glutamate too active, you think too fast and too much. This alignment will fix NMDA receptor antagonists, they simply block access to glutamate transmission of a nerve impulse.

However, there is evidence that prolonged use of powerful antagonists NDMA-receptor is extremely negative impact on the long-term memory, a vivid example - ketamine or dextromethorphan. In contrast to these substances causes Huperzine side effect as hallucinations.

  • 3.It promotes neurogenesis and protect nerve cells. Many still believe that the nerve cells do not reappear, even on a small scale, therefore, attached a large study with pictures and diagrams in relation to neurogenesis in the hippocampus under the influence of Huperzine.

Huperzine course
Typically, the additive is well tolerated, side effects are almost always dependent on the dosage. Most often it is nausea, dizziness and loss of appetite.
For an adult the effective dosage starts at 50 mg, not to be confused with mg. 50 g - is 0.05 mg. In general, the research, the ratio efficacy / safety close to 400 mcg. Because the range of 200-400 mg can be considered good.
The duration of intake has not been established. 1 month period is considered optimal. Take can be 1-2 times a day regardless of the meal.

Huperzine plant

Effects of Huperzine
Research on students who complained of a bad memory. They took 68 people from 23 secondary schools in China. Divided into 2 groups: Huperzine 100 micrograms per day and the placebo group. The mean age - 15 years.
Both groups underwent extensive testing and received a memory factor in the placebo group it was equal to 94, in the group with Huperzine - 92. 4 weeks had a retest. Result: The memory factor in the placebo - 104, Huperzine -115. Side effects were not detected.
The strongest improvements were in the tests and short-term associative memory.

And coupled with the antagonism of NMDA-receptors can distinguish two main effects:
- Better operational (short-term) memory.
- A slight decrease nervousness when glutamate excess.

What combine with Huperzine
From Huperzine no rushing, no pronounced sedation, there are no secondary effects, and acetylcholine, unlike any other mediator is almost not felt. Why it can be taken with a variety of nootropics.

IMPORTANT UPDATE! Once again, do not aspire to the maximum acetylcholine! When too much is reduced serotonin and dopamine. The cunning plan of course may consist of additional reception of additives for serotonin and dopamine, but it is easier to monitor the well-being and find their dosage.

Because the mechanism of action, it became clear that Huperzine slows the breakdown of acetylcholine, therefore an interesting solution would be to add our current nootrop to any racetam. They will smooth the blocking NMDA-receptors, which have Huperzine, spur both acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin.As a variant of the combination: 200 mcg Huperzine + piracetam 3-4 g+ lecithin 2 g. Or, with a greater emphasis on dopamine: Huperzine +dopa + piracetam +lecithin.

Bottom Line:

- Huperzine greatly increases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
- Powered by acetylcholinesterase inhibition and blocking the NMDA-receptor. There is information about the acceleration of nerve growth.
- The course is not yet clearly established, approximately - 4 weeks of 200-400 mg / day.
- Effects: marked improvement in short-term memory and a slight deceleration.
- Take can be virtually any nootropics.

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