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How to take Tribulus Terrestris

23 Aug 2017

Many novice bodybuilders are interested in how to take Tribulus Terrestris, its effect on the body and side effects. In this article, we will try to fill in the gap by providing the necessary information on this issue.

The effect of taking

Tribulus Terrestris or prickly vine is a perennial herb plant that grows in tropical and temperate climates. Since time immemorial, it has been used by healers, as an antiseptic, tonic, diuretic and a cure for infertility. At the moment, Tribulus, which has the properties of a booster of testosterone, is quite popular among bodybuilders. The active protodioscin component, the saponin of the steroid structure, which is part of this plant, helps to quickly gain muscle mass and increase strength.

Recommendations for the dosage and the course reception of Tribulus

Since the mechanism of the action of protodioscin has not been thoroughly studied today, it is necessary to take Tribulus Terrestris, made from the extract of the plant of the same name, very carefully. According to experts, in people with excessive aromatase activity, this product is able to exert a stimulating effect not on the synthesis of testosterone, but solely on the production of estrogens.

Biologically active food additive Tribulus Terrestris is taken in cycles, for 4 weeks. The interval between the courses is 1.5 months. The recommended daily dose is 250-1000 μg. The average dose is 750 mcg. The use of more than 1500 μg of the drug per day is categorically contraindicated.

Take Tribulus in capsules should be after meals, 1-3 times a day. To achieve the maximum anabolic effect, the use of a testosterone booster is recommended to be combined with systematic strength training, a high calorie diet and additional sports nutrition, which includes the following components:

Proteins (to increase muscle growth - 2-3 g per 1 kg of weight);

Vitamin and mineral complexes;

Creatine supplements performing transport and anabolic function;


Peptide complexes;


To avoid the development of side effects (suppression of its own hormonal function and a tangible loss of muscle mass), Tribulus Terrestis should not be taken in conjunction with anabolic steroids and prohormones (biological precursors of sex hormones).

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