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Hormone Replacement therapy

06 Dec 2016

Testosterone as a medicine

Men after 40 years have hormonal changes, noticeably overwhelming physical, sex and mental capacities. Externally it is shown by a typical obesity of abdominal area and decrease of muscle bulk, it is possible to tell that this identification brand of a hormonal imbalance. Deterioration in health, sometimes even depression, the most widespread psychological aspect of a problem of a hormonal imbalance. Before recent time, these changes were attributed to "ageing" when was considered that the organism passes into a long phase of self-damage which will end with death once.

A significant amount of the data showing that many illnesses which begin to test men of middle age (including a depression, an abdominal obesity, heart troubles and prostates, depression of a libido) are directly bound to hormonal instability which can be in turn corrected by use of modern drugs was collected. In present time ordinary doctors register antidepressants, drugs more and more for depression of level of cholesterine and other illnesses which actually can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. If doctors checked a blood of patients for the level of estrogen, testosterone, thyroid hormones they would be surprised, having learned how many problems it would be possible to solve having led hormonal system to the level of the healthy 21-year-old man.

In too time hormone replacement therapy by testosterone and other androgens involves some risks. The cardiologist of Colin Barker reports that researches taped the following side effects of hormone replacement therapy by androgenic drugs:

  • Rising of risk of prostate cancer. However new researches with participation more than 1000 men with a hypogonadism didn't tap interrelation.
  • Risk of a myocardial infarction
  • Thrombogenesis

Excess amount of estrogen

The most significant imbalance at men is the decreasing level of free testosterone while the level of estrogen or doesn't change, or (at worst) increases. Result – an imbalance of testosterone/estrogen which is directly bound to various problems with health in the course of aging. One of the reasons of this imbalance this acceleration of converting of testosterone in estrogen. One of reports claims that the level of estrogen of the average 54-year-old man is higher than at the similar woman of 59 years.

The reason for which testosterone replacement therapy doesn't work in itself for most of men it because exogenous testosterone can be converted and the level of estrogen will increase even more, and it will only worsen an imbalance problem, i.e. it is too much estrogen and very little free testosterone. While some works show that testosterone replacement therapy doesn't cause augmentation of amount of estrogen in a blood relatively norms, we will show as well as why standard referens values inadequately display a problem of excess of estrogen.

Estrogen – necessary hormone for men., but its surplus causes a large number of problems with health. The most dangerous side effect of the raised estrogen and the lowered testosterone, is big risk of an infarct or blow. Also high level of estrogen can cause good-quality augmentation of a prostate. And, for example, one of mechanisms why extract of neetle protects a prostate, this blocking of linkng of estrogen with prostate receptors.

When in a male body there isn't enough testosterone, estrogen joins testosterone receptors on all organism, causing thereby a set of problems. In youth, the small amount of estrogen is used for deduction of the potent stimulating anabolic effect of testosterone. As the level of estrogen increases with age, it in turn can level this cellular stimulating effect of testosterone. It leads to decrease of sex exaltation and sensitivity and causes depression of libido with age.

Because of high concentration of estrogen the brain believes that in blood also excess of testosterone, in turn slowing down testosterone products. It happens because of accession of estrogen to receptors in a hypothalamus. The suppressed hypothalamus lets know to hypothesis that it is necessary to suspend development of hormone which is in turn necessary to testicles for testosterone production. Therefore the high level of estrogen can extinguish normal endogenous production of testosterone completely.

One more problem connected with the high level of estrogen, increase in GSPG which in turn connects free testosterone in blood, doing it useless for receptors. With respect thereto a set of the dangerous factors connected with the high level of estrogen, urgent measures shall be taken for lowering of its level. We will discuss the corresponding blood tests later in this article.

Exclusive importance of free testosterone

Testosterone is much bigger than sexual hormone. In all organism there is set of testosterone receptors, especially there is a lot of in a brain and heart. Testosterone is necessary for protein synthesis for forming and maintenance of muscle and bone bulk. Testosterone improves an organism susceptibility to oxygen, helps to support the necessary level of sugar in blood, regulates cholesterol and supports all immune system. Testosterone is necessary for an organism for support cardio and neurologic functions. Also testosterone is critical for support of bone weight, muscle bulk and production of red blood bodies.

Researches of psychiatrists show that the men having a depression have the lowered testosterone level. For some men increase in level of testosterone can be very effective anti-depressive therapy. Please pay attention to Testalamin.

