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How to inject peptides?

24 Aug 2017

How correctly to inject peptides? This issue is of interest to many novice athletes who decided to experience the effect of biological regulators obtained by chemical synthesis. This section presents the basic rules for the use of sports nutrition products that can activate or dull various physiological processes.

How correctly to shot peptides?

Peptide drugs used in sports pharmacology are available in the form of a lyophilized powder for injection, restoring its original properties during dilution. Since it is necessary to place peptides with the obligatory observance of the dosage corresponding to the level of saturation of receptors, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instruction, which specifies the features of its application, when using this or that agent.

Virtually all injectable protein complexes are injected subcutaneously, into the fat fold. For this procedure, you will need:

  • A vial or flask with a preparation;
  • Special sterile water for injections (ampoules of 2 and 5 ml);
  • An intramuscular syringe with a long needle (for diluting the powder);
  • An insulin syringe (V = 100 U).

Before placing the peptides, a solvent is slowly introduced into the bottle with powder, along the wall. To the drug does not lose its pharmacological properties, it is not recommended to shake it vigorously. After the powder is completely dissolved, the required amount of solution is taken into the insulin syringe. When using peptide products in ligaments, they must be mixed not beforehand, but immediately before administration.

Professionals advise putting peptides in the abdominal region, retreating 6-8 cm from the navel, at an angle of 45. It is very important to observe the distance between injections (it should be at least 3 cm). It is recommended to do injections on an empty stomach, after which to refrain from eating for another 40 minutes. To prevent night catabolism, which prevents the gaining of muscle mass, the first injection is best set immediately after waking up, and then - with an interval of 4 hours.

The solution remaining in the vial is stored in the refrigerator, in a plastic bag, separately from foodstuffs, no more than 7-10 days. When using peptides, it is necessary to limit the intake of simple carbohydrates to the maximum, while increasing the daily norm of animal proteins to 2-3 grams per 1 kg of weight.

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