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02 Dec 2016

Homeopathy is the alternative medical technique based only on effect of placebo. The homeopathy was developed by Samuel Hahnemann in 1800. He assumed that medicine which in normal (therapeutic, heteropathic) a dose causes a certain set of symptoms can render in very low dose medical effect on the patient with a similar profile of symptoms (the law of similarity). The organism can find internal reserves and independently recover, and this ability is activated by low doses of drug. The homeopath doesn't diagnose a disease, and looks for the medicine capable to cause a set of symptoms, similar to a disease symptomatology. The patient's poll with detection of complaints is especially important. Medicine is applied in a dose which is 10-100 times lower than heteropathic. Do not forget take Oftalamin for better results.

Homeopathic remedies don't make direct impact on functions of an organism. Treatment is based on suggestive ability of the homeopath and readiness of the patient for treatment.

If the disease is psychosomatic and for its treatment there are no active agents, then use of suggestive methods is quite shown. The homeopathy in that case is one of possible methods of treatment.


The list of homeopathic medicines (drugs - 1980; trade names - 559) it is presented on the website the Encyclopedia of drugs and goods of the pharmaceutical range.

It is interesting

In Russia since 1995 the method of homeopathy is officially resolved in practical health care (the order of Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Russia No. 335 of November 29, 1995). The person using a homeopathic method in Russia is obliged to have the higher medical education, to own theoretical and practical knowledge of the main specialty and in the field of homeopathy. Unlike some foreign countries, for example, Western Europe and the USA where, according to their laws, homeopathist can not have the medical diploma.

In Great Britain the state health insurance doesn't cover treatment with homeopathic remedies, having explained it so:

"Systematic assessment and meta-analysis finally show that homeopathic products work not better than placebo"

The committee on science and technology of the British Parliament specified to Agency on control of drugs and health care that you shouldn't license homeopathic medicines as it creates illusion as if offer it really urgent medicines at public. Among conclusions of the document also estimates of the basic principles of homeopathy contain. According to these conclusions, the principle of "treatment of similar to similar" has no theoretical reasons and isn't capable to provide the reasonable mode of therapeutic application of homeopathic products, and the idea that in case of superstrong cultivation traces of dissolved substances remain, from the scientific point of view is insolvent.

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