Testosterone is one of the most underestimated hormones. Bodybuilders discredit reputation of testosterone accepting its large numbers. Synthetic testosterone can cause a number of side effects, but nevertheless men after 40 years will gain rather positive effects by testosterone therapy and having recovered testosterone level in blood.

Regular doctors don't recommend testosterone replacement therapy because of wrong opinion as if it provokes a prostate cancer. But as we will show later, fear of a prostate cancer has under itself no real reasons.

Other reason because of which regular doctors sceptics against testosterone replacement therapy, it is some incompetent researches showing allegedly inefficiency of testosterone therapy during the long time. These researches show efficiency of testosterone as aging prevention, but allegedly after a while these positive effects disappear. That these doctors miss, is that exogenous testosterone can be converted into estrogen. And the high level of estrogen can nullify all benefits of exogenous testosterone. The decision in this case is blocking of converting of testosterone in estrogen. Many researches show that supporting the high level of free testosterone in an organism, it is possible to return to men force, endurance, sexuality and appearance, and also to struggle with a depression.

Why the level of testosterone decreases

Production of testosterone begins in a brain. When the hypothalamus finds testosterone disadvantage of a blood, it produces hormone which in turn specifies to pituitary body to produce the luteinizing hormone (LH). LG then forces cells of Leydiga to develop testosterone in testicles (testicles).

At some men, testicles lose an opportunity to develop testosterone, in independence of quantity of LG in a blood. This type of a disadvantage of testosterone is found when blood tests show the LG high level and small level of testosterone. In other words, the pituitary body orders to testicles to make testosterone (by emission of LG), but testicles can't do it physically. Therefore the pituitary body vainly tries to develop LG (because not enough testosterone in a blood) and doesn't receive the answer about enough testosterone and respectively about the termination of development of LG. In other cases, a hypothalamus with a pituitary body can't develop enough LG, thus without allowing healthy couple of testicles to develop testosterone. Blood tests can tap this problem and define therapeutic approach to treatment.

If the quantity of testosterone in a blood isn't enough, it is very important to define the reason. But whatever was the reason, the modern medicine is capable to restore a hormonal background practically at any man (except for already having a prostate cancer). So, the main problem of the aging men is NOT low production of testosterone, but excessive converting of testosterone in estrogen. A bit later methods how to suppress excessive estrogen and to raise free testosterone to the level of indicators of the young healthy man will be considered.

Influence of testosterone on libido

Sex stimulation and erection begin in a brain when testosterone receptors start a number of biochemical reactions which involve in process receptors in a nervous system, bloody vessels and muscles. Free testosterone starts sex desire and controls the physical and mental parties of process.

The insufficient quantity of free testosterone directly worsens men's sex life and causes an atrophy of genitals. In case of restoration of level of free testosterone, it is possible to expect positive changes and restoration of functions and the sizes of genitals. But it is necessary to consider that erectile dysfunction can be caused by other factors which aren't bound to hormonal balance, for example an arteriosclerotic blockage of circulatory arteries in penis.

In inguinal/pelvic area of an organism there is a set of testosterone receptors which are exclusively sensitive to free testosterone. Nevertheless many researches using testosterone injections creams or Emplastrums often don't achieve a long positive effect in respect of a libido. We know now why. testosterone can be converted into estrogen, then estrogen joins testosterone receptors on all body. When the molecule of estrogen occupies testosterone receptor, it makes impossible for testosterone to make the work and to send to an organism the necessary healthy hormonal signal. And is unimportant how many testosterone well in a blood if it has to fight against excess estrogen for one and the same receptors.

Estrogen enlarges production of GSPG which binds free testosterone, doing it no effective since this connected testosterone can't join receptors. For achievement of long positive effect on a libido, it is necessary to support testosterone in a free state in a blood. It is also necessary to suppress excess estrogen since estrogen competes with testosterone for the right to join "sex" receptors in a brain and genitals.

Testosterone and heart

Usual process of aging leads to gradual weakening of heart even if you have no heart diseases. In heart there is a set of receptors and weakening of a cardiac muscle is bound sometimes to testosterone disadvantage. Testosterone is not only responsible for synthesis of a protein of a cardiac muscle, but also controls work of a coronary artery and helps to support the healthy level of cholesterine.

There are many researches showing communication between the high level of testosterone and low interest of heart diseases at men. At most of patients improvement of a state and ECG as a result of a correcting of low level of testosterone became perceptible. One research showed that blood supply of heart improved for 68.8% at those who received testosterone therapy. In China doctors successfully treat even an angina by testosterone therapy. The list showing communication of low testosterone and cardiovascular diseases is given below:

  • Level of cholesterol, fibrinogen, triglycerides and insulin is enlarged.
  • Elastance of a coronary artery decreases.
  • Blood pressure increases.
  • Body height hormone level in a blood falls (weakening a cardiac muscle).
  • Augmentation of amount of fat in abdominal area.

