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How to memorize much faster?!

22 Dec 2016

Today's review includes the basic principles that will make your memory much more functional. There will be 5 technics to quickly memorize the information, they are different and each has its pros and cons. Well, according to tradition will not raise an empty demagoguery, we get started!

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  • 1.Motive.

Why would you do something to remember? What's the point of this?

First of all think about the motive. As a rule, allocate 2 motif on the basis of interest or forced.

Well, you are fond of computers and you do not scare the modern names of graphics cards and processors. Your brain is adapted to memorize this information, and the case is doubly fun if more and Technical Education.

Okay! But what if you want to learn English, but my head is only AMD and Intel?

Your task - to be interested in a foreign language!

Think of the benefits: understanding instructions and descriptions from the manufacturer, you will read some of his favorite books in the original, by the way is a good way! Well, the bonus will be tangible benefits.

Forced explanatory motif does not require the kind of situation where you do not want to remember, and it is necessary, as the saying goes "under duress." Half the pupils and students only and remember this motif.

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  • 2.Fragmentation of information

One of the best methods!

There are people who like matches, lit and extinguished quickly. And I, and you are full of such friends!

They can be a couple of days to shovel a huge pile of information, but then do not see results quickly fade. In principle, it is much better than being absolutely apathetic and "do not light up."

However, very few people who iso-day capable of showing the result, even if small.

This is the way and the most successful in the long run! So, if you want to remember a giant piece of information - chop it and teach these pieces.

An important condition: do not go too far away, not to forget the original information. In general, it is better to remember for a long time and a little bit than to burn like a match.

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  • 3.The brightness of the event so memorable emotions!

The brightness of the emotions is directly proportional to the ability to remember events.

One crucial winning goal that you scored or that silly funny story. In these memoirs, there was fragmentation of information, they have nothing to do with the motive, meaning to remember.

They are distinguished by only one thing - a bright, juicy picture, so that from it we can squeeze a lot of small details and moments in a wet t-shirt water. It is this brightness and saturation if the seal drove a remembrance in my head! You can also like Cerebramin.

To memorize a certain small amount of information is useful to add to her colors to your shirt was not a dry, dusty and with large holes.

Well, you need to remember a person's face, name and phone number - instantly endow its bright character, his name and the number present in large letters, print Hummingbird on his door, where do you think he can live.

There are already far enough imagination! Some are even able to drive a set of different information in a vivid story, like a movie. This, incidentally, one of the principles of mnemonics.

Emotions are remembered better! The more colors you add a meaningless set of data - more meaningful and remember better.

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  • 4.Reproduction

There is an old technique that will help keep the memory in good shape!

Banishes bedtime events of the day in chronological order. This will allow a better assessment of productivity, plan and make adjustments.

We modify this technique to recall the necessary information. It's simple! Our memory has some periods of the information fixing, we advise to read more about the Ebbinghaus curve.

We are prone to forgetting at regular intervals, and if there is no repetition or fixing memories by recording - will forget more and more.

These gaps are like bit Fibonacci sequence, ie over 1 hour, we remember less through even less 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, etc. hours.

In order not to get confused - try to repeat the main points that should be remembered by hour, 4 hours, 12 and 24, then enough of the 1st repeat of a few days.

  • 5.Singularity

An effective way to keep track of memory in his gray matter.

This method resembles the item with the brightness, but still different. Earlier we talked about the bright and juicy picture for better memory, unusual or unconventional works in a similar way, only the brightness is not necessary.

The principle of singularity, you can remember in ordinary life moments. There is one beautiful expression of that life - this is what happens to you when you have other plans.

Every day you go the same route, and these days are superimposed on each other, and remembered the day when on your way will be based on the tree or you will meet an old friend. This is the most unusual! We offer artificially make similar!

Example: you call a person to congratulate on the holiday, or buy the necessary spare part for the home. As soon as you remember about it - much pinch yourself hand. This method may work, if the action is not typical for you.

By the way, in psychology this is called an anchor when you communicate an emotion or a memory with the action. Try to eat a very sour lemon large pieces. Straight way to sugar-free! Rather it begins to stand out saliva, although no lemon. If you commit to head an emotion or a memory in a similar way - make sure you remember!

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Bottom line:

Today you've got a weapon! Try! Use different ways in different situations.


- Motive: Interest or forced. Be interested in what you want to remember! Suitable for long-term work on memorization.

- Splitting up. No raids to learn everything at once! Memorize gradually, but regularly! Suitable also for a long period.

- Brightness. Exaggeration! You need not take the small key from the third shelf, and a hefty red and yellow keys the size of half the room. Do not tell a long-winded report on improving the effectiveness of something there, and the whole story with your universe!

- Play. Here pure science. If you need something to remember for a long time - repeat information.

- Unusual. Suitable for small amounts of data. Write to feedback, can you have your fast memorization techniques! I hope this article will be helpful! See you later!

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