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How to lose weight by 10 kg in 3 weeks?

11 Oct 2017

There are many ways to reduce weight. Everyone finds the most suitable for themselves. It is important that the diet includes the most affordable products, which will make the diet not only effective, but also economical.

An English diet is ideal for these requirements. It will help you lose 10 kg in 3 weeks. At the same time, you can simultaneously improve your health, achieve the right weight and save money on products.

Principle of diet

The main condition of this diet is the use of foods high in protein. Thanks to this you can get rid of ten and more kilograms, without experiencing any special difficulties. To achieve the goal, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • Complete exclusion of fatty and fried foods;
  • The liquid is used at least two liters;
  • Cook products for steam or boil;
  • Supplement the course with vitamins and trace elements.

These are the basic rules of any healthy diet. But lose weight by 10 kg in 3 weeks will help you a certain set of products. In the first two days you can consume milk and sour milk drinks, as well as cottage cheese. Further within three days it is recommended to eat meat in any of its forms: boil, stew without butter and cook for a couple. Preference should be given to low-fat varieties, poultry and fish.

Within the next five days, it is allowed to eat any vegetables and fruits. After them, you must go back to the meat days. But after four days, go back to the vegetables. We finish the cycle with dairy products.

Such a diet will help you provide the body with all the necessary elements and besides will not get bored, as a wide choice of dishes helps to easily make a menu. You will not feel hunger, and after 2-3 days you will feel the lightness and the burst of energy due to the cleansing of the body of harmful substances.

Lose 10 kg in 3 weeks at home

Having dealt with how to lose weight by 10 kg in 3 weeks, you can go to the question: is it possible to improve the result and achieve more. Of course, you can. But cut portions are not worth it. So you only harm your body.

The ideal option is to connect physical activity. Given that food intake is limited, it is not worth attending gyms and exhausting yourself with workouts. It is better to choose easy running or swimming. This will be enough to speed up the metabolic processes and make the fats split.

If you can not find the strength to get up early and go for a run, you can connect special supplements. For this purpose, fat burners are used. In this case, active ingredients are caffeine, ephedrine, extracts of bitter orange, cayenne pepper, guarana, white willow and green tea. Thanks to them, you will feel a surge of strength and increased endurance. At the same time, the process of fission of fats will accelerate, and the weight will rapidly decrease.

At the same time, it is important to note that such fat burners as Hellfire, Diablos, Hyperburn V-10, China White 25 Ephedra and Methyldrene Elite 25 do not cause any side effects and are always easily tolerated by the plant compound.

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