The people having cardiovascular diseases have to make blood tests on free testosterone and estrogen. Some men (under strict observation of the doctor) will be able to refuse the expensive drugs stimulating cordial activity / lowering cholesterol and to hold blood pressure normal if to modify a disadvantage of testosterone and/or an imbalance of testosterone with estrogen.

Despite a series of the researches confirming efficiency of testosterone therapy in treatment of cardiovascular diseases, many ordinary doctors continue not to notice how important role is played by this hormone for life of cardiologic patients.

Testosterone and prostate

Many doctors claim that testosterone causes a prostate cancer. Publications in scientific literature confirm another.

The Life Extension magazine in 1997 estrogen was recognized by the main suspect of prostate augmentation. It was proved that estrogen is bound to GSPG in a prostate and causes distribution of epithelial cells in a prostate. It is confirmed by the facts that at men with the enlarged prostate, the level of free testosterone falls while the level of estrogen remains or is even enlarged. And as we already discussed, at the aging men converting of testosterone in estrogen amplifies. These published facts prove that testosterone isn't risk factor in a prostate augmentation problem.

The main fear for men which keeps them from correction of level of testosterone is phobia of a prostate cancer. The theory says that as cancer cells in a prostate need testosterone for body height, it is better not to correct falling of testosterone with age. The main discrepancies in this theory is that most of men with a prostate cancer have the low level of testosterone and also the published researches that the high level of testosterone isn't risk factor in development of a prostate cancer.

As the opinion is very strong that rising of level of testosterone enlarges risk of a prostate cancer, we carried out search in the published researches concerning communication of testosterone with a prostate cancer. The application at the end of this article shows excerpts from the published materials. From 27 published researches, 5 showed that men with the high level of testosterone are more subject to a prostate cancer while 21 publications show that testosterone isn't risk factor. One research yielded neutral result. As a result joint account 21-5 in favor of the researches proving that testosterone doesn't cause a prostate cancer.

Before beginning testosterone replacement therapy, you have to make the test on PSA (prostates - a specific antigen) and rectal inspection regarding susceptibility to a prostate cancer. Very small number of men with low testosterone and a prostate cancer won't have risings of PSA or notable the prostate augmentation is rectal. If these men use exogenous testosterone, they risk cancer exacerbation. That is why monitoring of the PSA level is extremely important each 30-45 days in the first half a year of testosterone therapy. If the prostate cancer is found during testosterone therapy, usually he recovers by nonsurgical methods. Please consider that testosterone in itself doesn't cause a prostate cancer, but if already you have it also you don't know about it, testosterone will sharply raise your PSA and you receive the diagnosis a prostate cancer from the doctor. We assume that some men aged won't want to risk.

As shown above, the account was 21 – 5 against the theory that testosterone plays a role in development of a prostate cancer. Any of these researches didn't consider preventive measures of protection of type of lycopene, a selenium and vitamins A and E, as well as extract of nanous palm tree (saw palmetto), neetle, soy and the African.

In Johnathan Wright's book "Maximize your Vitality and Potency" a fact in evidence that actually testosterone is protected both from good-quality augmentation of a prostate, and from cancer. Doctor Wright still points that natural agents like extract of nanous palm tree, neetles give good degree of protection against negative effects which the high level of testosterone can perhaps cause.

We look forward results of further researches, but nevertheless phobia of a prostate cancer in the future shouldn't be an obstacle to exclusively positive effects of testosterone therapy and homing of hormonal balance to youth level.

If the prostate cancer is already found in the man, testosterone therapy can't be recommended in this case as the majority of cancer cells in a prostate use testosterone as a growth factor. It unfortunately deprives of patients with a prostate cancer of all delights of testosteron therapy. Men with average degree of augmentation of a prostate have to approach testosterono-replacement therapy very carefully. Would be to use to very provident such patients drug Proskar (Finasterid) for suppression 5 - alpha reductases, thus extinguishing production of dihydrotestosterone. DGT is ten times stronger than Testosteron-Depotum in respect of contribution to body height of a prostate, and suppression of DGT is the checked technique in treatment of augmentation of prostate.

