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Hepanorm (Empyreal Dragon)

28 Nov 2016

Hepanorm from Empyreal Dragon is a dietary supplement promoting improvement of work and functions of a liver and gall bladder, especially at diseases of virus and bacterial types. It normalizes the level of a bilirubin and lipoproteins that positively affects the general state of health. You can also like Thyreogen.

Hepanorm (Empyreal Dragon)

Declared effects

  • Purification of cells of a liver,
  • Formation of protection of cells of a liver against an oxidizing stress, infectious and toxic influence,
  • Acceleration of restoration of cells of a liver,
  • Recovery of work of a liver.


2 capsules (1500 mg) contain:

  • Cynara of 300 mg, extract of an artichoke has bile-expelling, diuretic effect and remove cholesterol.
  • Silybum (thistle spotty) 400 mg,
  • Curcuma of 100 mg, promotes removal from an organism of cholesterin and restoration of functions of a liver. Moreover it makes impact and on cancer cells.
  • Arnica Montana (Arnica mountain) 200 mg, etc.


The daily dose makes 1-2 capsules. The recommended course of administration of drug makes 1 month. On the termination it is necessary to take a break for 1-2 weeks then to continue use. It is recommended to carry out diagnostics of a condition of a liver throughout all treatment with frequency 1-1.5 months.

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Hemosorb (Empyreal Dragon)

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