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How give up drinking by yourself - an easy way to solve the problem

29 Oct 2016

An alcoholicin the family - it's a big problem. For it is impossible to remain indifferent. In this article we will look at how give up drinking by yourself - an easy way to solve the problem. The most difficult for the drinker - to admit to himself that he was ill and dependent on alcohol. All other situations are self-deception. But throw a drink with or without - quite feasible task.

Causes of alcoholism

It is necessary to understand the next alcoholism - is a lifelong disease, the only treatment which - never drink alcohol. Under this condition, his life is full and rich. The former can never be an alcoholic drink alcohol all. One glass of champagne can completely wipe out many years a quiet life.

The reasons for the decisive step, each person is different. - In 90% of alcohol caused social problems. In the life of a man there are events with which he can not cope. Unfortunately, many are finding a "solution" in the bottle.

- Someone is vitally important when doctors say: "Either you quit drinking, or will live long." But it is not necessarily to bring the body to the extreme conditions.

You must understand how to quickly quit alcohol. Gather will in a fist, determined with the purposes and without delaying for tomorrow, start today. The words "I will begin after the holidays," to postpone the decision for years to come. You must first try give up drinking on their own. If not - seek medical advice.

How to convince husband give up drinking.

We would like to consider how to behave wife if the husband drinks. The main thing in any case do not ignore the problem, we must understand that it will not be resolved independently. Why husband drinks? There is presumably a few reasons. One of them - it's a bad atmosphere in the family or problems at work. Part of the blame in this case lies with the wife - she did not watch, did not pay attention at the right time, not supported. A man with the help of glasses trying to forget about the problems, to get away from them.

The house in which there is love, happiness and understanding, successful in life husbands do not become alcoholics. Hence we conclude that the much needed change in the way of his wife and family. The first - increase self-esteem of her husband. Next, consider how he feels at home. If the address is constantly flying accusations and threats, and even worse attitude of indifference, the care in alcohol is not surprising. If you see something like that in a family, begin to act now and show your man that he was appreciated and loved.

Ask for help to the closest relatives - parents. Arrange them so that they came to visit unexpectedly, without warning, and as often as possible. For each of us the opinion and the authority of the parents is important. Naturally unexpected changes force the husband to limit the amount of alcohol accepted.

The next one necessarily need to be connected - are children. They instinctively know how to get his father to quit smoking. They are proud of their father, they want to spend with them as much time as possible. From communion with the Pope in children's eyes light up with happiness, of course a man responds to an open, sincere love. Let this serve as a stimulus for change. How often can go on nature, be engaged with their children work out joint visits to the shops and cafes, plan joint leisure. In any case, it must be remembered that the rejection of alcohol will be successful only if it is the desire to appear at her husband.

Beer alcoholism

Perhaps you are surprised that such a term is applied. Nevertheless, the concept more relevant than ever. Young people drinking beer in liters, all believe that alcoholic beer does not happen. This view is mistaken. Addiction requires reception of beer every day in more and more, and this performance depending on the alcohol. It is necessary that the person stopped drinking beer, the consequences of its use are extremely dangerous. These are heart disease, inflammation of the stomach and esophagus, hormonal failure, impotence. The list of diseases is certainly not complete. Keep in mind though that the beer is low alcohol drinks, frequent reception of his highly addictive.

How give up drinking forever - folk remedies

Then comes the crucial moment - the man realized that he was sick. Patience and effort to deal with addiction. In this case, we advise to turn to proven popular recipes:

- Birch buds mix with sugar and set on fire, and then put out, so went to smoke, and to give the drinker a man to smell. As previously argued alcohol people take it - there is no desire to drink the first time.

- Perfectly cooked help yourself tincture of thyme, centaury and wormwood. A glass of water to boil, throw 1 tablespoon of the above herbs in it, to give infusions overnight. Take this infusion must be 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

- A decoction of oats, and marigolds. Boil 3 liters of water, pour into it the oats to take half the pot. After boiling, cook for half an hour. Then add the nails and then the fire within 10 minutes. Put in a cool place overnight. Giving the patient on 1 glass three times a day.

The man stopped drinking - consequences for the organism?

With what face the man who decided to get rid of alcohol addiction?

Alcohol addiction like any other. If the body at a certain point does not enter alcohol, the hangover begins, we can say breaking. So, the challenge is to endure and not be broken. What will help at this point? You can take aspirin, the liquid in a large amount. Good help compote of dried fruits, yogurt, brine. If it is impossible to tolerate ask for help in an ambulance - the procedure is paid, but effective.

  • Depression. Aversion to life, reluctance to do anything, irritation and depression - indicators of depression. Unfortunately, this process is going through every person who decided to failure. It is best to present to you loved one, able to support you in a difficult moment. One can help to solve this problem with drugs: Phenibut, Meldonium, Phenazepam, Phenylpiracetam.
  • Next stage. Things to do in free time? You should always find something for everyone. Someone devotes time to his family, begins to work on the house, engaged in sports, more importantly, to find something that will interest you.
  • And then start checking. After all, the environment has been formed over the years. And former friends - drinking companions. Their meaning of life remained the same. His proposals they will provoke you. If the situation can not change - you need to completely change the social circle.

The man stopped drinking - how to recover the body.

After the release of alcohol dependence need to come to grips with the restoration of the body. Unfortunately, in the short term from the body leaves only 5% alcohol, the rest of the batch comes in the next weeks and even months. Be sure to do cleaning the body. First normalize the power to include in the diet as many foods rich in fiber and natural fats, trace elements, vitamins B complex, Pantogam and some peptides for health recovery. Remove from fatty foods menu. Be sure to maintain an active lifestyle, to include day hiking mode. Over time, the body will show the accumulated toxins.

We looked at how to stop drinking by yourself - an easy way out of this difficult situation. In addition to the above, it is necessary to put the problem right. The goal must be specific. The wording want to quit drinking - does not work. You must be an incentive, the goal to which you aspire.

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