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Hemorrhoids. Treatment with Actovegin. Hemorrhoids and cancer

14 Jun 2017

Treatment of hemorrhoids. The use of Actovegin / Solcoseryl

In this note we will give only a brief description of the disease mentioned in the title. The purpose of this article: to show the possibility of using Actovegin in the complex treatment of other diseases, where Actovegin, perhaps, "plays a less prominent role."

This disease of the rectum (an increase in the hemorrhoids of the rectum in diameter, the formation of nodes) is capable of delivering a lot of suffering: from itching, discomfort in the perineum and mucus discharge during defecation before the fall of hemorrhoids, the appearance of cracks, unbearable pain and even bleeding (due to, For which anemia may develop).

It should be noted that hemorrhoids can be both internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are the most dangerous: a long time passes unnoticed, and then can give serious complications.
With external hemorrhoids, the nodes extend beyond the rectum.
Nodes can form inside and outside, the so-called combined hemorrhoids.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Constipation, prolonged sitting or standing on the ground, smoking, alcohol, excessive physical exertion, heredity, non-traditional sex and other factors can cause hemorrhoids and lead to the development of serious complications. In women, hemorrhoids often develop during pregnancy and childbirth.
Hemorrhoids can be acute and chronic.

Great importance is the prevention of exacerbations:
1. Compliance with a strict diet (not hot, pickled, smoked, etc., but you need a sufficient amount of fiber and about two liters of water a day to normalize the stool).
2. Exclusion of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
3. Compliance with limited physical exertion.
4. Performing simple exercises to train the pelvic muscles to prevent stagnation of blood in this area.

All of the above will reduce the number of drugs taken to treat this pathology, and will help prevent aggravating exacerbations of the disease.

What kinds of therapy are used to fight hemorrhoids?

This is local therapy (ointments, gels, suppositories ...), and surgical intervention (not only traditional surgery, but laser), and folk methods (prescribe them should a proctologist or phytotherapeutist), and treatment of complications. The most frequent complication is the appearance of cracks, which not only cause pain, but are also the gateway for the penetration of infections, the development of additional complications and human suffering.
Therapy of acute hemorrhoids with the help of medicines consists in getting rid of the person from inflammation and acute pain, in eliminating thrombosis of hemorrhoids and in stopping bleeding.

If for the treatment of hemorrhoids are required on average seven to ten days, then preventive treatment is quite long.
For the prevention of hemorrhoids, Detralex is often recommended (the only drug containing a full complex of flavonoids). The course of therapy lasts from one and half to two months, treatment is carried out twice a year.

As a non-surgical method for the treatment of hemorrhoids and its prevention, doctors use a number of measures and medications.

Actovegin Ointment in the treatment of hemorrhoids

In the complex therapy of hemorrhoids, the use of Actovegin is recommended. Experts advise to apply (in the evening) ointment Actovegin or ointment Solcoseryl (analogue of Actovegin) only in the event that the inflammation has already been eliminated.
The purpose of using Actovegin is to stimulate reparative, i.e. Regenerative processes of tissues. Actovegin (like Solkoseryl) improves "the course of energy-dependent metabolic processes in the body" ("The choice of drug therapy for hemorrhoids").

We already wrote on our website that Actovegin and Solcoseryl contribute to better supply of oxygen and glucose, which is so necessary for a sick body. Actovegin increases the "activity of enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation" and activates "microcirculation in tissues".

Up to eighty percent of the world's population is facing problems associated with hemorrhoids.
It should be understood how serious this disease is: in advanced form, hemorrhoids can become one of the causes of cancer of the rectum!

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