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How to lose weight for 1 month for 10 kg

03 Nov 2017

To create the desired body parameters, little to diet. Particularly important is physical exercise. But still the best result is achieved only when several methods of weight reduction are used at once. Before you figure out how to lose weight in 1 month for 10 kg at home, you need to understand what is the need for each direction.

Meal in the foreground

Let's start with a diet. The ideal option is to calculate calories. You should receive them as much as you spend for a day or even less. Remember that even during sleep, a certain amount of energy is expended, so you can not give up eating at all. This will lead to violations by vital organs.

An excellent option is mono-diet. For example, during a day use a certain product. This also includes vegetable-protein unloading.

You must choose the methods of power correction yourself. Some people find it easier to observe certain restrictions every day, do not eat after six and give up flour, while others better one day to unload, and the rest do not limit themselves to the diet. At the same time, the latter option will have little effect. Therefore, the ideal solution is the selection of a certain menu, in which the consumption of calories will be greater than the arrival.

To sit on diets without physical activity will not help you lose weight for 1 month per 10 kg. Deterioration will be noticeable, in the first place, from the skin. The fact is that with a lack of incoming food, a decrease in the volume of adipose tissue is observed. At the same time, the skin remains in its place. To tighten it, you need to provide enough oxygen to update the cells, and you can not do this without exercise.

Sports to help diet

It is much easier to lose weight with the help of sports. But here there are their pitfalls. Try to visit the gym every day and practice for an hour per day. Perhaps this will help you lose weight in 1 month per 10 kg. But most likely, in a couple of days you will notice that your weight is growing. This is explained as follows. After increased stress, the body needs to recover and you first try to eat something after visiting the hall. In the course are all possible products without restriction. As a result, the result achieved in the hall is reduced to zero.

Thus, without diets to lose weight is difficult. But this does not mean that you have to starve or severely restrict yourself to eating. If you plan to lose weight in 1 month for 10 kg, combine physical activity and correction of nutrition.

Exercises may not be the most intensive, but regular and lasting at least 50 minutes. In the diet it is better to include foods with a long period of digestion and digestion. Do not forget that to get energy you need proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so you can not refuse them categorically.

Calculate the consumption of calories, taking into account the characteristics of daily work and physical activity. Based on this, make a list of foods that will give you a little less calories. Due to this, the body will have to expend supplies, which are stored in adipose tissue. So you have more chances to get rid of excess weight.

Of course, it is possible to help the body, for example, to accelerate the exchange process, and in parallel to improve overall health. To do this, you can use fat burners. These can be preparations based on ephedrine and caffeine. They have the following effect:

  • A rush of strength;
  • Increase of efficiency;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes and metabolism;
  • Reduction of fat tissue;
  • Improving mood.

Alternatively, you can take Asia Black-25, Methyldrene-25, China White 25 Ephedra or Simpatoterm Lux. All fat burners contain only plant components, which means they are completely safe. Do not think that they are suitable only for professionals. Thanks to some components, you can not only reduce body volume, but also significantly improve the condition of the skin, hair and the entire body as a whole.

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