Extract of nanous palm tree suppresses DGT quantity in a prostate, but its main positive properties it:

  • Blocks alpha and adrenergic receptors in a muscle sphincter around an urethra
  • Suppresses binding of estrogen to prostate cells (as well as neetle)
  • Cetosteroid which causes linkng of DGT with prostate cells suppresses enzyme 3
  • Renders effect on a prostate

Unfortunately many men continue to think that correction of hormonal level to level in youth enlarges risk of a prostate cancer. Thereby they miss benefit which testosterone can bring them hormone savior.

Indisputable the fact that estrogen causes good-quality augmentation of a prostate, but isn't present proofs that excess of estrogen causes a prostate cancer. Some researches show this communication while others disprove it. Apply for larger information to the Life Extension Magazine magazine, February, 1999.

Testosterone and depression

Scientific literature proves that testosterone improves moral health. The published researches show communication of low level of testosterone with a depression and other psychological problems. The most widespread side effects of drugs antidepressants this depression of a libido. Having a depression or reconcile to this side effect, or stop administration of drugs at least to have normal sex life. If psychiatrists would check a blood of patients for free testosterone and would register testosterone replacement therapy by that at whom the low level, need of the reducing libidos of antidepressants would be almost zero. As it was already written above, testosterone therapy improves a libido in difference from antidepressants. One of researches shows that patients even with a strong form of a depression improved the state without use of antidepressants.

Endoderm is one of agents of testosteronove therapy which can be prescribed by doctors. the 12-month research confirmed appreciable decrease of an indicator of a depression (6.9 to, 3.9 after). Also essential decrease of fatigue from an indicator of 79% to 10% after 12 months was noted.

According to doctor Johnathan Wright, the author of the book "Maximize Your Life and Potency", the following effects were noticed at the low level of testosterone:

  • Concentration loss
  • Lack of mood
  • Irritability
  • Strong shyness
  • Feeling of delicacy
  • Internal concern and confusion
  • Problems with memory
  • Passivity, fatigue, loss of interest in surrounding
  • Hypochondria

Above-mentioned symptoms can quite be depression symptoms, and testosterone replacement therapy softens these effects. Therefore testosterone tremendous therapeutic potential in treatment planning of male depression.

Testosterone and aging

We know that a set of degenerative illnesses of the aging men, for example Diabetum 2 types, an osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, are bound to testosterone disadvantage. We also know that the most widespread signs of middle age such as depression, abdominal obesity, muscular atrophy, are in the same way bound to small quantity of free testosterone.

Low level of testosterone causes excess production of a hydrocortisone. Some experts call a hydrocortisone "death hormone" because of its numerous degenerative effects such as immunity weakening, damage of cells of a brain and destruction of walls of arteries and so on. The group of scientists conducted two researches with group of the aging men, having prescribed it testosterone therapy. At the same time all positive effects like depression of level of cholesterol, normalization of arterial pressure and decrease of an abdominal fatty layer were observed. By the same scientists it was proved that excess of a hydrocortisone suppresses own development of testosterone and hormone of body height and that exogenous testosterone plays a board role against excess of a hydrocortisone.

Important point shows that testosterone is the anabolic hormone (promoting synthesis of a protein) while a hydrocortisone catabolic, responsible for disintegration of a protein in an organism. Usual process of aging consists in gradual depression of level of free testosterone and in rising of level of a hydrocortisone. At men after 40 years the hydrocortisone begins to prevail and the catabolic processes bound to aging begin to dominate.

Testosterone doctor

Doctor Eugene Shippen in 1998 wrote the book "The Testosterone Syndrome". Speaking at a conference of the American medical academy, he gave a set of proofs and materials showing pathologies caused by Testosterone disadvantage in men. Some excerpts from its presentation in the Life Extension Magazine magazine are listed below:

First, Testosterone is not only "sex hormone". It is more correct to call it the hormone of all body affecting with each cell in an organism. Aging symptoms, such as loss of muscle bulk, decrease of endurance of force and a stamina, a depression, loss of sex sensitivity and a libido, all this is directly bound to Testosterone disadvantage. Such age illnesses as cardiovascular problems, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, the increased arterial pressure, all directly or are indirectly bound to falling of level of Testosterone. Secondly Testosterone plays a pro-hormone role, that is its transformation into estrogen, DGT or other metabolites plays very important role in physiology.

The raised estrogen is the main defendant in a prostate augmentation problem. Low level of Testosterone is bound to a prostate cancer. And while the pavor before prostate cancer keeps a great number of men from testosterone therapy, actually the disadvantage of Testosterone contributes to cancer.

Testosterone improves cellular bio-energetics. Testosterone accelerates the general metabolism and improves a metabolism of glucose and reduces insulinic resistance.

