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How to take Hexarelin

02 Oct 2017

Hexarelin, which is a synthetic stimulator of the secretion of its own growth hormone, has perfectly proven itself as a sports supplement that increases the relief of musculature and increases stamina. In this regard, many novice bodybuilders are interested in whether it is possible to use hexarelin solo, and how to correctly take it.

Recommendations for the use of hexachlorine

Hexarelin, considered the strongest peptide from the GHRP class, has the following effects:

Stimulates the growth of new muscle fibers;

Helps to reduce fat mass;

Increases power indicators;

Increases the production of IGF-1;

The bones are strengthened;

Has a positive effect on sleep;

Enhances the division of myoblasts.

The optimum dosage of stimulating peptide-stimulant for the secretion of its own growth hormone is 1-2 μg per 1 kg of body weight of the athlete. Professionals advise taking Hexarelin 2-3 times a day. Increase the dose to 3 mcg is strongly discouraged, as this can lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the growth hormone. The drug is administered subcutaneously, on an empty stomach, at least an hour before the next meal. Ideally - after awakening, at the end of training and before bedtime.

To prevent age-related changes, Hexarelin is used once a day at the lowest dosage (1 μg per 1 kg of body weight). On average, the duration of the course application is 3-4 weeks, then the body should be given a two-week rest (to prevent excessive depletion of the pituitary gland).

The instruction to Hexarellin is that as a solvent, physiological saline, bactericidal water or sterile water for injections can be used. To dilute 2 μg of lyophilized powder contained in the vial, 2 ml of liquid will be required. During the injection, in order to prevent bacteria from entering the vial, strict sterility must be observed. The peptide solution can be stored in the refrigerator for 30-35 days. Freezing is not allowed!

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