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How to deal with altitude sickness?

20 Dec 2016

If there was a cure for "attitude desease", everyone would know it and used. There is no such. Some help Tibetan herbal products, which can be reserved in Kathmandu and Lhasa, some Oxysilver and Semax - you can buy them in Russia. In Lhasa we buy drugs invented Chinese medicine - an extract of rhododendron and capsules with mountain herbs.

Semax against attitude sickness

If you go in a group, accompanied by our guide, he will have the necessary kit. We must take his medication, it is related to your body's features. Who has high blood pressure - lowering, one low - ginseng, for example. Be sure to take funds from the common cold and headache (those that best helps you with these symptoms at home). Anyone recommend to take with aspirin, or a multivitamin with Cyanocobalamin and Aspirin Cardio and Linex, Bifiform or Laktofiltrum to help the body to adapt to food and water.

The text referred to Semax and for good reason, because Semax increases the resistance to hypoxia. By the way, it is included in the sets of search and rescue services of the EMERCOM of Russia in order to improve efficiency and increase the adaptive capacity of the body when working in conditions of emotional and mental and physical overload.
Yet to confirm the performance - experiments on rats have shown that Semax 2.5 times increases the life of animals in the extreme "height" of 12,000 meters, as well as a positive effect on the body's adaptation to hypoxia.

Someone from the Japan - just purchased the goods:
Pielotax 20 capsules