Other myth about Testosterone is that it worsens work of heart. Actually low level of Testosterone is stronger risk factor for heart than the high level of cholesterol. Testosterone is the most potent cardiovascular protector for men. Testosterone strengthens a cardiac muscle, in heart the greatest number of testosterone receptors, more than in any other muscle. Testosterone reduces the level of bad cholesterol and the general, reducing all cardiologic risk factors. Testosteron therapy is the most underestimated and not used agent in prophylaxis of cardiologic diseases.

Testosterone dilutes blood, preventing formation of plaques. Also Testosterone prevents intestine cancer.

Early researches on Testosterone used an incorrect form of therapy. Injections increased testosterone level, and at the same time the amount of estrogen because of aromatization was enlarged. Also it is measured the general level of testosterone, instead of active free. Some experiments were too short on time to tap improvements. For example, restoration after the atrophy of genitals (caused by testosterone disadvantage) takes 6-12 months.

Obesity and hormonal imbalance

In scientific literature there is an unambiguous opinion that stout men have the low level of testosterone and high level of estrogen. A visceral obesity is risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes of the second type. New opening in this area shed light on a soft hormonal imbalance at plump men whose analyses often get to normal referens norms. Rising of level of testosterone reduces an abdominal fatty layer and returns normal sensitivity to a glucose. The further analysis shows testosterone role in adjustment of visceral fat. Data show that rather low level of testosterone is risk factor in development of a visceral obesity. One of researches proves at extremely stout men oestradiolum raises in two ways. Remember, fatty cells produce aromatasia enzyme which converts testosterone into estrogens. Fatty deposits, in particular in abdominal area, flavor a literal image testosterone and its precursors in estrogens.

It agrees to one of researches which measured the level of hormones after various nutrition, consumption of greasy food can lower testosterone level. Protein or carbohydrate meals didn't influence in any way the hormonal level while greasy food reduced the level of free testosterone for 4 hours. Therefore stout men can suffer from a disadvantage of testosterone caused as excess aromatization (enzyme of an aromatasia is produced in fatty cells), also because of the fat consumed with a nutrition. As a result we have a hormonal imbalance (excess of estrogens and a disadvantage of testosterone) at stout men that partially explains why a large number from them suffer from an impotency and some other degenerative illnesses.

Factors causing an imbalance estrogen testosterone for men

If your blood tests show the high level of estrogen and low testosterone, there are several factors which can be the reason:

Excess of aromatasia enzyme with the course of age in a male body is made larger amount of the enzyme called by "aromatasia". This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen. Suppression of enzyme of an aromatasia gives essential lowering of the level of estrogens at the same time enlarging quantity of free testosterone. Therefore the drugs called by inhibitors of aromatasia can be important for the aging men at which excess of estrogens.

Obesity is fatty cells (especially in abdominal area) produce aromatasia enzyme. Low level of testosterone provokes an obesity that in turn causes the increased production of enzyme of aromatasia and it leads to a larger depression of level of testosterone and augmentation of level of estrogen (through aromatization). For stout men it is extremely important to consider the possibility of performing hormonal therapy.

Zincum disadvantage – Zincum is a natural inhibitor of aromatasia.

Changes in a way of life (for example sharp reduction of alcohol) lead estrogen testosterone to good improvement of balance, but nevertheless many men need to accept aromatasia inhibitor for dropping of estrogen and restoration of function of a liver on elimination of excess GSPG. Remember, aromatasia converts testosterone into estrogen and indirectly enlarges the GSPG level which already binds testosterone turning it into an inactive form.

Correction of hormonal balance

Point 1. Blood tests.

The following initial tests are recommended for men 40 years are more senior:

  • The general blood test and chemical profile (including hepatic tests, glucoses, minerals, lipids, tireoid and so on)
  • General and free testosterone
  • Oestradiolum (estrogen)
  • Progesteronum
  • DGEA
  • DOG
  • LG
  • Gomotsistein

Point 2. Interpreting of a ratio estrogen testosterone and indicator of free testosterone.

One of difficulties in definition of the standard of interpreting of results of tests is that laboratories use various methodologies of testing and various referens values for testosterone and other hormones.

At interpretation of indicators of testosterone and estrogen it is necessary to be guided by the following rules:

Free testosterone has to be closer to the upper bound of referens range. We determine the top normal range as the top third of the general range of values. And anyway the indicator of free testosterone shouldn't fall and leave the top normal range.

The indicator of estrogen (Oestradiolum) has to be on average or lower normal ranges. If the indicator is in the top third of the general referens range or in general exceeds the upper bound, have to be accepted a measure for elimination of excess of Oestradiolum. On it standard reference values can confuse the patient and the doctor, as if all in "norm".

