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How to complete the Gestalt?

07 Dec 2016

The psychologist Dr. Doping tells about actualized to satisfy the requirements, the effect of incomplete action and the development of Gestalt theory.

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The expression "complete Gestalt" has spread simultaneously with the development of Gestalt therapy, which began with the practice of Solomon Frederick Perls in 1942. The term "Gestalt", selected as the name for the new psychotherapeutic direction within the existential-humanistic approach, first appeared in the second book of "Gestalt therapy: Excitement and growth in the human person," written by Paul Goodman, Ralph Hefferlinom and Fritz Perls in 1951. Theoretical Foundations of Gestalt therapy developed drawing on psychoanalytic theory, field theory of Kurt Lewin, Kurt Goldstein's holistic ideas and JS Smuts, oriental philosophical currents, psychophysical concept of Wilhelm Reich, a phenomenological approach of Edmund Husserl, existential ideas of Martin Buber and, of course, the principles of Gestalt psychology, which was engaged in the study of Laura Perls, one of the founders of gestalt therapy.

The word "gestalt" has no direct translation means 'figure' and 'integrity', 'structure' and 'image'. An important principle of Gestalt therapy, taken from experiments on the study of perception in Gestalt psychology, is to approach the person as a whole in his life, and the social context of his family system, the body. The second important principle - the formation of a "figure-ground" based on the perception of the experiments. The relationship between figure and ground forms a gestalt system and at the same time the image. The basic position of the Gestalt therapy approach is the theory of mental metabolism, in which the idea of an exchange of substances between the organism and the environment as the principle of operation of a live open system moved into the area of mental life.

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The psyche is a function of a living organism that occurs in the process of development to the realization of the natural needs of the organism, and human development is necessary to obtain any necessary substances from the external environment. Similarly, the material world operates and exchange with the environment mental, social and emotional phenomena. Man as the body is moved by the desire to meet the needs, to homeostasis, and this desire is the basis of self-regulation and the organization of human life. The most current, important at the moment human need creates the clearest figure and seeks to defuse (satisfaction). In the natural course of human life Gestalt - structure "figure - background" - created as actualization needs and destroyed as soon as they meet. For example, when a person is driving on the way home from work for him before the trip figure stands need to determine the shortest route, and gestalt are the navigator setup and selection of the optimal route; but if he notices when he hath lighted indicator lamp fuel, anxiety, and past experience of organizing a new gestalt - perception of his relationship restructure figures and the background, it will begin to look for gas station. In the case of an important call from a spouse again is a change of shape and restructuring its field. All these gestalts will remain open during the trip, for which a person is engaged in the completion of the gestalt: talking, dressing vehicle motion control home - activities that allow us to satisfy the needs updated. In the case of the healthy functioning of a person will retain the ability to manage and build Gestalt figures in adequate communication with the background, that is, to meet their needs. But in pathological situations in the presence of incomplete gestalt and chronic or acute stress need Gestalt - as a practice or support the reconstruction and development of these abilities.

At the same time, paradoxically, it is a creative tool also becomes the cause of suffering, which laid the unfinished Gestalt, and this suffering leads man for help gestalt therapist. For example, a child life circumstances put in a difficult situation, when there is a loss of one parent and the other parent, experiencing a loss, becomes depressed and psychologically unavailable. The child, a long time developing in such a situation and taking into proximity needs and acceptance, forced to form in their ability to produce heat and attention and skills of dealing with a depressed parent with resource scarcity. In the event that adaptation will not entirely successful and needs to remain unsatisfied, have grown up child will be formed and fixed unfinished gestalts, supported by unmet needs. Later, when meeting an adult, which in some unconscious way to remind him that in the acute period of the parent-child relationship, the person will seek to replicate the parameters of that period, while losing the ability to carry out creative adaptation to new conditions. For example, in a situation of possible intimacy and warmth with another person remains unexpressed, unconscious and incomplete pain and anger associated with the loss of a parent, are unconsciously reproduced and prevent the formation of new relationships. Thus, formed earlier uncompleted action unmet need tend to an end, the resolution, but recorded a need leads to fixation of the tension. Such incomplete gestalt can cause chronic bodily stress, social maladjustment, emotional disorders, and others.

Gestalt therapy is now an integrative approach, including a theory of personality - self theory, philosophical bases, notions of "neurotic" about the resistance. The idea of the approach of the founder Fritz Perls was that Gestalt therapy - is primarily a practical direction to assist, and of confronting psychoanalysis, Perls little support theorizing that influences the development of Gestalt theory today. At the same time, the development of awareness, as well as in psychoanalysis, is considered an important healing principle of gestalt therapy, gestalt therapist in this task is to support the process of awareness, creative adjustment "here and now".

Thus, a complete gestalt loses its energy, its power and becomes the background, assimilated and forgotten. Unfinished Gestalt - fixed voltage excitation stopped, interrupted business - remains at the forefront of attention and structures the perception and experience of the situation. If you want to complete the gestalt - realize their gestalt, find themselves in the space field "figure - background", note its necessity, its ability to return to creative adaptation, and either directly or substitute action consciously and spontaneously shut down, tear down existing gestalt.

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