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How Easily Improve Memory

23 Dec 2016

Past issues of memory Memory examined the theory that the modern scientific world understands by the term "memory" and how it is formed in the human brain. The second topic of how memories can be deceiving, as it is possible to convince a person of non-existent facts of the past as well - the phenomenon of nostalgia. We proceed to the final article of this triad, to practical issues, what to do, that memory was better, and as easy to learn new information. This release is based on the two previous ones and some of the techniques will be difficult to understand without reference to previous stories. Subsequently, the count sometimes do articles on the theme "Memory," for it as a separate science, a lot of interesting data. 

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Well, let's start:

  • 1.How to improve the memory of the past, with minimal distortion.

Record, Journal! To some it may seem strange, Tipo is never brutal, such as saccharine, drive all these stereotypes! Can you remember what he did in April 2015? I'm sure most will remember from school or work. After all, it was a long time, and what happened in April?

Ideal - buy solid thick notebook, and write a few sentences, noting the date. The main task - is to convey the atmosphere and a few fine details, do not dwell on the points and algorithms Tipo: "On December 29 I got up, went to the toilet, went to work. There was sucks, looking for gifts to relatives, crossed with former classmates, came home went to bed hungry. " In this story, there is no atmosphere and details, even if you write more details. We want to better remember the events and atmosphere.

Write about small unique events of this particular day. Write about what happened between breakfast and work. Write what thought in those moments! Here's how it would be better: "As always, I forgot to close the window, the morning was damn cold. The whole day thinking about what to give parents in NY, he decided to go to such a place, found something and then some, at the exit meeting with an old friend, in his nose brothers wedding and it is even more difficult situation with gifts. For the first time in a long time I went on train: shabby seats, window stickers Railways and too powerful oven under the ass. Little people, it was clear that some have already started to celebrate, but were calm, but one funny guy with a guitar and a cap of Santa Claus. "

Pay attention to the details, because the overall picture of the brain remembers!
Another alternative is a diary - write down every day and individual events. Personally, I have a notebook where I write about once every 2-3 weeks, but in great detail some events or thoughts on a particular topic. I write for about 3 years old, in French, practice.

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Keep a diary - it's like to keep the chain sequence of neurons in the brain, but the expression on paper. If nothing is done, the days and months will fly to each other, the brain simply can not remember everything. And need markers, reminders, it's like a song that something synonymous and returns to the old life of distorted memory. With the diary, every event and every day that will be stored on paper. Some may say that the important events and so well remembered. Okay, shall describe in detail a couple of these on paper and think about them a year later. Then read! And you will realize that much missed.

Diary of great help to understand what attracts you and what to do. When you start to write everything down, then you realize how dohrena how much time we spend on anything, nothing that we do not develop, and we just do not notice the bright moments, events, details, and in the end, through the years - all forgotten. Diary will motivate you to be ashamed, when you suddenly realize that the past is another pointless week. But without the diary - it will not be weeks, months and years. You can also start a blog and businesses planning for the day - then you absolutely horrified how long it takes to empty and think about it.

  • 2.How something to memorize, remember for a long time.

Here we are faced with such a concept as "Ebbinghaus curve", "operational" and "long-term" memory.

Scientist from Germany - Hermann Ebbinghaus, in the late 19th century, he conducted an experiment with memory. He was forced to teach people the information and then tested through some periods of time, their memory starts to become worse. Ebbinghaus identified several such intervals, when the memory is weakened. Over time, it became clear that this is due to biochemical processes in the brain, and there are certain proteins that create a kind of memory, with their associated RNA.

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So, what kind of intervals?

The first and principal one of which is not repeated in one study of memory - a segment of 15 minutes after the completion of the new information, or experiences.

This is the first stage in the formation of long term memory.

The second stage - from 1 to 8 hours. Third stage - from 8 to 24 hours. Fourth - from 24 to 72. Each subsequent takes even more time.

Professor Henry Roediger (google) in practice, confirmed this experience.

Intervals differ slightly. And he brought the same experimental periods when you need something repeat to remember this information for a long time indeed.

This information is combined with the Ebbinghaus curve and that we get as to remember specific information:

- Repeat after 15-20 minutes

- After 1-8 hours

- 8-24 hours

- 48 hours

- 3 days

- 5 days

- Through 8 days.

Many people do not know and learn something few hours to a number and a week later do not remember anything.

That's the uncomplicated way you can defer in his brain the memory of something almost all his life. Of course, it is appropriate for small amounts of data. When you have 60 tickets and you need to know the answer to 2 deployed in each ticket - such tactics is not appropriate. With huge amounts of information need to understand this information and do not tell "word for word" and be able to explain. Honestly, always with a puzzled looking at people who memorize the answers to tickets, even at the institute. Yes, you take this lousy textbook for 2 months before the exam and read slowly, to understand. As well you should use Semax, Cogitum, Phenotropil, Cortexin to support your memory.

  • 3.How is generally pumped memory - New experience

Visit new places, exhibitions, contests, read new books and movies that you consume, are forced to work the imagination.

The Institute of Molecular Biology and Molecular Genetics in the 70-80-ies have found that animals that are in a familiar environment and they do not learn anything new, almost do not express the gene associated with memory, nerve cells do not contain products of the work of this gene. But as soon as the animal enters the situation that it is new to it, and stores it in the brain burst expression occurs of the gene.

Special attention is required Mnemonics is a technique that allows you to remember the information, on the basis of associations. For example, you need to buy milk, bread, seasoning, "Curry", tomatoes (1 kg), 2 cups and mustard. If very briefly, the mnemonics advised to present as you walk down the street in yellow mustard crosses and see a restaurant with a strange name "mustard" come, want to saddle the order, and the waiter highly recommended to try the bread with the scent of "curry", but before drinking 2 mug of milk, they say, because the bread is better to reveal the unique taste. The idea of mnemonics - it's a little crazy associations, as they are remembered more easily.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "Life - it's not the days that are lived, and those which are stored." Often people say that the years pass quickly, that's you 40 years, and like it was recently 20. Keep a diary, remember the past and understand how much time goes nowhere, take the time and your days will become richer, brighter. 1 month for the average person to you is like a year. Let you be ashamed for the loss of the most precious resource and the bad memories of the past.

As many will remember, everything becomes more interesting. It turns so that transport you spend 2 hours a day, and the audiobook, such as Remarque lasts 10-15 hours and can spend time more interesting.

Bottom line:

- To develop a good memory for events will help blog.

- For a long time to remember something specific, it is important to repeat that "something" at regular intervals.

- New activities / new experience will make more intelligent, and strengthen memory.

Good luck!

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