Comparative indicators of various laboratories for men of 20-49 years and what values have to be more senior than 40 years for most of men are given below:

Reference LabCorp and Life Extension's Laboratory Hormone Conventional Normal Range Optimal Range values

  • Free testosterone 12.4-40 26-40 pg/mL
  • Estradiol of 0-44 15-30 pg/mL
  • General testosterone 300 – 1000 600-1000 ng/dl

Reference SmithKline values: Hormone Conventional Normal Range Optimal Range

  • Free testosterone 34-194 128-194 pg/mL
  • Estradiol 0-50 15-30pg/mL
  • General testosterone 194-833 500-833 ng/dl

Reference Quest Laboratories Hormone Conventional Normal Range Optimal Range values

  • Free testosterone 50-210 138-210 pg/mL
  • Estradiol of 0-60 15-30 pg/mL
  • General testosterone 260-1000 500-1000 ng/dl

Please remember that these "normal" ranges are specified for men at the age of 20-49 years. The traditional medicine believes that at men 50 a lot of testosterone therefore they also specify pretty low reference values shouldn't be more senior. For example, the used LabCorp for free testosterone only 10.8-24.6, but we have values a good reason to believe that values have to 26-40 be more senior than 50 for men. Such low indicators are explained that the traditional medicine expects very low indicators at men is more senior than 50 and to these and deterioration of life in the investigation of a lack of testosterone speaks that we already discussed above. And we believe that none of readers want to have indicators of free testosterone corresponding to "normal" range for men is more senior than 50.

Notice what judging by these reference values, can be normal for the man at all not to have estrogen. And the fact that at most of men indicators of estrogen are overestimated doesn't mean at all that it is necessary to aim at a zero indicator. Estrogen is extremely necessary for bone weight and abnormally low value of estrogen is strong risk factor for osteoporosis. Understand that the purpose of hormonal adjustment NOT creation the high level of testosterone and zero level of estrogen. The problem is that if to do nothing, most of men will have the overestimated indicators of estrogen and it isn't enough testosterone.

If the level of free testosterone is lower normal (that is below than the upper third of the reference range), there are five reasons:

Too much testosterone is converted into an estradiol because of excess of enzyme of an aromatasia and/or the liver can't utilize excessive estrogen. Excess of enzyme of an aromatasia and/or dysfunction of a liver are the most probable causes if you have a level of an estradiol 30 and above.

Too much free testosterone contacts GSPG. This reason if the total quantity of testosterone gets to the high normal range (the upper third), but nevertheless an indicator of free testosterone is below the high normal range (that is gets to the lower and average thirds of the general range).

Hypophysis develops insufficient amount of hormone for testosterone production. General testosterone will get in this case to the lower half of the referensny range.

Testicles can't physically make adequate amount of testosterone, despite enough hormone. In this case the indicator of LG will be above a regulation, in volume time as general testosterone very low.

Lack development of dehydroepiandrosteron in organism. DGEA is a precursor for androgens and estrogen.

Point 3. What to do if indicators are lower than optimum.

(A) If the indicator of estradiol high (higher than 30), an indicator of general testosterone gets to average or high normal level, and the indicator of free testosterone is lower than high normal level, you shall take the following steps:

1. Make sure that you use 80-90mg zinc in day. Zinc is natural inhibitor of aromatasia for some men. It is also necessary to receive enough magnesium.

2. Reduce or stop absolutely alcohol consumption. It you will help a liver to fight a lot of estrogen.

3. Attentively review all list of the drugs used by you to find those which interfere with healthy functioning of a liver. The most widespread medicines touching a liver are resolvents (an ibuprofen, aspirin), medicines the lowering cholesterol, some medicines from the arterial pressure and heart and some antidepressants. It is interesting to notice that the medicines prescribed for treatment of a depression, actually do a problem even worse because of testosterone lowering of the level.

5. Lose weight. Fatty cages, especially in abdominal area, make aromatasia enzyme.

6. If the above-mentioned didn't help, use Arimideks in a small dose, 0.5mg twice a week. This dosage will give essential decrease in level of estrogen and increase in level of free testosterone to normal level.

(C) If the level of free testosterone gets to the lower two thirds of the reference range, general testosterone lies in high normal level and the level of an estradiol doesn't exceed 30:

1. Consider the previous points for suppression of aromatasia since those factors are also responsible for the increased GSPG level.

2. Accept anabolic complexes and testosteron boosters.

(C) If the level of general testosterone gets to the lower two thirds of the range and the level of free testosterone is low:

1. Check the LG level. If the LG level is lower normal, the doctor can prescribe you individual doses of HGCh. HGCh imitates LG and can/shall recover normal testicular production of testosterone.

2. After a month of use of HGCh blood test shall show essential increase in testosterone. Still you can notice visual increase in ovaries. Having recovered testosterone level, monitor levels of an estradiol and free testosterone each 30-45 days the first 5 months to be convinced that exogenous testosterone increases your level of free testosterone, without raising at the same time an estradiol

(D) If the level of general testosterone is still low, despite HGCh therapy, it means that your testicles lost a capability to make testosterone. In this case begin therapy by means of testosterone plaster or cream, don't use an injection and a tablet. Before therapy make the test on the DOG and undergo manual testing of a prostate. Having recovered testosterone level to normal, monitor levels of an estradiol, the DOG and free testosterone of each 30-45 days the first 6 months to be convinced that exogenous testosterone is metabolized correctly. Your purpose to raise the level of free testosterone to the upper third of the reference range, without increasing and controlling at the same time the level of estradiol.

You remember, the excessive level of estrogen (estradiol) blocks testosterone products, suppresses a libido and sexual opportunities and is risk factor in development of a prostate cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Having settled the healthy level of testosterone (the upper third of values of the range) and an estradiol (no more than 30), continue to monitor blood on key indicators a la free/general testosterone, the DOG, estradiol, etc. For men of 40-50 years correction of level of estradiol often everything that is necessary and shall be made

Hormone Replacement therapy for women

Quite recently very big clinical trial comparing at women which carried out switching off of function of ovaries (purpose of zoladeks) efficiency of inhibitors of aromatasia and tamoxifen was complete. Unfortunately, benefits of purpose of inhibitors of aromatasia in such situation it wasn't revealed. Certainly, there is a chance that some subgroup (patients with HER2 with positive tumors nevertheless benefited from news agency or in case of a large number of the affected lymph nodes) within the research, but the effect "was dissolved" in general population of patients to whom it didn't bring benefit, however if it and so, then won't call a prize huge. Anyway, according to the international recommendations at women before a natural menopause tamoxifen (+/-switching off of function of ovaries) is standard approach. Question of whether it will be necessary in your situation (an artificial menopause) after 2-3 years of acceptance of tamoxifen to pass to acceptance of inhibitors of aromatasia (as it is done in case of approach of a natural menopause) or it is necessary to continue acceptance of tamoxifen up to 5 years without answer since there are no unambiguous researches in this respect. It is possible when time to solve comes (i.e. 2-3 years later from the beginning of acceptance of tamoxifen) the answer will come by itself (if, for example, there are side effects of tamoxifen that will demand replacement). But now to transition to news agency you have no unambiguous indications.

According to the international recommendations women in post menopause have several options (which efficiency and safety doesn't differ so to recommend any specific). 1. Inhibitors of aromatasia of 5 years, 2. tamoxifen 2-3 years, then aromatasia inhibitors to the total duration of endocrine therapy of 5 years, 3. tamoxifen of 5 years, then inhibitors of aromatasia of 5 years. Choose any... Certainly, after the conversation with the doctor. Concerning horror of side effects and a low performance of tamoxifen, I will repeat once again, rumors about it are strongly exaggerated from an easy hand of the pharmaceutical firms making aromatasia inhibitors. Here the simple example - so endometrial cancer frightening you, really, met more often in group of the patients receiving tamoxifen within the big randomized researches (in comparison with aromatasia inhibitors). However, we will look at absolute figures. From 4000 patients accepting tamoxifen, an endometrium giperplasia (good-quality which treatment requires only a scraping and replacement of tamoxifen by news agency) or endometrial cancer (its frequency isn't even specified separately, and there was it much less than giperplasia) developed at 62 (2%), and among 4000 accepting news agencies at 10 (0,3%). At the same time, news agencies aren't deprived too a certain toxicity of which it is less at tamoxifen (for example, risk of osteoporosis and fractures of bones, joint pains, etc.). Therefore, from my point of view, the tamoxifen use mode 2-3 years, and then news agency up to 5 years is most profitable (efficiency is comparable, and side effects of each of medicines the patient is influenced by only a half of "term")

Eternal course or GZT

Speaking on "an eternal rate" of anabolic steroids much, and people, actually, break into two camps. The first are blind haters who just condemn, and splash saliva, at the same time without having the slightest concept about the positive moments of replacement therapy. The second are enthusiastic little fools who shout "give, prick oil - guzzle tablets, the good fellow, the handsome man", and don't realize a negative.

Personally to me - all the same, I for health. At me no places neither concerning natural athletes, nor concerning people on synthetic hormones burn slightly. Yes, I always am interested in motives of the beginning of therapy, but I don't undertake to condemn. I will try to share the reasonings as much as possible concisely. But nevertheless I apologize for "a lot of text" In "decent society" an eternal rate call hormone replacement therapy (GZT). In classical understanding if it is about testosterone replacement, this ensuring normal levels of androgens by entering of their exogenous analogs.

In developed countries, to men somewhere for 30 which complain of health very often recommend to make the test on Testosterone general and if the indicator is lower the 12th nmol/l, then suggest to begin with it replacement therapy. This decision involves a number of the positive moments. The structure of a body changes to the best: it is more than meat, it is less than fat, sexual function endures the second youth, there is a certain anti aging effect, in whole - the organism wins back all negative which he received for the time spent in a condition of deficit of androgens.

There is also a reverse of the medal, less cheerful. GZT is a heavy responsibility for a condition of the organism. It is necessary to control constantly lipidic profile, all-clinical indicators of blood, Estradiol and Prolaktin's levels. Doctors who vigorously describe all pleasures of life on exogenous Testosterone not really like to tell about it, but there are good chances that in a couple of years GZT of people faces need of application: anticoagulants, aromatasia inhibitors, and fight against high GSPG. And it is already rather strong such set of the medicines "for comfortable life".

At least important also the fact that on GZT development of natural gonadotropin steadily approaches zero. Therefore if it is necessary to get posterity, then any vitamin and grasses you won't manage. Here horionic and menopausal gonadotropin of the person are already necessary, as a rule. As it is told - you like to ride - like to carry also. Nevertheless, I perfectly understand people who go on this way. Such therapy saves from many problems which disturb men in process of aging and it is impossible to deny at least such banal fact that it at the fixed levels of Testosterone of people in general feels differently.

Professional sport

It is no secret that constantly to progress, or to hold gathered at a high index of body weight, it is necessary the most part of time to carry out with the raised hormonal background. It is reality. If the usual "recreational body builder" to be happy with life has enough couple of courses a year, then at the competitive level such approach doesn't roll any more.

Athletes apply GZT in a bit different look. Dosages of testosterone have to provide not health and health, but body height of sports indicators and to improve physical shape, respectively they are much higher. Besides, if the person is on GZT, silly not to use drugs with mainly anabolic activity, here in a ligament it is possible to use anything, from Nandrolonum of decanoat and Boldenon to Trenbolonov, just regularly carrying out replacements of drugs. I will repeat, such scheme is necessary if the person sees himself in sport. And it doesn't exempt from control of all indicators of an organism, as well as in a case with GZT on medical indications, on the contrary it is necessary to be even more attentive to a condition of an organism.

There is also the third option of succession of events. It is simply boring for some people to live with usual levels of hormones. And life on steroids, certainly, other. As if and that didn't write, it is necessary, creatine with a protein, and will be a handsome man" - all this nonsense, of course. Yes, the person who is constantly on exogenous hormones if he isn't a full moon, will be always stronger, is more hardy also in the best visual form than the natural colleague. It is possible to tear on itself shirts and to shout that it not so, but is the truth. If at someone bombs about it, that is a good occasion to look to the truth in eyes or to descend to the psychologist.


GZT is most often expensive. It is very heavy to get down after 2-3 years of a course, and at the same time not to have high chances to face need all life to carry out on replacement therapy, other words - to return to her. There are many examples when people can't reach normal physiological values of hormones after cancellation of long therapy by androgens. It is possible to argue long on this subject and to say that "a fig, all got down, and all was abruptly", but isn't present, not everything, and can not always normally "get down". All the matter is that even if we support work of testicles as regular introduction of HGCh and MGCh, stimulating cages of Leydiga and Sertoli, respectively, that we all the same can't ensure normal functioning of a hypothalamus hypophysis. Their function is suppressed, and the longer they don't work in a section of development of gonadotropins, behind their uselessness, there is more problematic than them work to start. Well, sorry, misters, all of us in life make the choice. Someone wants to be not such as everything, at least physically, and he chooses a way of "hormonal improvement", and someone wants to achieve the high sports objectives, and without them to it not to live normally, soul there now demands.

Anyway, it is better when the person makes the similar decision consciously. Also it isn't necessary to condemn blindly him or to encourage, it is necessary approaching objectively, trying to inform on what consequences can be expected.  

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